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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Moms for Liberty talk to the President of El Salvador. More information than the 60 minutes 'job'
  2. More from the actual program, for those intelligent enough to wonder. More from the Actual @60Minutes Transcript Scott Pelley: You bring up ideology, but you don't wanna talk about it. Your Twitter site brings up grooming and you don't wanna talk about that. And what your critics say is that you're trying to impose your values on all of the parents and schools in this country. Tina Descovich: So I addressed the ideology. So I'm gonna take this one because I addressed the ideology for you to say that we don't want to address it is fake. Scott Pelley: What ideologies do you disagree with? That was the question. Tina Descovich: Yeah, and I answered that, I said Children, parents do not want their Children, let me rephrase that clearer. Parents do not want their Children learning that they can change their gender in kindergarten through third grade. 70% of parents, we know that because of the polling. Parents do not want gender… Scott Pelley: So to be clear, transgender ideology is something you disagree to? Tiffany Justice: Gender ideology has no place in American public schools, no place. Tina Descovich: 70% of American parents agree with that. They want their Children to learn to read, write, do math, history and science. They don't want…. Scott Pelley: 30% of American parents, according to your statistic, who want that kind of teaching in their school.
  3. Reminder: .
  4. LOL, what a shock. Even in their 'official' release 60 minutes misrepresents what Moms for Liberty wants. Quite the giveaway.
  5. Plenty of people on the other side also, but B.S. is foaming at the mouth
  6. Perhaps Scott Campbell should read some more, beore throwing all the lemmings into a frenzy.
  7. 4 to 8 year olds. Keep pretending its alright because you want to appear progressive. What is YOUR answer to this question ?
  8. From the ACTUAL transcript: @ScottPelley I'll ask this as simply as I can. What ideologies do you find troubling? Tina Descovich: I was just saying that your question was about fear. And if this is a fear based movement? I feel like that's a misnomer. This is a fact based movement. Parents are joining us in droves because they open the backpacks, they see the lessons, the light bulb goes off and they say "what in the world is happening?" I thought my child was being taught to read. I thought my child was learning this or that. And then they have a lesson in, in kindergarten or first grade that tells them they can choose their gender. They can be a boy or a girl. And when did that happen? I wasn't taught that in school, guessing you weren’t taught that in school. So at what year did that change? And what year was that interjected? And so parents are now awake and so they take time out of their busy lives, raising their kids, going to work, attending soccer games, doing all the things parents do. They don't wanna be at school board meetings, they don't wanna be filing public records requests, but they're very concerned. You can call it ideology, you can call it whatever you wanna call it. But what got interjected and when, why, why would someone want to teach my five year old that he could be a boy or a girl, neither or both and they can change. That's notsomething I believe is true. Let's stick to the facts. Let's stick to what everyone agrees is the facts. @Moms4Liberty
  9. What Moms for Liberty is really about. More from the actual transcript: @ScottPelley The@splcenterSouthern Poverty Law Center has described you as extremists. Tina Descovich: They've described us as anti-government extremists. Tiffany just got finished telling you that we endorsed in 500 school board races last year. We used the process to be involved in our government, the way American citizens were meant to be involved. Tiffany and I served for four years on school boards. We gave four years of our lives to serve our community in an elected capacity. To be part of the government for solutions. One of our principles is to hold elected officials accountable. That doesn't make you an anti-government extremist. Speaking in front of your government telling them they are doing a poor job and they need to fix it, that is absolutely American.
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