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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Supreme Court wants $19.4 million in new funds to protect the justices and their homes Maureen Groppe, USA TODAY The Supreme Court has asked Congress for an extra $19.4 million for security to deal with “evolving risks” and a change in how the justices’ homes are protected, according to the office that administers the federal courts system. The office’s 2025 budget request for the Supreme Court includes 33 new positions to boost protection for the nine justices as threats against the judiciary have increased in recent years. “Ongoing threat assessments indicated that there are evolving risks that require continuous protection,” the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts wrote in its request to Congress. Increased funds are also needed to allow the Supreme Court Police to take over around the clock protection of the justices’ residences from the U.S. Marshals Service, the office said. https://www.yahoo.com/news/supreme-court-wants-19-4-165724843.html
  2. Of course, that’s not the only way to goose the numbers lower: Biden Admin admits it secretly flew 320,000 “asylum seekers” into US (in 2023 alone) to reduce numbers at the border. https://notthebee.com/article/biden-admin-admits-in-lawsuit-that-they-have-flown-hundreds-of-thousands-of-illegal-aliens-into-the-us-to-reduce-numbers-at-border https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13155765/biden-illegal-migrant-flying-program-national-security-vulnerability.html https://cis.org/Bensman/Government-Admission-Biden-Parole-Flights-Create-Security-Vulnerabilities-US-Airports .
  3. Is Bidenomics Working? Rhetoric vs. Reality. What’s interesting here is that Americans for Prosperity managed to buy the Bidenomics.com domain because apparently the White House never bothered to. https://www.bidenomics.com/ .
  4. It's alright. Moms for Liberty taped the WHOLE interview and have provided what CBS selectively edited out. Only the lemmings are fooled '60 Minutes' Airs Hit Piece on Moms for Liberty and 'Books Bans' That Reeks of Bias By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell A 60 Minutes segment featuring Moms for Liberty co-founders Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich aired on Sunday, to much controversy. Titled "97 Books," correspondent Scott Pelley outlined the “growing trend of right-wing book bans.” No bias there, whatsoever. Pelley grilled the co-founders of the organization about their campaign to remove books from school libraries that they deemed offensive, and why they insist on using the term "groomer" to describe people who insist children should have access to these books. The interview went as expected: Pelley produced the legacy media hit job with closed-ended questions and narrative massaging cuts and lead-ins. https://redstate.com/jenniferoo/2024/03/04/cbs-60-minutes-brought-a-knife-to-a-gunfight-with-moms-for-liberty-and-regrets-doing-so-n2170911 I encourage you to read the entire article for the truth, I know that it is too long for PPP's poorer posters. .
  5. Everything But the Skirt — WaPo and NY Times in Helpful Cheerleader Mode for Biden's SOTU STEPHEN KRUISER There is a popular game on social media lately that asks people to explain that they are something without mentioning the something. I'll use "went to high school in the '70s" as an example. "Tell me you went to high school in the '70s without telling me that you went to high school in the '70s." I would then respond with something like a picture of me in a powder blue prom tux that had lapels you could land a 747 on. The Democrats' flying monkeys in the mainstream media are currently acting like the respondents in a version of the game that starts with, "Tell me the idiot president you're propping up is senile without telling me that the idiot president you're propping up is senile." President LOLEightyonemillion's handlers are busy this week trying to get him ready for an extended reunion with his former best friend, Tel E. Prompter, as they gear up for the State of the Union address. Like almost every American outside of the Swamp, I would much prefer that we go old school and go back to having the SOTU be a written address that's delivered by hand. Instead, we're stuck with what amounts to a talking points awards show for the party that has the White House at the time. The 2023 SOTU was probably the last time that Biden's medical team was able to hit the sweet spot with his dosage of public appearance uppers. He was able to appear lifelike for over an hour and read the 'prompter like someone who at least studied a little in school when he wasn't plagiarizing. It's a tall order for them to pull that off again. In the past year, Biden's coherence shelf life during public appearances has been constantly revised downward. There aren't that many minutes before he lapses into the slurring gibberish that has practically become his native tongue. The sequel to 2023 is going to be "Grease 2," not "Godfather Part II." There have been so many "Rah, rah, Joe!" offerings in the MSM recently that I can almost hear pom-poms shaking in the background when I read The New York Times or The Washington Post. Even when the articles do offer some kernels of unavoidable truth about the desiccated-husk-in-chief, those kernels are couched in oniony layers of delusion. A prime example is this article in the Times that interviews some of Joe Biden's "superfans." The writers — it took more than one to hunt down these people — admit that the superfans group is not a big one. They then rattle off every boondoggle piece of legislation that's been passed since Biden has been in office and unquestioningly treat it all as policy brilliance. https://pjmedia.com/stephen-kruiser/2024/03/04/everything-but-the-skirt-wapo-and-ny-times-in-helpful-cheerleader-mode-for-bidens-sotu-n4926985
  6. US to Sell Off Entire Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve Newsweek, by Aleks Phillips The sale of the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve is among the provisions intended to raise funds in one of six bills setting out appropriations for some federal departments this year after Congress narrowly avoided another shutdown last week. [Snip] "Upon the complete of such sale, the Secretary [of Energy] shall carry out the closure of the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve," the bill states, and "may not establish any new regional petroleum product reserve unless funding of the proposed regional petroleum product reserve is explicitly requested in advance in an annual budget." https://www.newsweek.com/us-sell-northeast-gasoline-supply-reserve-1875538
  7. Ukraine crisis: Transcript of leaked Nuland-Pyatt call An apparently bugged phone conversation in which a senior US diplomat disparages the EU over the Ukraine crisis has been posted online. The alleged conversation between Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, appeared on YouTube https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26079957 .
  8. CIA in Ukraine: Why is this not seen as provocation? An explosive new NYT report shows how Washington needlessly fed into Russia’s worst fears and precipitated the invasion, justified or not MARK EPISKOPOS The White House’s messaging on the Ukraine war is built around two simple-yet-powerful adjectives: “We are united in our condemnation,” said President Joe Biden almost two years ago in a joint statement with EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, “of Russia’s unjustified and unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine.” The “unjustified and unprovoked” line has been used numerous times by a chorus of top U.S. officials and allies, quickly becoming a rhetorical mainstay of Biden’s maximum pressure campaign against the Kremlin. This messaging conflates two important, yet fundamentally different issues. There is little question that Russia’s invasion has wrought a horrific human toll on Ukraine and upended European security in ways that few anticipated prior to February 2022. But it is also not without its context, which includes a litany of grievances that — however unjustified from the perspective of the West — constitute what the Kremlin saw as sufficient provocation to initiate the most destructive war in Europe since 1945. An explosive New York Times exposé by Adam Entous and Michael Schwirtz sheds light on major developments preceding the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. According to the report, the Ukrainian government entered into a wide-ranging partnership with the CIA against Russia. This cooperation, which involved the establishment of as many as 12 secret CIA “forward operating bases” along Ukraine’s border with Russia, began not with Russia’s 2022 invasion, but just over 10 years ago. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/cia-ukraine-russia/
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