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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Charles Barkley Explains Why Black Voters Are Ditching the Democrats MATT MARGOLIS We’ve been documenting Joe Biden’s problems with nonwhite voters for a long time now. Despite his constant pandering to minorities, he’s been bleeding support from this once reliably Democrat voting bloc. Despite winning 87% of the black vote in the 2020 election, recent polling from USA Today and Suffolk University shows that only 63% of black voters are supporting Biden in 2024. This trend is consistent with other polls highlighting a diminishing level of support for Biden among various minority groups that threaten his chances of winning in November. "The data show the Democratic Party retaining advantages among people of color and young adults, but in 2023 it was in a weaker position among these groups than at any point in the past quarter century," Gallup noted last month. "Democrats’ reduced support among Black and Hispanic adults should be especially concerning for the party, given Republicans’ continued strength among White adults, who remain the majority of the electorate." Why is this happening? Of course, a big part of it is that Americans from all backgrounds remember that things were a lot better during the Trump years and would like to return to that. But there’s another reason why Trump is appealing to black voters, according to former NBA star and current CNN host Charles Barkley. “The reason I think the Democratic Party and Mr. Biden, President Biden, is losing black votes is they only care about black people every four years,” Barkley said. https://pjmedia.com/matt-margolis/2024/03/07/charles-barkley-explains-why-black-voters-are-ditching-the-democrats-n4927098 .
  2. Good Luck Ted. Ted Cruz Campaign Launches "Democrats for Cruz" Coalition KAREN TOWNSEND https://hotair.com/karen-townsend/2024/03/07/ted-cruz-campaign-launches-democrats-for-cruz-coalition-n3784260 .
  3. BIDEN TO OPEN GAZA PORT Politico reports that President Biden has a big announcement to make tonight. During his State of the Union address, he will order the military to establish a temporary port in Gaza so more humanitarian aid can get to Palestinians in need. Enough with the airdrops, or to supplement the airdrops. We’re going in big time to keep Hamas in business. It’s not clear to me if this slam comes from the administration sources briefing Politico, but it sounds like it: “The U.S. is resorting to this military mission because Israel isn’t letting in enough aid to alleviate the humanitarian crisis caused by the Israel-Hamas war plaguing 2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza.” And then we have this: “Planning for the maritime corridor [to supply the port] still faces many execution challenges, namely how to offload, secure and distribute the aid.” Hamas will lend a hand. Of that we can be sure. They are still working out the details, but you can’t be too cynical: “Arguably the hardest part is dispersing the aid throughout the whole of Gaza. The multinational coalition will rely on the United Nations, non-governmental organizations and other groups to ensure the assistance gets to the right places.” It’s good to know they will have the friends of Hamas within the UN on board with the plan. It only makes sense. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/03/biden-to-resupply-hamas-directly.php
  4. CRINGE. Who thinks feels that things like this are helpful ?
  5. Thank you. That is the considerate way to reply to his bullspit posts.
  6. Oh no !! The republican party has people actively promoting it's causes ! This changes everything. LOL Meanwhile:
  7. This can't be true ?
  8. Enough franks squirrels, 🦫 Back to the thread.
  9. Ugh, she's awful.
  10. C'mon man ! Who's side are you on ?
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