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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Of course their first names are unusual. Right ? .
  2. Media SPIN aside. THIS is what Americans saw. .
  3. BIDENOMICS IS WORKING: US salaries are falling. Employers say compensation is just ‘resetting.’ The tightening labour market has left US workers with fewer options than just years earlier. Beginning 2020, employers boosted salaries to new heights to attract talent to a deluge of open roles. But amid an uncertain economy, employers have pulled back from new hires and cut jobs. “There is now less competition to hire workers – and therefore less need to boost wages,” says Nick Bunker, US-based director of North American Economic Research at Indeed. “Job postings have dropped quite a bit, while the supply of workers has grown.” https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20240306-slowing-us-wage-growth-lower-salaries .
  4. Beyond parody. Hamas Leader Says No One Expected Israel's Response to October 7 to Be So Barbaric We don't know who the interviewer is, but we thank him profusely for asking the question we've been asking since October 7 … what exactly did Hamas expect afterward? They had a plan to invade Israel, slaughter 1,200 innocent civilians, and take literal babies hostage. What was the next step of the plan? What was on the schedule for October 8? They'd claimed they'd been planning the attack for two years … they must have expected consequences. Senior Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzouk obviously knew Israel would retaliate, but nobody in the whole world expected them to be so barbaric. The people who cut off heads, burned people alive and raped corpses couldn't imagine the Israelis being so barbaric. https://twitchy.com/brettt/2024/03/07/hamas-leader-says-no-one-expected-israels-response-to-october-7-to-be-so-barbaric-n2393734
  5. LOL. Prof: Universities Are Unprepared for a GOP Administration That Will 'Defund Grievance Studies' https://twitchy.com/brettt/2024/03/07/prof-universities-are-unprepared-for-a-gop-administration-that-will-defund-grievance-studies-n2393735
  6. To put it more succinctly, had Donald Trump given that speech, it would have been reported as the darkest, angriest, most improper State of the Union in history. It wouldn't be described as "fiery." It'd be described as a threat to the very foundation of the nation. Biden delivered it, though, so it's all fine. Everything is fine. Don't believe your lying eyes. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/03/08/the-press-talking-points-have-gone-out-on-bidens-sotu-n2171105
  7. A BEST-CASE SOTU By John Hindraker Whatever Doctor Feelgood is operating in the White House these days injected Joe Biden with whatever cocktail that enabled him to yell nonstop for over an hour last night. And that is a good thing. Before the speech, my wife, with her usual knack for getting at the heart of things, said that we should be rooting for Biden to get through the speech. Because if he collapsed midway in, the Democrats would be able to replace him on the ticket. And in truth, the only question last night was not whether Biden would give a good speech, or whether he would convince anyone not already committed to voting against Donald Trump, but whether he would remain upright. We conservatives should be glad that he did, as he now continues his march toward the nomination as one of the very few Democrats Donald Trump might actually beat. So thanks, Doc. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/03/a-best-case-sotu.php
  8. THE SOTU FROM HELL By Scott Johnson The comedian Richard Lewis, of blessed memory, is credited with the formulation “the x from hell.” Having watched President Biden’s State of the Union Address last night in order to comment on it this morning, I found it to be the SOTU from hell. Thank you, Mr. Lewis. The White House has posted the text of the speech “as prepared for delivery.” That isn’t exactly how he gave it. You have to see it to get the full flavor. I have posted the White House video at the bottom. Herewith are my impressions of Biden’s delivery and my observations on the speech in the form of bullet points: • The Democrats in the audience broke out in cheers of “Four more years.” You have got to be kidding. Let me begin with a prediction. Even if Biden wins reelection to another term this coming November, he will not be giving four more State of the Union addresses. No way no how. • This was a terrible speech terribly delivered. It’s a good thing no drug test was required before the address. Biden sounded hopped up. He spoke too fast. He slurred his words. He was frequently difficult to understand. He shouted a variety of clichés and shibboleths as though we might otherwise miss their depth and meaning. The disparity between the shibboleths and the shouting was almost funny. • To whom was this speech addressed? The opening reflected the poor judgment of Biden’s daycare minders in the White House. As I heard it, the country needs to be protected from two threats: Russia and Donald Trump (“my predecessor”). • This SOTU was a nakedly partisan campaign speech. I have to think that viewers lacking the persuasion of Democratic partisans were quickly turned off. In any event, the speech was a disgrace. • And that’s not all. The speech was also disjointed and telegraphic. It covered everything from potato chips to computer chips More at the link: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/03/the-sotu-from-hell.php .
  9. 'Disinformation' Isn't Causing Trump's Poll Bounce with Black Voters ANDREW ORLOWSKI FTA: Trump’s poll numbers have started to worry the Democrats. They are fretting that they can no longer rely on what were once seen as a loyal voting bloc. But then, why should these voters be loyal to the Democrats? ‘Progressive’ politicians have patronised ethnic-minority voters for decades. They have treated them as docile constituencies who should be grateful for some occasional attention from their social superiors. In recent years, working-class voters of all races have been driven away from the Democrats. As Joel Kotkin argued recently on spiked, ever since Bill Clinton embraced economic liberalism, and Obama aligned his party with Silicon Valley and Wall Street, the Democrats have been morphing into the party of the new oligarchs. https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/03/07/dont-blame-disinformation-for-trumps-poll-bounce/#google_vignette
  10. My two cents. .
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