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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Satire ? .
  2. Biden and Trump clinch nominations, setting the stage for a grueling general election rematch Associated Press News, by Steve Peoples President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump clinched their parties’ presidential nominations Tuesday with decisive victories in a slate of low-profile primaries, setting up a general election rematch that many voters do not want. The outcome of contests across Georgia, Mississippi and Washington state was never in doubt. Neither Biden, a Democrat, nor Trump, a Republican, faced major opposition. But the magnitude of their wins gave each man the delegate majority he needed to claim his party’s nomination at the summertime national conventions. Not even halfway through the presidential primary calendar, Tuesday marked a crystalizing moment for a nation uneasy with its choices in 2024. https://apnews.com/article/trump-biden-primary-georgia-washington-mississippi-hawaii-15bb0084ad656903ffef14cfae822abd?
  3. Rand Paul: Proposed TikTok ban ‘makes no sense’ BY SARAH FORTINSKY https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4527989-rand-paul-proposed-tiktok-ban-makes-no-sense/
  4. Concern over the China controlled TikTok is correct. However, what Congress is pulling is NOT the way to go. . . . . . . . . . . it's not even a ban really. Here’s what’s actually going on with the TikTok fight right now. Deep State toadies are taking advantage of anti-China sentiment to transfer TikTok’s surveillance apparatus from China’s evil surveillance state to the U.S. government’s evil surveillance state. TikTok isn’t going to be banned, because neither the CCP-run Chinese government nor the CCP-owned U.S. government wants to lose such a valuable tool for spying on Americans and poisoning the minds of their children. Instead, the corrupt U.S. intelligence bureaucracy wants control of TikTok, which is why it included the divestment mandate. Only a handful of U.S. companies are capable of buying and managing TikTok, and they already function as appendages of the Deep State surveillance apparatus. It’s not that the U.S. government wants to protect you from spying and data theft and manipulation. If only. No, the people behind the Russian collusion hoax, and the Kavanaugh hoax, and the natural origin COVID hoax, and the illegal warrantless spying, and the forced transing of your children —they want to be the ones spying on you and stealing your data and poisoning the minds of your children. For additional paragraphs, push the Show More link
  5. HarrisX/Forbes Poll: SOTU Didn't Help Biden, and Currently Is Losing DAVID STROM President Biden's State of the Union address was portrayed as a great opportunity for Biden to address the concerns the American public has about his competence and mental capacity to be president. Despite absolutely glowing media reviews, the speech has helped Biden's electoral prospects as much as Madame Web has helped Sony Pictures' bottom line. https://hotair.com/david-strom/2024/03/12/harvardharris-sotu-didnt-help-biden-and-currently-is-losing-n3784545
  6. Biden Lied -- About Everything DAVID HARSANYI FTA: Much of the conversation with Hur is littered with barely incoherent answers and spiraling word salads. Though, the reader is occasionally entertained by Biden’s blowhard-y non-sequiturs. We learn about Biden’s Corvette — twice. We learn that the president is a frustrated architect but an excellent archer. Biden jokes that there might be risqué pictures of Dr. First Lady Jill Biden. Then again, the fact that the entire two-day interview isn’t a giant nonsensical rant is not as impressive as his defenders might believe. The president is, indeed, completely coherent at times. And those are the times he’s probably lying. ... So, the fact remains that there are two ways to look at the Hur report. Either the president lacks the mental acuity to be charged for breaking the law, or he should be charged for breaking the law. Pick one. https://thefederalist.com/2024/03/12/turns-out-biden-lied-about-hur-beau-and-why-he-pilfered-classified-documents/ .
  7. Exactly as I stated. Biden's SOTU Not the Win the Media Thought It Was SALENA ZITO FTA: However, in sitting with several voters whose presidential choices have been all over the place for the past 20 years, with some of them jumping from George W. Bush to Obama to Trump to Biden, the president’s comportment did not come off as strength. Instead, many of them felt they were being yelled at. Intellectually, they all understood why Biden needed to project vigor. They also all agreed that vigor and yelling are not the same thing. These suburban Philadelphia voters say former President Donald Trump’s comportment is a bridge too far for them, but they also don’t care much for Biden either. Where their votes go, they have no idea, but if you are a Democratic strategist sitting at home and thought Biden’s performance shored up this voting bloc, you might want to go back to the drawing board. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columnists/2916923/bidens-speech-not-the-win-political-class-thought-it-was/ .
  8. Things Just Got a Lot Worse for Joe Biden. Last month, the Hur report found that Joe Biden willfully retained, mishandled, and disclosed classified information but determined that he was essentially too senile to stand trial. According to the report, Biden struggled to remember details, and he couldn’t remember when his son Beau died. Joe Biden angrily defended his memory in his unplanned address and attacked Special Counsel Robert Hur for bringing up Beau during his interview during the investigation, which managed to make things worse for him. “There’s even a reference that I don’t remember when my son died,” Biden said. “How in the hell dare he raise that? Frankly, when I was asked the question, I thought to myself, it wasn’t any of their damn business.” Except that Hur didn’t bring it up. Biden did. https://pjmedia.com/matt-margolis/2024/03/12/hur-transcript-released-things-just-got-a-lot-worse-for-joe-biden-n4927224#google_vignette .
  9. Student sues Fairfax, Va. schools over transgender policy https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2024/03/07/fairfax-transgender-student-policy-lawsuit/
  10. Chris Murphy Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: Confesses Class Warfare Is the Only Way Democrats Can Win Democrats really ought to put a muzzle on Chris Murphy. The Connecticut senator hasn't been doing them any favors lately. Recently, he has claimed that violence and crime by illegal immigrants is a 'right-wing invention' ... just days after Laken Riley's murder. Following up on that, he lied so badly about Joe Biden 'reforming' the border that even ABC News' Jonathan Karl called him out on it. Ouch. When you've lost ABC ... Earlier today, Murphy once again stepped on all the rakes as he tweeted out a 'study' and claimed that what the research told him was that the only way Democrats can win is by demagoguing about class warfare and sowing division among Americans. https://twitchy.com/grateful-calvin/2024/03/12/chris-murphy-confesses-that-class-warfare-is-the-only-way-democrats-can-win-n2393902 .
  11. Biden's polling goes down after SOTU.
  12. Consumer prices rose 0.4% in February and 3.2% from a year ago. “Inflation rose again in February, keeping the Federal Reserve on course to wait at least until the summer before starting to lower interest rates.” https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/12/cpi-inflation-report-february-2024-.html I’m so old, I remember when inflation was imaginary, transitory, over with already, and a high-class problem to have. .
  13. Fortunately it won't matter in November what they do. A week after primaries in California and they still haven't counted all the votes American Thinker ^ | 12 Mar, 2024 | Monica Showalter "Count all the votes!" as the lefties liked to say loudly. That was their justification for mass mail-in ballots in California, ballot-harvesting by illegals, and extended voting for weeks and weeks. Election Day? No, election month. They said it was to expand the franchise to "marginalized communities" and raise turnout. Curiously, turnout has now hit a near-record low in a presidential primary year as this Secretary of State supplied data makes clear. Before these new "innovations" were enacted, mostly in the era of COVID, it was not unusual to have turnout in such years in the 70% range. Today, they got ... 34%, just slightly above 2022's 33.2%, which wasn't a presidential primary election year. Now we're onto the extended counting. Count all the votes! Except that they're not counting all the votes, they've got better things to do with their time than count ballots. According to CalMatters: The latest official tally from the Secretary of State’s office shows that more than 5.8 million ballots have been counted from California’s primary, with 1.7 million still to go. Based on today’s updated umbers, the total of 7.5 million votes means a turnout of about 34%, well below the norm for presidential primaries, but not the record low that some analysts projected based on early numbers. It also means that it’s going to be a while before some results are finalized, likely amplifying complaints that it takes too long to count votes in California. While voting by mail has been happening for a month, as long as ballots were postmarked by last Tuesday and they arrive at elections offices by this Tuesday, they will be counted. As expected, the votes being counted after primary day are trending more Democratic and younger. (Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/03/a_week_after_primary_day_in_california_and_they_still_havent_counted_all_the_votes.html
  14. More: Schiff's turn to be humiliated. Schiff Attacked Special Counsel Hur for Reporting Biden’s Failing Memory. Here’s What Happened Next. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/madelineleesman/2024/03/12/hur-hearing-n2636392 .
  15. Never-Trumpers trying to give the Democrats the majority in the House before the election. Republican Rep. Ken Buck is leaving Congress, further eroding GOP majority NBC | 3/12/24 Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) said Tuesday he will resign from Congress later this month rather than serve out the remainder of his term through 2024. Why it matters: The surprise announcement will cause House Republicans' already razor thin majority to dwindle even further (Excerpt) Read more at nbcnews.com ...https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/republican-rep-ken-buck-leaving-congress-eroding-gop-majority-rcna143046 ,
  16. Inflation Unexpectedly Higher in February Than Economists and White House Predicted Inflation gave Team Bidenomics a swift kick in the pants. It rose by 0.4% in February, the highest monthly increase since September, pushing the year-to-year rate to 3.2%, compared to 3.1% for the January year-to-year rate. Economists had expected a 3.1% year-to-year rate in February. https://redstate.com/streiff/2024/03/12/inflation-unexpectedly-higher-in-february-than-economists-and-white-house-predicted-n2171273 https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/12/cpi-inflation-report-february-2024-.html .
  17. You KNOW the Hur Report Must Be REALLY BAD for Biden Because Jerry Nadler of Course 'Went THERE' Sounds like Jerry thinks Biden should be charged since, you know, he supposedly has the mental acuity to navigate the situation. Watch: Imagine being angry that they charged Trump and not Biden. We got nothin'. And ironically, neither does Jerry. https://twitchy.com/samj/2024/03/12/you-know-the-hur-report-must-be-really-bad-for-biden-because-jerry-nadler-of-course-went-there-watch-n2393889
  18. LOL. And We Thought NADLER Was Bad: Jamie Raskin Goes Full CONSPIRACY Nut While Interviewing Hur About Biden Say what now? Democrat and all-around loon, Rep. Jamie Raskin, seems to think the entire Biden classified documents scandal is actually a plot to keep America from sending more aid to Ukraine. No, really. https://twitchy.com/samj/2024/03/12/and-we-thought-nadler-was-bad-jamie-raskin-hur-n2393893 .
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