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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. https://twitter.com/WokelyCorrect/status/1769366010799530424? .
  2. Back to the thread: Trump Warns of a 'Bloodbath' if He's Not Elected. The Reaction Is Exactly What Trump Was Looking For RICK MORAN Donald Trump pulled his "Charlie Brown and Lucy Disappearing Football Trick" at a rally in Ohio on Saturday. And like Charlie Brown, Joe Biden and the media fell for it again. Trump was railing against auto imports, promising a “100% tariff” on cars made outside the US. “We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those guys if I get elected,” Trump said. “Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole – that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it.” Is Trump really saying if he isn't elected, there will be a "bloodbath"? Joe Biden thinks so. His campaign released a statement claiming Trump wants – you guessed it – "another January 6.” I'm sure Trump is grateful to Biden for the advice on how to win the campaign. But Donald Trump wasn't threatening "political violence." He was talking about autoworkers being hurt by foreign competition. Isn't it amazing how both Trump and Biden see "the end of democracy" if the other wins? If Biden can say it, why not Trump? “He wants another January 6, but the American people are going to give him another electoral defeat this November because they continue to reject his extremism, his affection for violence, and his thirst for revenge,” the Biden campaign statement reads. "Affection" for violence? Wow. Just wow. Biden and the left fall into Trump's briar patch every time. Don't they ever look at the polls? No one is listening to their "warnings." No one is paying attention to their predictable attacks. They're writing and speaking for an audience already predisposed to hate Donald Trump and to fear him. They're not making any converts. They're only driving people out of the political process altogether or into the arms of Trump. https://pjmedia.com/rick-moran/2024/03/17/trump-warns-of-a-bloodbath-if-hes-not-elected-the-reaction-is-exactly-what-trump-was-looking-for-n4927387 .
  3. Of course, the discussion of a tariff is not the subject of the thread. Rather the media's and leftists deliberate lying about what Donald Trump said. But, since it cannot be denied, lemmings like Frank try and change that subject. Typical. .
  4. How Yesterday's Trenton Police Siege Ended, And Why the Liberal Media Will Ignore It Matt Vespa There was a spree killing by an assailant armed with an AR-15 rifle, but the media attention will evaporate by Monday for an obvious reason: it doesn’t fit the narrative. Meanwhile, it doesn’t make this story any less disturbing or tragic. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2024/03/17/trenton-was-the-site-of-a-police-siege-yesterday-but-the-liberal-media-will-bury-it-n2636594 .
  5. 'Hoax-Making in Progress': You Know Biden/Media Are Panicking With Latest Fake Story Pushed About Trump By Nick Arama I have a basic rule of thumb: Any time you hear a wild story about former President Donald Trump where the media is claiming he said something/did something outrageous, wait 48 hours, and then the spin or the truth on the matter will be revealed. We've seen the fake stories before, like the "fine people" hoax. Joe Biden is still spreading that lie to this day when he talks about his reasons for running for office. On Saturday, you could watch the making of a hoax in real time. In the latest fake story that the media, the Biden campaign, and their fellow travelers are pushing about Trump, we don't even have to wait that long, as the lie is obvious from the in-context video. {snip} But so far, none of the major posts spreading the hoax have gotten a Community Note, so that's a problem. That is a very helpful system for blowing up such fakery. At this point, the left knows they're in trouble, so they're going to go all in against Trump, even with easily debunked lies, because they know there are so many people who will never check or who will just accept the lie. And they have nothing else at this point to help their doddering Biden over the finish line. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2024/03/17/you-know-biden-and-the-liberal-media-are-in-a-panic-with-latest-fake-story-theyre-pushing-about-trump-n2171492 .
  6. Post Columnist Calls on Kamala Harris to Step Aside, Quickly Learns Why You Can't Do That JOHN SEXTON This isn't the first time a columnist has made this suggestion. David Ignatius suggested it as a back up plan to Biden himself stepping down last September. In any case, it's true that Harris has been a disappointment which is why you don't see her much. Her approval rating is as low or lower than Biden's own approval rating. So if the party is committed to going with Biden which it is at this point, they could at least get a shot in the arm by picking someone else as VP who seems more up to the job of stepping in if something were to happen to Biden. It's possible to imagine an alternate reality where Democrats are able to a) admit they have a problem and b) turn the solution into a plus for the campaign. But that alternate reality isn't where we live as Kathleen Parker found out. In the 24 hours since her column was published, it has received comments from 10,141 readers, a majority of whom just wanted to let her know that she is a racist and a misogynist. A sample: Blatant racism. Why is the Post publishing such? Fire that writer and ban her from these pages what an awful misogynistic, racist piece of smelliness Shame on you, your true colors are showing. This is racism. Why did you publish this, WaPo? Fire this creature. Like most republican women, Kathleen Parker hates women and the rights of women. Careful, your southern plantation views are showing Why is this racist disgusting piece of recycled hits on the veep WaPo's number one featured opinion????? Is this the Washington Post or Fox "News"?? Such an ugly piece. I expect the sexism from the boy's club but it is painful to see it internalized like this. What's the matter, Kathleen. Is she a bit too black? What a sexist, racist, rant. I could go on and on but you get the idea. For a tremendous number of Democrats, the suggestion that Harris hasn't done a great job and wouldn't be a great president is racist, sexist BS that should immediately lead to the person who spoke up being fired or silenced. This is the party of identity politics. The most amusing part of all this is that people seem to be mostly outraged by the idea that Biden picked Harris "because she was Black and female." But as Parker points out, Joe Biden publicly promised to pick a woman VP before he selected her. This was not a secret. https://hotair.com/john-s-2/2024/03/16/post-columnist-calls-on-kamala-harris-to-step-aside-quickly-learns-why-you-cant-do-that-n3784830
  7. Seems pretty typical Biden behavior to me. What Biden Did With Aides Connected to Classified Docs After Hur Report Release Is Raising Big Questions By Nick Arama One of the things that has been most shameful about Joe Biden's classified documents scandal was how he said he didn't have any idea how the docs got all over his house and in his offices. He has tried to blame his staff, including during his interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur's team. That's just ridiculous as an excuse -- the documents were all over his house and his offices, even his garage. Not to mention that he had material from when he was in the Senate. So this has been going on for decades. Plus, he had notes with some of the classified documents, and he told his ghostwriter about the classified documents in 2017. The common element there is Joe Biden. Not some staffer. But it's typical Joe Biden who never wants to take responsibility for anything he does wrong and there were all kinds of problems with his actions here. It turns out that within 24 hours of the release of Special Counsel Robert Hur's report, Joe Biden promoted two of the aides whose names came up in regard to the classified documents. What a coincidence. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2024/03/16/biden-promotes-aides-connected-to-movement-of-classified-docs-n2171476 .
  8. ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ My mistake. "Full-on Panic" .
  9. I have no problem with him "teaching" (Free Speech), but his onerous views should common knowledge, (Consequence) Ivy League University Allowing Antisemitic Cartoonist to Teach Fall Course Because of Course It Is https://redstate.com/jeffc/2024/03/16/ivy-league-university-allows-anti-semitic-cartoonist-to-teach-fall-course-because-of-course-it-is-n2171483 .
  10. I can just imagine the wailing (and misinterpretations) for this post. Be Afraid, But More Importantly Be Armed: Citizens Will Be Best First-Line Defense Against Terrorists Coming Across Border. FBI Director Christopher Wray must be frustrated. He issued one of the strongest terrorism warnings earlier this week, but few seemed to notice and even fewer seemed to care. Instead, the legacy media remained fixated on the testimony of former special counsel Robert K. Hur, who concluded that Joe Biden committed multiple federal crimes but was too incompetent to stand trial. While Hur’s findings were certainly newsworthy, they were not news. Most of the country already knew Old Yeller’s best days are behind him. Wray’s warning, however, was dire. He told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that known or suspected terrorists were infiltrating the country across the wide-open southern border using counterfeit documents. One of the smuggling networks, he said, has ties to ISIS. Add to this the thousands of unknown border crossers from countries that hate us, and the more than 80,000 military-age males from China, and you have a terrorist hellbroth just waiting to bubble over. “The threats from homegrown violent extremists that is jihadist-inspired, extremists, domestic violent extremists, foreign terrorist organizations and state-sponsored terrorist organizations all being elevated at one time since October 7, though, that threat has gone to a whole other level,” Wray said. “And so, this is a time I think for much greater vigilance.” We should thank Director Wray for his timely information and for his candor. This is precisely why we have fought so long and so hard to restore our Second Amendment rights, so that law-abiding Americans no longer have to bend a knee and beg the Crown to sell them back their constitutional rights in the form of a permit to carry defensive arms. Constitutional carry levels the playing field, making it easier for the good guys and gals to lawfully carry arms. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/be-afraid-but-more-importantly-be-armed-citizens-will-be-best-first-line-defense-against-terrorists-coming-across-border/
  11. 🤔 Hmmmm What would be the word for when a poster bumps 8 of his own threads in less than 20 minutes. Oh ! I know. PANIC !! LOL.
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