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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. THIS IS MY SHOCKED FACE: House Report: J6 Committee Hid Troves Of Records And Testimony Undermining Democrat Conspiracies. House investigators found that the J6 committee deleted troves of information, including ‘hundreds of video recordings.’ Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., revealed gross abuses by the Democrats’ partisan Jan. 6 select committee in a new report on Monday. Loudermilk, whose Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight spent the prior year reviewing the work of the select committee led by then-Rep. and committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney, found the J6 probe covered up critical evidence that undermined the Democrats’ narratives amid the 2022 midterms. “For nearly two years former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s January 6th Select Committee promoted hearsay and cherry-picked information to promote its political goal — to legislatively prosecute former President Donald Trump,” Loudermilk said. “It was no surprise that the Select Committee’s final report focused primarily on former President Trump and his supporters, not the security failures and reforms needed to ensure the United States Capitol is safer today than in 2021.” Loudermilk’s subcommittee detailed the investigation’s initial findings this week, over a year after a separate Republican review of the Capitol security failures on Jan. 6, 2021, found Pelosi culpable for turning down requests to preemptively call in the National Guard. https://thefederalist.com/2024/03/12/house-report-j6-committee-hid-troves-of-records-and-testimony-undermining-democrat-conspiracies/ .
  2. As most of us stated. Biden’s "Fiery" Speech Was Not the Win the Political Class Thought It Was. DELAWARE COUNTY, Pennsylvania -- It is a bit jarring to observe the divide between what the legacy press, Democrats and cable news hosts observed when they watched President Joe Biden's State of the Union address, and how persuadable voters of both Republican and Democratic leanings reacted. On the day after the speech, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said Biden gave "his best speech of his presidency by far. ... Strongest speech, and, most importantly, for people that were thinking, 'Oh, he's too old. He's too that, man' ... he gave a lot more than he got." CNN's Stephen Collinson wrote that Biden "projected vigor and forcefulness" and "was a trenchant master of the chamber of the House of Representatives, effectively wielding the theatrics of the presidency and commanding an hour of unfiltered primetime television." However, in sitting with several voters whose presidential choices have been all over the place for the past 20 years, with some of them jumping from George W. Bush to Barack Obama to Donald Trump to Joe Biden, the president's comportment did not come off as strength. Instead, many of them felt they were being yelled at. Intellectually, they all understood why Biden needed to project vigor. They also all agreed that vigor and yelling are not the same thing. If you are a Democratic strategist sitting at home and thought Biden's performance shored up this voting bloc, you might want to go back to the drawing board. More at the link: https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2024/03/19/bidens-speech-was-not-the-win-the-political-class-thought-it-was-n3784940 .
  3. Young Americans Lose Hope — and Turn Against Biden. FTA: Consider the calamities and policy collapses experienced by Generation Z, the demographic born since 1998 and raised in this century. These young adults – 41 million of whom will be eligible to vote in 2024 – have vivid memories and lived experience of the Great Financial Crisis, intense political and cultural polarization in society, and the tyranny of the unscientific and illogical virus panic starting in 2020. In fact, regarding the lockdowns and other macro abuses of the Covid panic, young Americans suffered the pain of the inane policies most acutely. At times, it seemed as though Covid tyrants like Anthony Fauci and Governor Gavin Newsom were actually trying to inflict maximum pain on the young, even though statistically young people were nearly invulnerable to harsh consequences of the virus. Those same young people have also endured an education system that focuses on indoctrination rather than teaching usable skills. Specifically, they were subjected to curricula and a pop culture that impart lessons of collective guilt and shame, rather than patriotism and pride. Nonetheless, young Americans were encouraged to take on mountains of personal debt to fund these toxic educational experiences. Upon leaving school, far too many of them discovered that they were prepared for little besides unhealthy self-loathing. {snip} Here are some of the appalling poll statistics, compiled by our survey firm, North Star Opinion Research: -in battleground Arizona: only 15% of young American adults believe that “the American Dream is still attainable.” -in battleground Michigan: only a paltry 9% of young Americans (age 18-34) believe that the country is on “the right track," by far the lowest of any age group. Those same young Michigan voters completely indict Biden over the economy. Only 3% give Biden a “very favorable” rating on the economy while a whopping 43% say “very unfavorable.” -in battleground North Carolina: just 29% of young adults said they plan to vote for Joe Biden in November These numbers, in totality…point to a mass exodus of youth support from Biden. Such a shift is seismic, as young people have been a highly predictable Democratic constituency for decades. In contrast, evidence abounds that young people increasingly rally to President Trump. A recent Harvard-Harris poll found a stunning 64% approval of Trump’s tenure in the White House among 18-24 year old citizens. Given how close states like Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin were in 2020, even a small shift among young voters could prove decisive in the Fall. Will young Americans help lead the charge against Biden and begin the process of national renewal? https://stevecortes.substack.com/p/young-americans-lose-hope-and-turn Read the whole thing.
  4. Washington Supreme Court Rules Bar Exam Negatively Impacts Minorities, Will No Longer Require It For Lawyers by Mariane Angela The Washington State Supreme Court officially abolished the traditional bar exam requirement for aspiring lawyers Friday due to its perceived negative impact on minorities. The Supreme Court has announced that the bar exam is no longer a requirement for those who aspire to be practicing lawyers. The Bar Licensure Task Force claims that the exam is only minimally effective in measuring competency and noted its unfair barrier to marginalized communities aspiring to practice law, according to the Washington Administrative Office of the Courts. The Task Force on Bar Licensure found that the usual bar exam unfairly stops people from underrepresented groups from entering the legal profession. https://dailycaller.com/2024/03/18/washington-supreme-court-rules-bar-exam-minorities-require-lawyers/ .
  5. Of course not, What do you expect, the News ?? ABC/CBS/NBC Bury NY Post Bombshell on Suspected Terrorist Caught at the Border by Curtis Houck Published Sunday online and on the front page of Monday’s print edition, our friend Jennie Taer at the New York Post dropped a bombshell that an illegal immigrant recently detained at the border told Customs and Border Protection officials only is he a member of the Lebanon-based, Iranian-linked Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah, but he wanted to travel New York to carry out a terror attack with a bomb. Not surprisingly, none of this was mentioned on Sunday night or Monday morning by the major broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC on their flagship morning or evening news shows. https://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/curtis-houck/2024/03/18/abc-cbs-bury-ny-post-bombshell-suspected-terrorist-caught-border .
  6. If only Young Donald hadn't been out of town helping Sherman with Joe Johnston's surrender, he would have stopped Lincoln's assassination. .
  7. Unless you have "examined" it from a pure textual perspective. .
  8. It does not appear that there is any "pay back" planned. U.S. Government Invested $31.9 Billion in mRNA Vaccine Research and Procurement by Stefan Anderson https://healthpolicy-watch.news/u-s-government-invested-31-9-billion-in-mrna-vaccine-research-and-procurement/ What the hell, it's not like the money would get back to the taxpayers anyway. ..
  9. Wholesale inflation rose 0.6% in February, much more than expected * The producer price index, which measures pipeline costs for raw, intermediate and finished goods, jumped 0.6% on the month, double the Dow Jones estimate. * On a year-over-year basis, the headline index increased 1.6%, the biggest move since September 2023. * Two-thirds of the rise in headline PPI came from a 1.2% surge in goods prices, the biggest increase since August 2023, thanks to a 4.4% jump in energy. * Retail sales increased 0.6%, less than expected, while weekly jobless claim filings nudged lower to 209,000. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/14/producer-price-index-february-2024-wholesale-inflation-rose-0point6percent-in-february.html .
  10. Good God, we are doomed.
  11. What the Press Still Doesn't Understand About Its Latest Trump Hysteria Following Trump's latest rally, we were all transported back to 2016, a time when the press would routinely take the now-former president's words out of context to paint a picture of a coming fascist state. Call it "bloodbath-gate," which sounds kind of hardcore, but the long and short of it is that Trump was talking about how the automotive industry and the economy as a whole would do if Joe Biden were to win in November. As reported, the press went wild, claiming that he was calling for violence. There's nothing especially surprising about that. As I warned several times during the primary, the calm before the storm was always going to dissipate, and this is just a preview. Things are going to get much, much worse so if "bloodbath-gate" has your blood boiling, don't expect any relief in the future. Whether a general turning of attention toward Trump helps or hurts the former president will be debated until the last vote is counted this Fall, which means three weeks after the election for California. I tend to think the more Biden is the centerpiece, the better Trump will do. With that said, I'm fairly confident that one not-so-new attack is already falling flat, and Politico provided a perfect example for discussion. Is that an effective narrative these days, though? I'd suggest not. For one, Americans look at Trump and remember his presidency. They remember that he didn't become a dictator, and as I've said before, the suggestion that he'd want to become one is a fundamental misread of the former president's motivations. Trump wants the spotlight. He wants to be loved, including by his enemies. He wants to win to stick his finger in the eyes of those who doubted him. He doesn't want to lead a military coup and become dictator until death, and those who suggest that are laughably stupid. In other words, no normal person is sitting around fearing Trump the "autocrat." That accusation has been made so many times that it no longer packs any punch. Maybe it was viable in 2020, but at this point, no one cares, and that's the big issue for Democrats. By continuing to push this "threat to democracy" nonsense, they are telegraphing to Americans that their problems don't matter. High prices? High interest rates? Rising crime? Illegal immigration? Democrats are too busy breathlessly shouting yet again about how Trump is Hitler to care about any of that stuff. That leaves them looking completely tone-deaf and out-of-touch. It's a well they've gone to one too many times, and it's all dried up. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/03/17/what-the-press-still-doesnt-understand-about-its-trump-hysteria-n2171517 .
  12. Keep telling yourself that Joe is in charge.
  13. Only four more days. .
  14. SCOTUS Set to Hear Free Speech Case on Biden Admin Colluding With Big Tech to Stifle 'Misinformation' Are you ready? Something big is set to start on Monday. As we wrote in Oct. 2023, the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana, along with five plaintiffs, asked the United States Supreme Court to uphold an injunction prohibiting the Biden administration from colluding with Big Tech companies to stifle free speech on social media sites by calling it "misinformation." They also argued that the case should be heard in front of the High Court. https://redstate.com/beccalower/2024/03/17/scotus-set-to-hear-free-speech-case-on-biden-admin-colluding-with-big-tech-to-stifle-misinformation-n2171525
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