Control of both the House and the Senate will be up for grabs in November. It would be great for Republicans to take control of the Senate, but it is absolutely vital that they retain, and if possible expand, their grip on the House. Today, Rasmussen Reports released their most recent generic Congressional preference numbers:
With less than eight months to go before election day, Republicans have a six-point lead in their battle to maintain their narrow House majority.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that if the elections for Congress were held today, 47% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the Republican candidate, while 41% would vote for the Democrat. Just four percent (4%) would vote for some other candidate, but another eight percent (8%) are not sure.
Not too many years ago, a six point lead for the GOP would portend a November wipeout. But those days are gone, as pollsters apparently have figured out how not to undercount Republicans.