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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Joseph I. Lieberman, Senator and Vice Presidential Candidate, Dies at 82 He served four terms in the Senate from Connecticut before Al Gore chose him as his running mate in the 2000 election. He was the first Jewish candidate on a major-party ticket. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/27/us/politics/joseph-i-lieberman-dead.html A patriot, a good man who always looked for compromise, and a staunch defender of Israel. Too bad more senators aren't like him. .
  2. Kennedy Family Teams up with Biden Campaign to Tank RFK's Third Party Bid https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/kennedy-family-rfk-biden-2024-election-rcna144163 ,
  3. Back to the thread: AMERICA’S DUMBEST MAN? By John Hindraker I know, I know. But let’s assume Joe Biden has been given a Lifetime Achievement Award and is no longer eligible. In that case, I think Pete Buttigieg is a contender: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/03/americas-dumbest-man.php
  4. THE “ANTI-HATE” GROUP THAT IS A HATE GROUP KARL ZINSMEISTER Shutting down people you don’t agree with is about as un-American as you can get. Rigorous debate, honest discussion, open exchange of ideas—that’s the American way. But free thinking and speech are threatened today by a group with a sweet-sounding name that conceals a nefarious purpose. This group is called the Southern Poverty Law Center, or SPLC. Originally founded as a civil-rights law firm in 1971, the SPLC reinvented itself in the mid-‘80s as a political attack group. Every year now it produces a new list of people and charities it claims are “extremists” and “haters.” Aided by glowing coverage from the establishment media, the SPLC’s hate list has become a weapon for taking individuals and groups they disagree with and tarring them with ugly associations. The SPLC employs a two-pronged strategy: First, find a handful of crazies with barely any followers, no address, and no staff, and blow them up into a dangerous movement— proof that there are neo-Nazis lurking everywhere. On their notorious “Hate Map,” the SPLC lists 917 separate hate groups in the U.S.! No one has even heard of more than a handful of them. The second strategy of the SPLC is to undermine legitimate political voices that they oppose by associating them with extremists like the KKK. {snip} It’s a vicious irony: while promoting itself as a monitor of “hate groups,” the SPLC has, in practice, become a fomenter of hate. Yet the group rolls on, bigger than ever. What keeps them going? For one thing, the establishment media constantly quote them. Scare stories about right-wing storm-troopers are a sure way to attract eyeballs, and fit nicely with the media’s own preconceptions of the “dangerous reactionaries” lurking out there in middle America. Second, alarmism is a great fundraising technique. Convincing people there are fascists everywhere has turned the SPLC into a cash machine. Last year, the group hustled $50 million dollars out of frightened liberal donors, adding to the $368 million dollars of assets they were already sitting on. So, the next time you see the Southern Poverty Law Center quoted in the news, just remember: the masterminds behind the SPLC aren’t eliminating hate. They are fueling it. https://assets.ctfassets.net/qnesrjodfi80/1fQQPJ6FRwQck0u2AsoWmW/94ad6d73b54a29f5098c1c709fbad6fd/zinsmeister-the_anti-hate_group_that_is_a_hate_group-transcript.pdf
  5. Nope. I already have a bible. Try not to let Trump selling merchandise upset you so. Meanwhile, back at the thread,
  6. BREAKING: Disney Surrenders in Reedy Creek War So who won the Reedy Creek War? We can expect all sides to remain cagey about the details while declaring wins, but only one side truly needed this to get set aside in the short run. And that side doesn't work in Jacksonville. The Associated Press calls this a "settlement" between Disney and Gov. Ron DeSantis: The Tampa Free Press instead reports it as a full-scale retreat by Bob Iger: https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2024/03/27/breaking-disney-surrenders-in-reedy-creek-war-n3785480 https://apnews.com/article/disney-florida-ron-desantis-settlement-91040178ad4708939e621dd57bc5e494? https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/disney-drops-lawsuits-against-central-florida-tourism-oversight-district-concedes-last-minute-deal-void/ar-BB1kD8cT
  7. LOL. NBC worried that their GOP "sources" may not talk with them.
  8. And it was a Bible quote, Frank should stick to those.
  9. WASHINGTON, D.C. — In the morning after a tragic cargo ship accident and bridge collapse in Baltimore, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg called an emergency press conference to announce he is taking three more months of maternity leave. "It has come to my attention that the twin babies I purchased at the baby store require more undivided attention," said Buttigieg. "I will be taking some much-needed time off to care for my children, and that is in no way related to the tragic bridge collapse that apparently happened somewhere. Right now, I need to be a mother to my children. Please respect my family's privacy during this time." Buttigieg then refused to take questions before jumping into a waiting helicopter and flying out of sight.
  10. Civil rights update: Youngkin vetoes 30 gun bills, signs 4, amends 6 Cardinal News With the deadline for taking action on the legislation that the General Assembly sent him this month just two weeks away, Gov. Glenn Youngkin on Tuesday announced that he has vetoed an additional 30 bills that he said would “punish law-abiding gun owners and violate their constitutional rights.” He also signed 31 measures into law and offered amendments to six. “I swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of Virginia, and that absolutely includes protecting the right of law-abiding Virginians to keep and bear arms,” Youngkin said in a statement. At the top of the list of proposals that Youngkin rejected was SB 2, sponsored by Sen. Creigh Deeds, D-Charlottesville, that would have banned assault-style weapons in the commonwealth. HB 2, the companion measure sponsored by Del. Dan Helmer, D-Fairfax County, shared the same fate. https://cardinalnews.org/2024/03/26/youngkin-vetoes-30-gun-bills-signs-4-amends-6/ .
  11. '60 Minutes' Gets Caught Red-Handed After Interview With 'Misinformation Expert' Leave it to "60 Minutes" to bring on the leader of a "misinformation research group" and then fail to disclose all the pertinent details of her background. The left-wing news program was caught red-handed when it was revealed that Kate Starbird isn't actually an unbiased arbiter of truth and fiction. The background of this story involves the following interview, in which Starbird and "60 Minutes'" Lesley Stahl complain that X (formerly Twitter) wasn't at their beck and call to censor content they deem to be "misinformation. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/03/26/60-minutes-gets-caught-red-handed-not-disclosing-background-of-disinformation-expert-n2171966 .
  12. That's the plan
  13. I see Billstime finally changed his thread title. From one lie to another.
  14. A SAD BUT ALMOST INESCAPABLE CONCLUSION: Let’s Face It: The Hostages Are Probably Dead. https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2024/03/26/lets-face-it-the-hostages-are-probably-dead-n4927645
  15. AL GORE HARDEST HIT: ‘There’s Been No Increase’: Scientists Debunk Climate Change Claims About Hurricanes. https://www.theepochtimes.com/article/theres-been-no-increase-scientists-debunk-climate-change-claims-about-hurricanes-5608497
  16. First thing that I thought of as I was watching the awful video of the collapse this morning. You see cars and trucks and cars crossing pretty frequently (and you pray that they get over) but then just before the collision the traffic is noticeably small. Very good work by some people. .
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