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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. You're right roundabout. That mistaken tweet sure cancels out the previous ones with dead children (that you ignored) Lemming. .
  2. 'It's Really That Bad'! Desperate Biden Campaign Calls in Reinforcements Many people often wonder who's actually pulling the strings at the Biden White House, and with each passing day as we get closer to the November election that will become increasingly clear. Biden's numbers are at record lows for any president at this point in their first term, so Joe's campaign is bringing in some former presidents to try and help carry him across the finish line while assisting with fundraising: https://twitchy.com/dougp/2024/03/28/team-biden-is-calling-in-reinforcements-for-foundering-campaign-n2394495
  3. NBC ? or White House release ? If you read this story, you are given an undefined outline with no details of why this nominee is "embattled". This reads like a WH press release. https://twitter.com/redsteeze/status/1773328047422271510? .
  4. Anyone surprised ?
  5. Could have easily gone in the Liberalism is a mental illness thread.
  6. A good start.
  7. Geez, they are STILL trying this ? Talk about "they got nothing"
  8. Trump to Attend Wake of Slain NYC Police Officer KAREN TOWNSEND Former President Donald Trump is expected to attend the wake of slain NYPD officer Jonathan Diller on Long Island today. Diller was a 31-year-old police officer who was on patrol in Far Rockaway on Monday when he was shot by an ex-con and his criminal friend. It happened during a traffic stop. He leaves behind his wife and one-year-old son https://hotair.com/karen-townsend/2024/03/28/trump-to-attend-wake-of-slain-nyc-police-officer-n3785533
  9. BUT TALK OF “WHITE SUPREMACISTS,” “WHITE RAGE,” AND “CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS” IS STILL OKAY, POSSIBLY EVEN MANDATORY: US Intel Agency Wants To Ban Terms ‘Radical Islamists’ and ‘Jihadist’ Because They’re Hurtful to Muslim Americans: Office of the Director of National Intelligence also instructs employees to avoid ‘blacklisted,’ ‘cakewalk,’ and ‘sanity check.’ https://freebeacon.com/national-security/us-intel-agency-bans-terms-radical-islamists-and-jihadist-because-theyre-hurtful-to-muslim-americans/ Whose side is the “intelligence community” on? Certainly not that of intelligence . .
  10. NYC Begs Supreme Court to Allow Over 800,000 Illegal Immigrants to Vote by Sarah Arnold The New York City council is asking the state’s Supreme Court to allow illegal immigrants to vote in the city’s municipal elections. In 2021, then-Mayor Bill de Blasio signed a law that would have allowed 800,000 non-citizens with green cards, visas, and work permits to vote as long as they have resided in the city for at least 30 consecutive days. However, the controversial law was struck down last month by an appellate court. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/saraharnold/2024/03/27/nyc-begs-courts-to-allow-over-800000-foreign-nationals-to-vote-n2637044#google_vignette .
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