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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. JUDGING ADEEL MANGI: After years immersed in radical politics, the nominee claims he never knew nothing about it. “To hear the Biden White House and their allies tell it, Third Circuit judicial nominee Adeel Mangi—whose nomination is all but dead following three Democratic defections—is the victim of a vicious right-wing smear campaign.” https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/judging-adeel-mangi/ Accurately reporting what leftists do and say is a smear. .
  2. From the comments. I take it differently. I think the point is that everyone else misses the point. That is what the crowd represents. Loving people in the abstract is easy. It is easy to love those with whom you have sympathy. It is hard to love those who are not aligned with you. Rarely can anyone di that well, The conservative Christians don't and the liberal doo-gooders don't. Each hate those who oppose their world view. The message was radical 4000 years ago. It was radical 2000 years ago, it is radical now. In the spirit of Easter, the Gospel message is that God loved those who opposed Him. All of them. Even the ones who hung His son on a cross. Good thing for us. He tell us to do have the same kind of love for those whom we hate. But we fail. Good thing for us that this does not disqualify us for heaven. Otherwise Jesus dying on the cross would have been meaningless. So, next time you jump on a Christian for being a hypocrite, just remember, that God accepts them despite that failing. https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=6329595&postID=3123278496564338654
  3. RFK Jr. said what needs to be said: Biden's use of government power to suppress the speech of his political antagonists is a worse threat to democracy than whatever Trump has done. "I can make the argument that President Biden is the much worse threat to democracy, and the reason for that is President Biden is... the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech, so to censor his opponent. I can say that because I just won a case in the federal court of appeals — and now before the Supreme Court — that shows that he started censoring not just me but, 37 hours after he took the oath of office, he was censoring me (sic). No President in the country has ever done that. The greatest threat in democracy is not somebody who questions election returns but a President of the United States who used the power of his office to force the social media companies — Facebook, Instagram, Twitter — to open a portal and give access to that portal to the FBI, to the CIA, to the IRS, to [???], to NIH, to censor his political critics. President Biden, the first President in history, used his power over the Secret Service to deny Secret Service protection to one of his political opponents, for political reasons. He's weaponizing the federal agencies. Those are really critical threats to democracy."
  4. DNC Activist Warns Democrats to Stop Registering Young Voters, "They're Gonna Vote for Trump" This is a little funny. The Washington Post has an article about Democrat data scientist Aaron Strauss, who helps direct progressive spending at the firm OpenLabs, warning his peers that registering young people to vote, young people of color specifically, is helping Donald Trump. The data shows that when Democrats help register young voters, they end up registering people who will vote for Trump. Now they are considering not even holding voter registration drives in target markets because they align with Trump. WAPO – […] A confidential memo circulated among top Democratic donors has sparked a furious debate in Democratic circles about whether to narrow the focus of voter registration efforts to avoid signing up likely Republicans. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/04/01/dnc-activists-warns-democrats-to-stop-registering-young-voters-theyre-gonna-vote-for-trump/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/01/democrats-voter-registration-minorities/ .
  5. Who Will Vote for a Walking Corpse? STEPHEN GREEN Social media was briefly abuzz last month about Presidentish Joe Biden's boat-anchor shoes, the ones meant to help keep him from falling. But the shoes aren't what really weigh him down — it's voter expectations that he won't survive a second term. https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2024/04/01/who-will-vote-for-a-walking-corpse-n4927812 .
  6. That'll help voters pull that lever. Most Voters Think Biden Would Die Before End of Second Term, Absurdly Making Kamala Harris President Virtually every major polling organization continues to confirm a myriad of voter concerns that could stick a fork in the 81-year-old, cognitively declining president. From the out-of-control illegal alien invasion to the disastrous effects of Bidenomics on tens of millions of hardworking Americans who struggle to make ends meet to a growing concern among likely voters that if Biden wins in November, he'll die during his second term, leaving America with the once unthinkable: Kamala Harris as the president of the United States, the electorate isn't happy about Joe. Twilight Zone? Damn close. According to a new poll conducted exclusively for Daily Mail, only 38 percent of likely voters believe Biden would be alive at the end of another four-year term — again, making the unthinkable a reality, which 36 percent of survey respondents said they believe will happen. https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2024/04/01/most-voters-think-biden-would-die-before-end-of-second-term-absurdly-making-kamala-harris-president-n2172158 .
  7. NBC News Brings Out the Big Guns Against Florida, Shoots Self in Foot STEPHEN GREEN https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2024/04/01/nbc-news-brings-out-the-big-guns-against-florida-shoots-self-in-foot-n4927809
  8. NBC News Brings Out the Big Guns Against Florida, Shoots Self in Foot STEPHEN GREEN https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2024/04/01/nbc-news-brings-out-the-big-guns-against-florida-shoots-self-in-foot-n4927809 .
  9. Former MTV Star Arrested for Child Rape By: Jason Walsh https://www.dailyfetched.com/former-mtv-star-arrested-for-child-rape/ NCAA’s First Openly Gay Wrestler Jailed for Distributing Child Porn By: Jason Walsh https://www.dailyfetched.com/ncaas-first-openly-gay-wrestler-jailed-for-distributing-child-porn/
  10. Hard Times for the Professional Never Trump Losers by Kurt Schlichter These are hard times for the professional Never Trumpers. Donald Trump is winning this election, they’re not getting the attention they used to, and inflation has made pool boy rates simply outrageous. Those poll numbers showing Trump leading across the country have to be understood as a total repudiation of these jerks, because they are. There are a lot of reasons to want to see Trump win, but in the Top Five is seeing these goofs cry. Now, the professional Never Trumpers are not the same as the Republicans and conservatives who just don’t want to vote for Donald Trump. https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2024/03/28/hard-times-for-the-professional-never-trump-losers-n2637011 .
  11. Military Experts Warn of Extreme Dangers to American Troops Building Floating Pier off Gaza Coast By Bob Hoge Military experts are sounding the alarm over President Biden’s floating Gaza pier plan, where the administration will construct an offshore pier to be used to get more food and supplies to refugees in the war-torn region. Biden announced the operation during his March 7 State of the Union speech, but it was received with mixed reaction. {snip} Some of the experts brought up past disasters like the deadly terrorist bombings in Beirut in 1983 that killed 241 servicemembers and the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, which left 13 troops dead, as examples of what we face when we post our forces in hard-to-secure locales. “If a bomb went off in that location,” he [Kennedy] said, “the American public will ask, ‘What the hell were they doing there in the first place?’” https://redstate.com/bobhoge/2024/03/31/military-experts-warn-of-extreme-dangers-to-american-troops-building-floating-pier-off-gaza-coast-n2172149 Well, we need those Michigan votes. .
  12. OF COURSE THEY DID, THEIR PROTESTS ARE ESTABLISHMENT-APPROVED: Yes, Hamas Supporters Felt Perfectly Entitled to Interrupt Easter Services at St Patrick’s Cathedral. But it’s not true, as claimed, that nothing is sacred. Do the same thing at a mosque — or an LGBT rally — and you’ll swiftly learn what’s held sacred by our establishment today. https://hotair.com/headlines/2024/03/31/yes-hamas-supporters-felt-perfectly-entitled-to-interrupt-easter-services-at-st-patricks-cathedral-n3785673
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