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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Links are the polite thing to do when starting a thread. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/04/05/us/earthquake-new-york https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/live-blog/earthquake-rattles-buildings-nerves-east-coast-rcna146578 https://www.foxnews.com/us/earthquake-strikes-new-jersey-shaking-buildings-surrounding-states .
  2. If those hostages were trans athletes he’d get them back. https://twitter.com/Jeddorian/status/1776062313096683960?
  3. Biden Starts Yapping at the Teleprompter Guy During Confused and Embarrassing Speech Another day, another confused and embarrassing performance from the current White House resident. Greek Independence Day was the occasion on Thursday, with Joe Biden hosting a reception in the East Room. Why Greek Independence Day is an event worthy of a White House reception wasn't immediately clear, and neither was anything the president said. Right on cue, Biden did his faux Forrest Gump routine where he inserts himself into every aspect of every culture. It's fitting that just two days before this speech, the president repeated a tall tale about being raised by the Puerto Rican community. Biden has also made similar claims regarding the Jewish and Black communities. There's almost no ethnicity he won't appropriate in some manner. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/04/04/biden-starts-ordering-the-teleprompter-guy-around-during-confused-and-embarrassing-speech-n2172329 .
  4. I thought everything was allowed when you are going after Trump. New Trouble for Fani Willis: Now Accused of Illegally Recording Phone Call by Trump Co-Defendant By Nick Arama https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2024/04/05/new-trouble-for-fani-willis-now-accused-of-illegally-recording-phone-call-by-trump-co-defendant-n2172339 .
  5. THE REAL MINIMUM WAGE IS ALWAYS ZERO: California fast food workers stunned as restaurant closes without warning over $20 minimum wage: ‘Only the beginning’. Economics are a science. Trying to legislate natural laws breaks everything. As well legislate the weather which to be fair they also want to do. https://nypost.com/2024/04/04/business/california-minimum-wage-shocks-fast-food-workers-as-restaurant-closes-only-the-beginning/ .
  6. AS IT’S MEANT TO: That’s the Idea: UK Survey Finds Diversity Training Forces Workers to ‘Conceal beliefs’ for Fear of Losing Their Job. https://hotair.com/headlines/2024/04/04/thats-the-idea-uk-survey-finds-diversity-training-forces-workers-to-conceal-beliefs-for-fear-of-losing-their-job-n3785915
  7. Democrats should be jittery about Pennsylvania voter registration trends BySalena Zito HOOVERSVILLE, Pennsylvania — If you are a longtime resident of Pennsylvania, it still is a bit of a jolt to the senses to drive through what was once coal country and see an oversized, cheery, red billboard sitting along U.S. 30 reading “VOTE REPUBLICAN.” However, it is a reminder of how much the people who live in these old industrial and coal-rich counties have shed the local Democratic politics of their upbringing. Voter registration numbers, as we shall see, show as much. Important to note: These voters have not changed personally, but their parties have done so. Democrats have abandoned their working-class voters for college-educated elites who rarely call the middle of somewhere home. Officials in both parties in Washington — whether they are lawmakers on Capitol Hill or strategists working for one of the alphabet soup campaign arms of the House, Senate, or state legislatures, or a staffer for any of them — often struggle with how to appeal to these citizens. Democrats did appeal to them well for so long … until they didn’t. It was an erosion that wasn’t all that easily detected because what didn’t move in a significant way was the voter registration numbers. Part of why voters who left the Democratic Party did not change their voter registration had to do with local elections and the state’s closed primary system. Because Republicans had been in the wilderness for so long in local mayoral and county row office races — Democrats had held control of these seats since the rise of the New Deal Democrat coalition — people held on to their Democrat registration because most races were decided in primaries because only Democrats ran. And then something changed, or actually a couple of things changed. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/2954573/democrats-should-be-jittery-about-pennsylvania-voter-registration-trends/ .
  8. The ACTUAL point of the previous article. Dem Senator Turns Up the Heat On Justice Sotomayor to Retire: ‘Graveyards Are Full of Indispensable People’ Mediaite, by Joe DePaolo A Democratic senator is turning up the heat on Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor to step down while Democrats can select her replacement. Speaking with NBC’s Sahil Kapur for a story published Wednesday, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) made a veiled reference to the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg — who ignored calls to step down for years during former President Barack Obama’s tenure. She passed away in 2020, with former President Donald Trump choosing her successor. “I’m very respectful of Justice Sotomayor,” Blumenthal told NBC. https://www.mediaite.com/news/dem-senator-turns-up-the-heat-on-justice-sotomayor-to-retire-graveyards-are-full-of-indispensable-people/ .
  9. CDC Releases Hidden COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Reports The agency was forced by a federal judge to disclose the reports. by Zachary Stieber The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released previously hidden reports of facial paralysis and other adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination. The 780,000 reports were received shortly after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out and show that people experienced a wide range of post-vaccination problems, including heart inflammation, miscarriages, and seizures. “Loss of consciousness and seizure immediately following injection. Went to ER by ambulance,” one person reported. Another stated, “Diagnosed with Bells Palsy today due to left-sided facial numbness and paralysis.” https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/cdc-releases-hidden-covid-19-vaccine-injury-reports-5617872?
  10. No Labels won’t run a third-party campaign after trying to recruit a centrist presidential candidate Associated Press News, by Steve Peoples & Jonathan J. Cooper The No Labels group said Thursday it will not field a presidential candidate in November after strategists for the bipartisan organization failed to attract a high-profile centrist willing to seize on the widespread dissatisfaction with President Joe Biden and Donald Trump. “No Labels has always said we would only offer our ballot line to a ticket if we could identify candidates with a credible path to winning the White House,” Nancy Jacobson, the group’s CEO, said in a statement sent out to allies. “No such candidates emerged, so the responsible course of action is for us to stand down.” https://apnews.com/article/no-labels-2024-third-party-biden-trump-c7477857e1dd05535326b8850f4500a1 .
  11. Except with, you know, links to the findings. Meanwhile: Interference continues.
  12. Apparently it's important to libs also. .
  13. Ontario Man Demands Gov’t Pay for Surgery to Make Him Appear Both Male and Female. Conservatives are fond of "slippery slope" arguments. Even though they project the worst-case scenario for an issue, invariably, the left ends up taking things to their absolute, utmost end. Euthanasia is a good example. "Oh, we'll never allow healthy people to just decide to die." Or, "We'll never let doctors decide to euthanize a baby without the consent of the parents." Only silly right-wing nuts believe that stuff, right? Another slippery slope scenario that's now coming into focus is the sex-change industry. I guess these days they're calling it "gender reassignment." Whatever it is, it's gone beyond rationality and entered the realm of adult fantasy. Changing the physical characteristics of the male and female sexes, including the genitalia, is not necessary for someone to identify as a different sex. So we're told. But what should be done with this man from Ontario, Canada, who wants the government to pay for a brand new constructed ***** but allow him to keep his penis? This isn't a slippery slope. This is nuking the mountain. https://pjmedia.com/rick-moran/2024/04/04/best-of-both-worlds-ontario-man-sues-for-government-to-pay-for-fake-*****-while-keeping-his-penis-n4927891 https://nationalpost.com/news/science/court-case-vaginoplasty-patient-keeping-penis .
  14. Sen. John Fetterman Stands Strong With Israel as President Biden Buckles https://twitchy.com/brettt/2024/04/04/sen-john-fetterman-stands-strong-with-israel-as-president-biden-buckles-n2394759 .
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