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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. There are rules for seeking asylum, they are not being followed. but you knew that. If you need to suspend fairness that’s not equality.
  2. Wait NC, you bumped your own thread to the front page ? Do it another 15 to 20 times every night and you just might get close to Billstime. .
  3. Facts are stubborn things. This page displays the state legislators who at some point in their career have switched their political party affiliation. The list is a work-in-progress and is not comprehensive. The page will be continually updated to track as many of these switches as possible. Number of state lawmakers who switched from Democrat to Republican: 84 State senators: 24 State representatives: 60 Number of state lawmakers who switched from Republican to Democrat: 23 State senators: 8 State representatives: 15 https://ballotpedia.org/State_legislators_who_have_switched_political_party_affiliation
  4. Since Daz has (dutifully) spun what President Trump clearly stated as his opinion, it might be best if we posted his announcement again. Take the four minutes and listen to the truth. .
  5. I would point out to the board, that in his seven (childish) responses to this new thread that clearly outlines President Trump's positions, Billstime has not once mentioned his repeated lie about the President's position on the use of IVF Not surprising of course.
  6. He is incapable of performing the duties of President.
  7. Donald Trump has finally weighed in with an official position on abortion heading into the 2024 election, and it's probably going to surprise some people. For at least a year, many Trump influencers have argued that a compromise on abortion is necessary to beat Joe Biden. Often framed as "taking the issue off the table," they've claimed that state-level bans are bad electoral politics and that a 15 to 20-week national ban is the right position to offer middle-ground to independent voters. I've always argued against that, for reasons I'll get to momentarily, but I'm happy to say that Trump has taken the correct position. Not surprisingly, those same people are now proclaiming Trump's statement as "brilliant." It is what it is, and frankly, I don't care. The right position is the right position, and I'm glad he took it. Why is it the right position? There are multiple reasons. One, there was no actual federal compromise to be had. Democrats would never agree to anything but a total re-codification of Roe with protections for abortion until birth in states that want it. Pushing for a 15 to 20-week federal ban would have been taking the bait and provided a multitude of fodder for Biden and company to claim Republicans want to "ban" abortion. Two, as a practical matter, I believe more lives are saved by having six-week bans in some states than a broad federal standard of 15 to 20 weeks (which again, would never be agreed to by Democrats anyway). The vast majority of abortions occur at 12 weeks or under, which makes those six-week bans very effective at limiting the total number of abortions compared to allowing most abortions to happen in all states. Third, the long-term outlook is important, and if Republicans agree to a re-federalization of the abortion issue, it will be just a matter of time before Democrats gain enough votes to take out the filibuster and pass an "abortion rights" bill that undoes every victory since Dobbs. The GOP must stand strong on the position that it's a state issue with compromises on that. Some states will keep abortion legal until birth, but that's a fight that needs to be fought within that state. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/04/08/controversy-of-the-day-donald-trump-just-took-a-position-on-abortion-n2172462
  8. Sorry Arizona, Sorry Georgia. RNC Chair: GOP to Step Up Poll Watching in November, 'Thousands of Lawyers' Will Be Present In a recent interview, the chair of the Republican National Committee, Michael Whatley, announced plans for Republicans to "be in the room" when votes are cast and counted in November. The goal is to prevent any repeat of the controversies that plagued the 2020 election. https://redstate.com/wardclark/2024/04/08/rnc-chair-to-step-up-poll-watching-in-november-n2172464 .
  9. Joe Biden Ignores Supreme Court, Unveils Plan for Even More Student Loan Forgiveness to Lure Young Voters Conservatives love to say that if it weren't for double standards, Democrats would have no standards at all. Double standards sure do seem to be alive and well for Democrats. For the last three years, Joe Biden has cherry-picked the laws he likes to enforce and the ones he doesn't. The border is proof of that. Most of them usually involve the prosecution of his chief political rival, Donald Trump, or some other Republican. But in an election year, it's the votes, Stupid. Now, it's not a law that is separating Joe Biden from votes, but a Supreme Court decision. But whatever the case, Joe Biden has decided to blow it off. https://redstate.com/beckynoble/2024/04/08/joe-biden-ignores-supreme-court-unveils-plan-for-even-more-student-loan-forgiveness-n2172465
  10. Not able to counter the statements on gender, critics follow with insults and drivel on the internet. No defense for gender surgery for kids ? Just attack the messenger. You know, the one with 1.4 billion followers.
  11. More Truth, that the feeble posters here cannot face. Former President Trump announced an official position on the issue of abortion. In a campaign video released on Monday, Trump signaled strong support for in vitro fertilization (IVF) and said that he believes the issue of abortion, post-Dobbs decision, should be left up to the states. Trump said, Trump noted his support for exceptions in cases of *****, rape, and risk to the life of the mother, which are notably not mentioned in the Republican Party platform, although it has not been revised since the time of the Dobbs decision to reflect new realities in the legal landscape. https://redstate.com/brutalbrittany/2024/04/08/trumps-abortion-announcement-may-be-influenced-by-this-gop-mega-donor-n2172466
  12. Joe Biden Suffers a Total Eclipse of His Shame As He Bumbles and Fibs in Wisconsin https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/04/08/a-total-eclipse-of-the-brain-as-joe-biden-stumbles-and-lies-in-wisconsin-n2172475 .
  13. A pleasant surprise. The Holy Father states the obvious. Pope Francis: Gender Theory, Sex Changes, Surrogacy Are 'Threats to Human Dignity' Yesterday we told you the Vatican planned to release a document by Pope Francis, titled Dignitas infinita that would deal with -- among other things -- transgender ideology and surrogacy. Given how divisive his last document was, we were prepared to for something similar from this. But it seems we were wrong. If that's the AP headline, then it must be pretty solid (yeah, we're shocked, too). {snip} The fact they said the section on gender was 'most eagerly anticipated' kind of gives away the plot: they were hoping for something similar to Fiducia supplicans, which was interpreted by the media and the Left as a shift on the Catholic Church's teaching on gay marriage and same sex couples. We wonder what Mr. Devout Catholic will do. https://twitchy.com/amy-curtis/2024/04/08/pope-francis-gender-theory-surrogacy-threats-to-human-dignity-n2394854 .
  14. Democrats' Death Grip on LGBT, Young, and Minority Voters Loosens Amid Shifting Demographics https://redstate.com/brutalbrittany/2024/04/07/democrats-death-grip-on-lgbt-young-and-minority-voters-loosens-amid-shifting-demographics-n2172436 .
  15. Thank you. Everyone with a brain knew this already. . (only the board cretins were convinced of their own lies) AND, there is no way they watched the 4 minutes before responding.
  16. No sh*t. THIS IS MY SHOCKED FACE: On April 6, Antifa and far-left extremists confronted people protesting a proposed mass migrant center in Dublin, Ireland. Antifa were beaten up in the brawl and reportedly dropped some of their electronic devices while fleeing. The phones reportedly show close cooperation between Antifa operatives, media and nonprofit workers. https://www.theburkean.ie/uncategorized/2024/04/06/antifa-battered-in-coolock-their-phones-seized-by-nationalists-apparently-revealing-seedy-links-between-media-ngos-and-far-left .
  17. From Politico: WELL, BIDEN’S REALLY OLD. YOUNG PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING. OLDER PEOPLE ARE MOSTLY DOING OKAY ECONOMICALLY. SO IS IT REALLY A MYSTERY IF THIS IS HAPPENING? The polls are suggesting a huge shift in the electorate. Are they right? “Polls show former President Donald Trump is ascendant with the youngest bloc of the electorate, even leading President Joe Biden in some surveys, as less-engaged young voters spurn Biden. Meanwhile, Biden is stronger with seniors than he was four years ago, even as his personal image is significantly diminished since he was elected last time.” https://news.yahoo.com/age-inversion-rocking-2024-election-110000502.html? .
  18. CATHERINE SALGADO: Oct. 7 Massacre: Six Months Later. “Growing up, we all talked about the Nazis as if it were inconceivable that anyone could ever have condoned or ignored the Holocaust. Yet Westerners are doing just that now; ignoring the very real attempted genocide against Israelis while preposterously accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza, based on Hamas talking points and Hamas-issued casualty numbers. The Arabs now calling themselves Palestinians have never had a right to Israeli land, and they have spent decades rejecting offers of land concessions and their own nation from Israel. Even now, the majority of Palestinians still support terrorist Hamas and its horrific attacks on Israel Oct. 7. Yet both Muslims and non-Muslims around the world refuse to admit the reality of the situation.” https://pjmedia.com/catherinesalgado/2024/04/07/oct-7-massacre-six-months-later-n4927972#google_vignette .
  19. I am "shocked" Aren't you "shocked" ? I REMEMBER WHEN THEY TOLD US THEY NEEDED THOSE AUDITORS TO GO AFTER BILLIONAIRES: 63% Of IRS Audits Target Taxpayers Earnings Less Than $200,000, Not $400,000 Promised By President Biden. The Internal Revenue Service got an audit of its own in time for Tax Day, and two irregularities jump out. President Biden’s plan to hire a new army of tax collectors is falling flat, and the agents already at work are targeting the middle class. Those are two findings of the IRS’s watchdog, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (Tigta). The report examines IRS progress on mandates from the Biden Administration backed by tens of billions in new funding. The first supposed goal was to audit more ultrawealthy and fewer middle-class filers, but it’s not going so well. By last December the IRS decided that it wouldn’t begin tracking its progress until later this year. That’s because the agency has been slow to shift its focus to high-income taxpayers, who make up a small share of total filings. Its April 2023 strategic plan pledged that future audits would disproportionately target individuals making at least $400,000, but “did not include specifics on how the IRS was going to ensure it met this commitment,” says Tigta. https://taxprof.typepad.com/taxprof_blog/2024/04/63-percent-of-irs-audits-target-taxpayers-earnings-less-than-200000-not-less-than-400000-promised-by-president-biden.html https://www.wsj.com/articles/irs-tax-collectors-audit-middle-class-tigta-5071d622
  20. Lara Trump: ‘We are leaving nothing to chance’ this election by Miranda Nazzaro Republican National Committee (RNC) co-Chair Lara Trump argued election integrity is “vital” in this current cycle, vowing to dedicate resources to ensure nothing is left to “chance.” “But when you talk about election integrity, it is vital. It is the No. 1 thing that we are focused on, aside from getting out the vote, which, of course, Donald Trump himself will do for us,” Lara Trump said Sunday during Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures.” We are ensuring that this election, we are leaving nothing to chance,” she continued. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4579657-lara-trump-we-are-leaving-nothing-to-chance-this-election/
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