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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Get Ready for a Democratic Platform Fight Over Israel This is like watching a slow-motion train wreck. Progressives are determined to make Joe Biden and moderates in the party pay a price for backing Israel. Now NBC News reports they are planning to turn their attention to a platform fight at the convention. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/progressives-platform-fight-israel-democratic-convention-biden-rcna146392 .
  2. Best Economy Ever, Jack! NYT Reports Inflation 'Unexpectedly' Rose Sharply in March Despite reassurance from the White House that the economy is doing just fine, the average American who buys things like food and gas knows it's not. Prices are still going up, making already tight budgets even tighter while.the White House says Biden is saving us money. So imagine our shock when The New York Times of all places reports that inflation rose sharply in March. https://twitchy.com/amy-curtis/2024/04/11/nyt-inflation-rose-sharply-n2394930 .
  3. Cornel West Announces VP Pick: Far-Left BLM Activist Melina Abdullah Long-shot presidential candidate Cornel West tapped Melina Abdullah, a professor and one of the co-founders of Black Lives Matter, as his running mate for his independent presidential bid. West announced his pick on Wednesday’s episode of "The Tavis Smiley Radio Show" on KBLA radio. "I wanted somebody whose heart, mind, and soul is committed to the empowerment of poor and working peoples of all colors," West said. "Melina has a history of longevity of putting her heart, mind and soul in the struggle." https://redstate.com/wardclark/2024/04/11/cornel-west-announces-vp-pick-far-left-blm-activist-melina-abdullah-n2172612
  4. Must be an election coming. DICTATOR-IN-CHIEF: Biden: ‘Absolutely’ More ‘Executive Action’ Gun Control Measures Coming. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/biden-absolutely-more-executive-action-gun-control-measures-coming/ .
  5. HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Anti-Israel students walk out to demand the right to disrupt others’ education: ‘We’ll disrupt till you divest!’ https://www.campusreform.org/article/anti-israel-students-walk-demand-right-disrupt-others-education-well-disrupt-till-divest/25167 That’s basically a terroristic threat, you know. It’s not about persuasion, but intimidation. Punish them for their disruptions until they do better.
  6. Criticism from the right. HMM. EVEN IF SO, BIDEN IS NO LINCOLN. On Abortion, Donald Trump Goes The Way Of Stephen A. Douglas. BY: JOHN DANIEL DAVIDSON Former President Donald Trump declared this week that abortion should be left to the states, that there should be no federal abortion legislation because “this is all about the will of the people,” and “whatever they decide must be the law of the land.” He released a video stating his position on Monday and reiterated it later in the week. By taking this stand, that abortion should not be a federal issue, Trump has not just betrayed his pro-life supporters but taken the side of Stephen A. Douglas over Abraham Lincoln. He has insisted that popular sovereignty, not moral principle, should decide the abortion question, just as Douglas insisted popular sovereignty in the new federal territories must decide the slavery question. https://thefederalist.com/2024/04/11/on-abortion-donald-trump-goes-the-way-of-stephen-a-douglas/ .
  7. Lesbian dance group kicked out of LGBTQXYZ event for daring to be patriotic
  8. Someone answered without reading the article (again) From October 2023. Trump Stakes Out Middle Ground in Abortion Wars. “The abortion wars aren’t over, and the likely result won’t look much like what either camp is imagining today. Donald Trump understands this, as shown in his recent offer to bring both sides together for a compromise. Does anyone else? A few lefty pundits do, which is why you see New York Times columns reassuring readers that yes, Donald Trump is still rabidly anti-abortion. https://www.newsweek.com/theres-room-middle-ground-abortion-wars-opinion-1832165
  9. He is physically and mentally incapable as serving as our president. Biden Presser Goes Awry: Loses List of Who to Call on, Tells Whoppers, Forgets What Century He's In https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2024/04/10/biden-presser-goes-bad-n2172565
  10. OF COURSE NOT, THEY SEE THE ISSUE AS THEIR LAST-HOPE DISTRACTION: Democrats Don’t Want You to Know How Moderate Trump’s Abortion Stance Is. “To the extent Trump adjusted at all, he moved to the middle. Biden has spent the last few decades moving to the extreme Left on abortion (and Israel, for that matter, although that’s much more recent). What does that tell us about the GOP and Democrat coalitions?” https://hotair.com/headlines/2024/04/10/democrats-dont-want-you-to-know-how-moderate-trumps-abortion-stance-is-n3786244
  11. Apparently comprehension is too difficult for you. Being "CALLED" racist means nothing to him. It means nothing to anyone who knows that they are not racists, and the automatic calling conservatives racists doesn't bother those with an IQ. It just demonstrates how bereft of facts libs are. .
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