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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Makes good sense. Trump Wants More Debates, but Perhaps Not for the Reason You’re Thinking MATT MARGOLIS The Trump campaign is pressing for additional 2024 presidential debates, saying they should happen "much earlier" than the initial timetable proposed by the Commission on Presidential Debates. Fox News Digital obtained an exclusive letter that reveals that Trump's co-campaign managers, Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, addressed the Commission on Presidential Debates co-chairs, Frank Fahrenkopf Jr. and Antonia Hernandez, on Thursday. "While the Commission on Presidential Debates has already announced three presidential debates and a vice-presidential debate to occur later this year, we are in favor of these debates beginning much earlier," they explained. It stands to reason that the Trump campaign sees Biden as a frail old man with diminished cognitive health, and that's why he wants more debates much earlier. But the reason they are calling for a change in the debate schedule is actually objectively practical. "Specific to the Commission's proposed 2024 calendar, it simply comes too late," they wrote. "By the date of the first proposed debate, September 16, 2024, over 1 million Americans will have likely voted. By the date of the second proposed debate, October 1, 2024, the number of Americans who will have likely cast a ballot will be over 3 million, an increase of 225%." They estimate that by the third proposed debate on October 9, barely a month before the election, "approximately 8.7 million Americans will have already voted." https://pjmedia.com/matt-margolis/2024/04/11/trump-wants-more-debates-but-perhaps-not-for-the-reason-youre-thinking-n4928095 Of course, I think that the chances that Biden's handlers allow him to debate is zero. .
  2. Devastating new details reveal more State Department chaos in the two weeks before the Afghanistan disaster: U.S. staff STILL didn't have a full evacuation plan when the Taliban stormed Kabul... by Rob Crilly Hours of private testimony by two of the top State Department officials who oversaw the evacuation from Afghanistan lays bare the confusion at the heart of the operation, and how they failed to respond to warning signs that the Taliban was sweeping across the country. The result was a chaotic operation at Kabul's airport in August 2021 with Americans scrambling to get on flights after the extremist group had seized control of the country. American citizens had to pass through checkpoints run by the same gunmen who had spent years battling U.S. forces. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13293745/donald-trump-afghanistan-withdrawal-investigation-house.html .
  3. What to know about Biden’s latest attempt at student loan cancellation by Collin Binkley President Joe Biden is taking another shot at student loan cancellation, hoping to deliver on a key campaign promise that he has so far failed to fulfill. https://apnews.com/article/student-loan-cancellation-debt-college-forgiveness-c3ec59d4c1d89e77bc1afc6c8ded1615?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=share .
  4. As most of you know, abortion is sucking up most of the headlines in the legacy media at the moment despite there being no significant federal legislation or pending Supreme Court cases addressing the topic. That's because the Democrats are running on abortion for this year's elections, lacking any other positive achievements to point to. But what about Donald Trump? He hasn't been quiet on the subject, but his current position isn't making many people in the staunchly pro-life movement happy. He is being decried by some of his former supporters for a number of comments he's recently made. But will that cost him at the polls in November? National Review suggests that it potentially could, but when you pull back the lens a bit, it seems unlikely. Trump's position on abortion is fairly basic and it's one that has been enthusiastically pushed forward by conservative analysts who are fighting to ensure that the GOP doesn't suffer yet another embarrassing loss to the most unpopular president of the modern era. The Supreme Court returned the abortion question to the states and that is where it belongs. Trump is taking credit for placing several of the justices that overturned Roe, which is what the pro-life crowd claimed they wanted for decades. Now he's ready to move on and let the Constitution serve as our guide. https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2024/04/11/has-trump-filed-for-a-divorce-from-the-pro-life-movement-n3786308 .
  5. Hamas May Not Have Enough Living Hostages for Cease-Fire Deal Conservative criminal defense attorney and columnist Marina Medvin called it a "devastating Hostage negotiations update" because that's exactly what it is. In the ongoing negotiations between Israel and the Hamas terror organization, Hamas officials now say that "they wouldn’t commit to releasing 40 living hostages but could commit to 40 hostages total, dead or alive." "Instead, the militant group has been unable to confirm that it has enough civilian hostages to fulfill its end of the deal in the initial phase of the proposed plan," according to the Wall Street Journal. Medvin added, "Israeli military did not comment on estimates of how many hostages may remain alive." Sometimes, there's nothing worse than being right, and this is one of those times. Two weeks ago, I came to the sad conclusion that Hamas probably has "few or no living hostages left to trade. Through abuse, neglect, or just Hamas terrorists getting its thrills, the hostages might all be dead." The hostages include — or, I should say, included — six Americans that, to the best of my knowledge, Presidentish Joe Biden has never raised as an issue with Hamas. I also can't find any record of Biden mentioning any of those six Americans by name. That might be an unprecedented (but certainly intentional) lapse by an American president. It also gives lie to Biden's claim that his support for Israel is "ironclad" since he won't provide as little as lip service to Hamas' American hostages. https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/hamas-may-not-have-enough-living-hostages-for-cease-fire-deal-61606c66
  6. Get Ready for a Democratic Platform Fight Over Israel This is like watching a slow-motion train wreck. Progressives are determined to make Joe Biden and moderates in the party pay a price for backing Israel. Now NBC News reports they are planning to turn their attention to a platform fight at the convention. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/progressives-platform-fight-israel-democratic-convention-biden-rcna146392 .
  7. Best Economy Ever, Jack! NYT Reports Inflation 'Unexpectedly' Rose Sharply in March Despite reassurance from the White House that the economy is doing just fine, the average American who buys things like food and gas knows it's not. Prices are still going up, making already tight budgets even tighter while.the White House says Biden is saving us money. So imagine our shock when The New York Times of all places reports that inflation rose sharply in March. https://twitchy.com/amy-curtis/2024/04/11/nyt-inflation-rose-sharply-n2394930 .
  8. Cornel West Announces VP Pick: Far-Left BLM Activist Melina Abdullah Long-shot presidential candidate Cornel West tapped Melina Abdullah, a professor and one of the co-founders of Black Lives Matter, as his running mate for his independent presidential bid. West announced his pick on Wednesday’s episode of "The Tavis Smiley Radio Show" on KBLA radio. "I wanted somebody whose heart, mind, and soul is committed to the empowerment of poor and working peoples of all colors," West said. "Melina has a history of longevity of putting her heart, mind and soul in the struggle." https://redstate.com/wardclark/2024/04/11/cornel-west-announces-vp-pick-far-left-blm-activist-melina-abdullah-n2172612
  9. Must be an election coming. DICTATOR-IN-CHIEF: Biden: ‘Absolutely’ More ‘Executive Action’ Gun Control Measures Coming. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/biden-absolutely-more-executive-action-gun-control-measures-coming/ .
  10. HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Anti-Israel students walk out to demand the right to disrupt others’ education: ‘We’ll disrupt till you divest!’ https://www.campusreform.org/article/anti-israel-students-walk-demand-right-disrupt-others-education-well-disrupt-till-divest/25167 That’s basically a terroristic threat, you know. It’s not about persuasion, but intimidation. Punish them for their disruptions until they do better.
  11. Criticism from the right. HMM. EVEN IF SO, BIDEN IS NO LINCOLN. On Abortion, Donald Trump Goes The Way Of Stephen A. Douglas. BY: JOHN DANIEL DAVIDSON Former President Donald Trump declared this week that abortion should be left to the states, that there should be no federal abortion legislation because “this is all about the will of the people,” and “whatever they decide must be the law of the land.” He released a video stating his position on Monday and reiterated it later in the week. By taking this stand, that abortion should not be a federal issue, Trump has not just betrayed his pro-life supporters but taken the side of Stephen A. Douglas over Abraham Lincoln. He has insisted that popular sovereignty, not moral principle, should decide the abortion question, just as Douglas insisted popular sovereignty in the new federal territories must decide the slavery question. https://thefederalist.com/2024/04/11/on-abortion-donald-trump-goes-the-way-of-stephen-a-douglas/ .
  12. Lesbian dance group kicked out of LGBTQXYZ event for daring to be patriotic
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