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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Joe Biden Learns What Sowing and Reaping Is As Violent Antisemitic Protests Explode Antisemitic and anti-American "protests" continued on Sunday as pro-Hamas supporters occupied areas of Columbia University and Yale University. In one case, a young Jewish student was stabbed in the eye before being told by campus police that there was nothing they could do. With a further escalation of violence from the terrorist supporters all but inevitable, Columbia's rabbi went so far as to tell Jewish students to go home and not return until order was restored. For months, the Biden administration has given public credence to the "pain" and "suffering" of pro-Hamas protesters, doing nothing to discourage their illegal activities and thirst for violence. Undergirding that has been the dangerous far-left ideology of "oppression" which supposes anyone poorer and less successful must be the victim of "colonization" and "marginalization." In other words, the ends always justify the means for the "oppressed." There is a testing of the waters going on. The crowds of pro-Hamas supporters want to know how far they can push the boundary because they have no intention of stopping with Jews on college campuses. Their goal is cultural and political domination. That reality has finally started to peak through the blinds of the White House, and a condemnation was put by one of Joe Biden's handlers. First of all, where is Biden? Why is he not dealing with this directly? This is a man who has spent years claiming a relatively small antisemitic protest in 2017 spawned his run for the presidency. Yet, he's too busy vacationing in Delaware to directly speak against the largest explosion of antisemitism in the United States in decades? That simply doesn't compute, and it says that Biden is completely insincere. Further, condemning "these statements in the strongest terms" is meaningless. You can't baby terrorist supporters and expect them to moderate. They don't care about words. They only understand actions and consequences. Biden lacks the moral courage to go past tepid finger-wagging, and even that is undermined by his foreign policy of appeasing Hamas and Iran. The president sowed the seeds of this disgusting antisemitism in a cheap, shallow attempt to retain voters in places like Michigan. He is now reaping what he sowed. The toothpaste isn't going to go back into the tube easily. I suspect this is going to get far worse, and America's leaders are not willing to do what is necessary to turn the tide. Buckle up. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/04/21/biden-administration-finally-responds-to-violent-anti-semitic-protests-n2173116 .
  2. Biden Administration’s War On Women The early Friday morning release of the Department of Education’s new administrative rewrite of Title IX of the Civil Rights Act—you know, the one that dealt with women’s rights—shows us that the left’s boast of protecting women is a sick joke. Title IX stated, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” By changing the terms of the law from “sex,” a category grounded in biology, nature, reality, to “gender identity,” a category grounded in mere will, the Biden Administration has indicated that they are waging a war on women that will wreck women’s sports and endanger women at every age. That it is also destructive to men and children is no consolation. That might sound strange to people who get their information from the so-called mainstream media sources whose “mainstream” label is accurate but often misunderstood: their task is to mainstream Democratic Party and leftist ideas. For years now, they have forwarded the Democratic Party propaganda about a supposed “Republican War on Women.” This war on women supposedly consisted of defending the “gender wage gap,” by which women were supposedly being paid 77 cents on the dollar for the same work men do; attacking “reproductive rights”; and refusing to take seriously the protection of women from the sexual predations of men. The first two are simply based on misunderstandings and lies. The “gender wage gap” is clearly nonsensical. If large corporations could really hire women to do the same work as men for nearly a quarter less in remuneration, women would be the only ones ever hired. But the claim has been debunked in data-based analyses many times over. Women do earn less than men overall because they make different choices about both work and family. The language about a war on “reproductive rights” is a euphemism for something that is very ugly. Democrats have no interest in reproduction. They mean by this solely the means of not reproducing, especially the means of killing children in the womb. Given that the consistent trend of views about abortion, as, for instance, measured by Gallup, shows that women are more pro-life than men, it would be more appropriate as a matter of both reality and public policy to say that on this issue, Democrats are waging war on women. But the biggest lie Democrats tell is about their supposed protection of women. And that lie is now fully exposed with the new Title IX guidelines. https://amac.us/newsline/society/biden-admins-war-on-women/
  3. Again. Not what I said. It's almost like you assume what others are thinking and then speak for them. You know, what you claimed everyone on the right was doing.
  4. You are applying your own feelings again Tibsy. I didn't say that it was a good thing if Russia takes over the Ukraine. NO ONE thinks that it is. BUT, it is NOT a "domino", it is NOT a huge problem for the American people. Take your "Putin Fear" someplace else. Adults want the war to end. .
  5. Well, since the Ukraine was one of the members of the USSR for 40 years, I would expect there to be no big change. Especially to US citizens. BUT, keep trying to whip up the war. You are in the minority. .
  6. Someone sent me this from Columbia tonight. Some Jewish students were holding Israeli and American flags so this girl stood in front of them with the below sign. Al-Qasam is the Hamas military wing. They are openly pro-Hamas and threatening fellow students https://twitter.com/AGHamilton29/status/1781882805015744826?
  7. Buried in the latest Ukrainian and Israeli aid package...
  8. It's 'Vietnam All Over Again' As Defense Department Prepares to Beef Up Number of US Advisers in Ukraine The Department of Defense is considering upping the number of US military advisers stationed in Ukraine. Politico said, "The advisers would not be in a combat role, but rather would advise and support the Ukrainian government and military." https://redstate.com/streiff/2024/04/20/its-vietnam-all-over-again-as-defense-department-prepares-to-beef-up-number-of-us-advisers-in-ukraine-n2173091 .
  9. Teacher Wins Lawsuit After Being Fired for Not Giving Unearned Grades, Now Running for School Board After winning a significant legal battle against her former employer for wrongful termination, a former elementary school teacher in Henry County, Georgia, is setting her sights on a new goal: a seat on the school board. Sheri Mimbs was fired from Cotton Indian Elementary School in 2017 for refusing to give passing grades even if students had not earned them. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2024/04/20/teacher-wins-lawsuit-after-being-fired-for-not-giving-unearned-grades-is-running-for-school-board-n2173090 .
  10. This isn’t exactly “breaking news” J.C. We are slowly, but surely weeding them out. .
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