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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Someone sent me this from Columbia tonight. Some Jewish students were holding Israeli and American flags so this girl stood in front of them with the below sign. Al-Qasam is the Hamas military wing. They are openly pro-Hamas and threatening fellow students https://twitter.com/AGHamilton29/status/1781882805015744826?
  2. Buried in the latest Ukrainian and Israeli aid package...
  3. It's 'Vietnam All Over Again' As Defense Department Prepares to Beef Up Number of US Advisers in Ukraine The Department of Defense is considering upping the number of US military advisers stationed in Ukraine. Politico said, "The advisers would not be in a combat role, but rather would advise and support the Ukrainian government and military." https://redstate.com/streiff/2024/04/20/its-vietnam-all-over-again-as-defense-department-prepares-to-beef-up-number-of-us-advisers-in-ukraine-n2173091 .
  4. Teacher Wins Lawsuit After Being Fired for Not Giving Unearned Grades, Now Running for School Board After winning a significant legal battle against her former employer for wrongful termination, a former elementary school teacher in Henry County, Georgia, is setting her sights on a new goal: a seat on the school board. Sheri Mimbs was fired from Cotton Indian Elementary School in 2017 for refusing to give passing grades even if students had not earned them. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2024/04/20/teacher-wins-lawsuit-after-being-fired-for-not-giving-unearned-grades-is-running-for-school-board-n2173090 .
  5. This isn’t exactly “breaking news” J.C. We are slowly, but surely weeding them out. .
  6. Something a LEETLE Hinky With the Job Numbers Lately JEFF COX FROM CNBC Calling the state of the U.S. jobs market these days stable seems like an understatement considering the latest data coming out of the Labor Department. That’s because most of the past several weeks have shown that first-time claims for unemployment benefits haven’t fluctuated at all — as in zero. For five of the past six weeks, the level of initial jobless filings totaled exactly 212,000. Given a labor force that is 168 million strong, achieving such stasis seems at least unusual if not uncanny, yet that is what the figures released each Thursday morning since mid-March have shown. The consistency has raised a few eyebrows on Wall Street. The only week that varied was March 30, with 222,000. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/19/something-strange-has-been-happening-with-jobless-claims-numbers-lately.html .
  7. WHY TRUMP MIGHT WIN Well, he gets to run against Joe Biden. That is the main reason. But one of the extraordinary features of this year’s race is the Democrats’ lawfare. In a series of civil cases and criminal prosecutions, they are trying to bleed Trump’s financial assets and, more important, convict him of a “felony” to convince voters not to vote for him. The prosecutions range from selective (Trump’s handling of classified information) to idiotic (the Georgia RICO case and the case in New York that is now in trial). How is the public reacting to the Democrats’ unprecedented legal onslaught? Some polls have found that being a “convicted felon,” the Democrats’ objective, would indeed hurt Trump with a significant slice of the electorate. But then there is the opposite reaction. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/04/why-trump-might-win.php .
  8. Anyone surprised ?
  9. Left Freaks After SCOTUS Rules 9-0 That Reverse Discrimination Is Good Cause for Lawsuit. “The left should be celebrating a lawsuit extending employees’ right to sue over discrimination based on skin color or sex. Instead, they’re alarmed. Because this will limit their ability to discriminate against whites and men.” https://hotair.com/headlines/2024/04/19/left-freaks-after-scotus-rules-9-0-that-reverse-discrimination-is-good-cause-for-lawsuit-n3786876 .
  10. REALLY? I NEVER SUSPECTED! I WAS TOLD THEY WERE SCIENCING AND I NEEDED TO SHUT UP: ‘Faked figures’ that drove the world’s reaction to covid. THOMAS Verduyn has just reported a series of astonishing revelations about the case and mortality data dashboard, ‘a user-friendly tool to track the outbreak as it unfolds’ rolled out by Johns Hopkins University (JHU), Baltimore, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. In an intensively researched paper for PANDA, the independent covid response research group, he reports that JHU created and launched their online ‘dashboard’ at a time when the disease was not even named, when there were only four cases – and no deaths – outside China. Though it was created on the ‘spur of the moment’ and ‘took only a few hours’ to make, it rapidly became the premier global Covid-19 data resource, used by media outlets, medical researchers, health authorities and the public. All on a shoestring budget with part-time student resources. https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/faked-figures-that-drove-the-worlds-reaction-to-covid/
  11. In Scranton, Joe Biden Made a Lot of False Claims I was surprised to see a fact check at CNN pointing out all of the false claims Joe Biden made during his recent campaign swing through Pennsylvania. One of those bogus claims, about his uncle being eaten by cannibals, got a lot of attention. But there were quite a few more mundane claims that also deserve a look. Listed here: https://hotair.com/john-s-2/2024/04/19/in-scranton-joe-biden-made-a-lot-of-false-claims-n3786877 .
  12. We will NEVER read a better example of projection
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