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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Did Letitia James Accidentally Reveal the Real Reason for Her Trump Witch Hunt? MATT MARGOLIS FTA: James's legal team argued that the court should nullify Trump's reduced judgment of $175 million in his non-jury civil fraud trial. Her team raised concerns about the ability of Knight Specialty Insurance, the company behind the substantial bond, to actually pay the bond if necessary. That's a rather curious position since she had asked for a much larger $370 million in damages — it's as if the entire point was to achieve a judgment that would be impossible for Donald Trump to pay. It's as if the entire point of her case was to seize his assets under bogus pretenses and be a hero to the radical left. As you know, in February, leftist Judge Arthur Engoron fined Trump $454 million (including interest) for allegedly fraudulently inflating the value of his assets while seeking a loan to build a project. Trump paid the loan back in full, and the bank he supposedly defrauded testified in his defense. Simply put, there was no crime or victim. https://pjmedia.com/matt-margolis/2024/04/22/letitia-james-challenge-to-trumps-175-million-bond-rejected-by-judge-n4928407
  2. Psst…Merrick Garland — I Found Your Domestic Terrorists. “A good rule of thumb in 2024 America is to find out where any leftist protests are happening and steer clear of them, because that’s where the real potential for violence is. I’m not saying that they’re all violent, I’m just saying that large groups of entitled, permanently aggrieved leftists who have grown up in a world without consequences can be a bit powder keg-ish.” The Brownshirt resurrection on American college campuses is a far greater threat than any of the Dems' embellishment of what happened on Jan. 6, 2021. .https://pjmedia.com/stephen-kruiser/2024/04/23/the-morning-briefing-psstmerrick-garland-i-found-your-domestic-terrorists-n4928421 .
  3. Hopelessly Woke NPR Places Trigger Warning on Declaration of Independence The hopeless wokeness of tax-funded National Public Radio has been confirmed by NPR senior business editor Uri Berliner, who started shockwaves with his Free Press essay “I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust” providing chapter and verse of how NPR had been take over fully by the left, and as a result blowing several major stories like Russiagate, the Hunter Biden laptop, and dismissing the coronavirus lab leak theory. For his whistleblowing efforts, the veteran journalist Berliner was suspended from NPR for five days before resigning… One example of anti-American wokeness is the “editor’s note” NPR staff felt obliged to place on archived stories about its on-air reading every Independence Day of the Declaration of Independence in full, an honorable tradition apparently now consigned to the ash-heap of history. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/more-woke-madness-npr-has-trigger-warning-declaration/ If NPR has a problem with America’s founding documents, they should not be benefiting from American tax dollars. It’s really that simple. .
  4. Judge Smacks Down Letitia James, Rules in Favor of Trump in Fight Over $175 Million Bond A judge on Monday smacked down Marxist tyrant Letitia James and ruled in favor of Trump in a fight over a $175 million bond. On Friday, Letitia James asked a judge to void Trump’s $175 million bond that he posted to appeal the civil fraud case Letitia James argued that California-based Knight Specialty Insurance Company (KSIC) is not approved to do business in New York. James also questioned whether KSIC has the funds to back up the $175 million bond Trump previously posted. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/breaking-judge-smacks-down-letitia-james-rules-favor/ ,
  5. Alvin Bragg’s Prosecutors Lie About 2016 Election in Opening Statement to Jurors by Christina Laila Opening statements were underway in President Trump’s ‘hush payment’ trial in New York City on Monday morning. Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s top prosecutor lied during his opening statement and claimed Trump “orchestrated a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 presidential election” when he paid porn star Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their alleged affair. Trump has denied the affair. Bragg’s top prosecutor who gave the opening statement on Monday – Matthew Colangelo – previously worked in the Justice Department (Biden appointee) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/just-alvin-braggs-prosecutors-lie-about-2016-election/ .
  6. Cover-Up Exposed: Judge Cannon Unmasks Redacted Documents Revealing Biden White House Direct Ties to Mar-a-Lago Raid, Jack Smith Investigation by Christina Laila Judge Aileen Cannon on Monday ordered key evidence in Jack Smith’s classified documents case to be unredacted. The newly unredacted documents revealed Biden’s White House had direct ties to the Mar-a-Lago raid. The Biden Regime was also directly tied to Jack Smith’s investigation despite claims to the contrary from US Attorney General Merrick Garland. Before with redactions: Jack Smith wanted to hide the fact that the National Archives had several conversations with the Biden White House. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/cover-up-exposed-judge-cannon-unmasks-redacted-documents/ The unredacted documents show the Department of Energy discovered Trump had an active security clearance after he was indicted so they retroactively terminated it. Revoking a security clearance of an ex-president retroactively to criminalize a non-criminal action? That's wrong right there. Should be grounds for dismissal .
  7. For a second, imagine that black students at Columbia were taunted with chants of "Go back to Africa." Or imagine that a gay student at Yale was surrounded by homophobic protesters and hit in the eye with a flagpole. Or imagine if a campus imam told Muslim students that they ought to head home for Ramadan because campus public safety could not guarantee their security. There would be relentless fury from our media and condemnation from our politicians. Just remember the righteous—and rightful—outrage over the white supremacist “Unite the Right” march in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, where neo-Nazis chanted “The Jews will not replace us.” This weekend at Columbia and Yale, student demonstrators did all of the above —only it was directed at Jews. They told Columbia students to “go back to Poland.” A Jewish woman at Yale was assaulted with a Palestinian flag. And an Orthodox rabbi at Columbia told students to go home for their safety. What will the response be?
  8. Someone's NERVOUS: Jonathan Turley Says Alvin Bragg's First Witness in Trump Trial is 'Very Telling' Trump's 'criminal' trial starts today. Criminal. Right. Jonathan Turley has some thoughts about Alvin Bragg's first witness: https://twitchy.com/samj/2024/04/22/turley-bragg-n2395382
  9. Some are, and good for them.
  10. IT’S ONLY BEEN OBVIOUS SINCE THE 2016 ELECTION. Two Former High-Profile Trump Critics Now Admit It: His Foes are the Real Threat to Democracy. Yes, you’re right, it’s a republic, not a democracy, but this is no time to quibble. Two high-profile Trump critics, one of whom was even touted as the presidential candidate who could topple Bad Orange in 2020, have just shown that they realize that the real threat to this tottering republic is coming not from the man they once happily joined in on hating, but from his enemies https://pjmedia.com/robert-spencer/2024/04/21/two-former-high-profile-trump-critics-now-admit-it-his-foes-are-the-real-threat-to-democracy-n4928389
  11. Joe Biden Learns What Sowing and Reaping Is As Violent Antisemitic Protests Explode Antisemitic and anti-American "protests" continued on Sunday as pro-Hamas supporters occupied areas of Columbia University and Yale University. In one case, a young Jewish student was stabbed in the eye before being told by campus police that there was nothing they could do. With a further escalation of violence from the terrorist supporters all but inevitable, Columbia's rabbi went so far as to tell Jewish students to go home and not return until order was restored. For months, the Biden administration has given public credence to the "pain" and "suffering" of pro-Hamas protesters, doing nothing to discourage their illegal activities and thirst for violence. Undergirding that has been the dangerous far-left ideology of "oppression" which supposes anyone poorer and less successful must be the victim of "colonization" and "marginalization." In other words, the ends always justify the means for the "oppressed." There is a testing of the waters going on. The crowds of pro-Hamas supporters want to know how far they can push the boundary because they have no intention of stopping with Jews on college campuses. Their goal is cultural and political domination. That reality has finally started to peak through the blinds of the White House, and a condemnation was put by one of Joe Biden's handlers. First of all, where is Biden? Why is he not dealing with this directly? This is a man who has spent years claiming a relatively small antisemitic protest in 2017 spawned his run for the presidency. Yet, he's too busy vacationing in Delaware to directly speak against the largest explosion of antisemitism in the United States in decades? That simply doesn't compute, and it says that Biden is completely insincere. Further, condemning "these statements in the strongest terms" is meaningless. You can't baby terrorist supporters and expect them to moderate. They don't care about words. They only understand actions and consequences. Biden lacks the moral courage to go past tepid finger-wagging, and even that is undermined by his foreign policy of appeasing Hamas and Iran. The president sowed the seeds of this disgusting antisemitism in a cheap, shallow attempt to retain voters in places like Michigan. He is now reaping what he sowed. The toothpaste isn't going to go back into the tube easily. I suspect this is going to get far worse, and America's leaders are not willing to do what is necessary to turn the tide. Buckle up. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/04/21/biden-administration-finally-responds-to-violent-anti-semitic-protests-n2173116 .
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