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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Democrats Are Riding the Tiger Right Into a Spicy Summer ATHENA THORNE There isn't enough popcorn in the world for the s***show the American left is putting on this election year. If you are able to look past the Unprecedented™ horror of massive antisemitic mobs marching around the country (remember when the Citronella Nazis of Charlottesville were the worst thing evuh!!!?), you will find a situation of unparalleled entertainment value. The Democrats, in their zeal to radicalize and weaponize underemployed, spoiled Americans, have hoisted themselves so high by their own petard that they dropped off an order of Starbucks on their way past the ISS. "Riding the tiger" is an expression describing the act of sitting astride a volatile situation because it serves the rider's purposes. But as the rider stokes the chaos, it becomes impossible for him or her to dismount without winding up in the tiger's supper dish. There's also the expression's lesser-known adjunct, "It's always fun to ride the tiger until it starts eating your friends." At the moment, the Democrats' tiger is gobbling up the woke universities in which the Left cultivates its activist armies. We hear a lot of comparisons between the lawless demonstrations going on at Columbia University today, ostensibly against Israel's war with Hamas terrorists, and the hippie riots of 1968 when students protested the Vietnam War by tearing up the campus. But in the time between these two eras, Columbia has been a veritable boot camp for budding mob lords. {snip} For starters, the DNC 2024 convention, scheduled for August 19-22 in the United Center in Chicago, promises to be a mobulent spectacle on par with the famously violent convention of 1968. Back then, Mayor Daley called in the troops to crack some hippie heads. But today's DNC, beholden to its left-wing tiger, won't be able to do anything about it. Their biggest fear is a protester injured by DNC law enforcement who has an iPhone and a social media platform. I look forward to watching them attempt to thread that needle, all the more so because they created their own impossible dilemma. Sadly, many cities will be trashed, too. As the Biden campaign hemorrhages black support (especially that of black men), it is undoubtedly searching frantically for video of cops or rednecks beating a black person. Once they find the appropriate poster child, their media arm will blow it up bigger than the sun, and we all know what happens next. I used to feel bad for the innocent people caught up in the Marxist maelstrom, but I'm starting to lose my last bit of sympathy. They vote for this stuff over and over and over — and by huge margins. Watching leftist prosecutors team up with leftist juries to persecute a former U.S. president and front-running candidate has purged me of my last drop of concern for these people. They created this tiger. They fed it and groomed it and sharpened its teeth and claws and taught it to rage. My plan for the summer is to stay out of the path of destruction as best I can, sit back, and take in the show. https://pjmedia.com/athena-thorne/2024/04/23/leftist-mob-antics-promise-a-spicy-summer-n4928429
  2. NYC Man Convicted Over Gunsmithing Hobby After Judge Says 2nd Amendment 'Doesn't Exist in This Courtroom' By Jeff Charles https://redstate.com/jeffc/2024/04/22/brooklyn-man-convicted-over-gun-hobby-by-biased-ny-court-could-be-facing-harsh-sentence-n2173162 .
  3. Biden's Charlottesville Moment Has Arrived KAREN TOWNSEND President Biden's campaign announcement video in 2019 began with two words - Charlottesville, Virginia. Biden said he felt compelled to run against then-President Trump because of the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville. Biden slammed Trump for a quote taken out of context. The quote has to do with there being "very fine people on both sides" but the Democrat talking point quickly became that Trump said white supremacists were good people. Democrats still cough up that trope to this day, including Joe Biden. Biden did not issue an official statement on the antisemitism on college campuses during the past months. He hadn't weighed in on the protests that are shutting down universities and turning violent. That changed on Monday. No, Joe Biden didn't find it within himself to stand up and support Jewish students on college campuses or call for an end to encampments on the grounds of campuses. He didn't tell students to stop making human chains to deny entrance into buildings. But, he was asked about the goings-on with the demonstrations by a reporter in Virginia. He had to say something. Appeasement does not work. Biden is cowed by Muslim Arab American voters in Michigan, afraid to lose their votes in November. He is too afraid to show moral clarity and stand steadfast with Israel. It is disgraceful. His cowardice enables Hamas to continue to attack Israel with impunity. https://hotair.com/karen-townsend/2024/04/23/bidens-both-sides-have-good-people-argument-has-arrived-n3787029 .
  4. Media Stunned by Trump's Soaring Poll Numbers https://twitchy.com/videos/2024/04/23/media-stunned-by-trumps-soaring-poll-numbers-n2395433 .
  5. Two years left to save the planet !
  6. New Mind-Blowing Talking Points Go Out on Pro-Hamas Protests As Libs Scramble for Cover Amid a rash of violent pro-Hamas protests, both in word and deed, liberals are scrambling for political cover, and the talking points have gone out. The videos of large crowds chanting "Death to America" while assaulting Jewish students have become too visible, and that means a new framing is needed. Are you ready to have your mind blown? You see, those pointing signs at Jews that say "Al Qassam's next target" while calling for Tel Aviv to be "burned to the ground" are just "anti-war." Nothing says "anti-war" like demanding to "globalize the intifada," am I right? Sometimes I wonder what being a Democrat must be like. I mean, sure you'd be morally bankrupt and economically illiterate, but on the other hand, you could literally get away with anything. Are you calling for genocide in the name of a terrorist group? Well, you're just a harmless "anti-war" protester. {snip} Ultimately, the press outlets making excuses for such behavior support those calls. They can't admit that, though, so you get these ridiculous reframings of what's obviously happening. I don't think too many Americans are going to be fooled. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/04/23/the-talking-points-go-out-on-pro-hamas-protests-as-libs-scramble-for-cover-n2173183
  7. One wishes that the US had accountability. ACCOUNTABILITY: Israel’s Military Spy Chief Resigns Over Oct. 7 Hamas Attack. https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/israels-military-spy-chief-quits-first-to-shoulder-blame-for-hamas-attack-945eba68 .
  8. Ya Don't Hate 'em Enough: Media Hypes Poll Showing 'High Disapproval' for DeSantis, But There's a Problem Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been running full steam ahead in the aftermath of ending his 2024 presidential campaign, not allowing the disappointment to deter him from getting things done in and for the Sunshine State. He's scored important victories against Disney as well as the plaintiffs in the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act case, has taken action against so-called "squatters' rights" and retail theft, signed five laws cracking down on sexual predators, and recently put his signature on a law that calls for teaching the atrocities of Communism to elementary school students. Throughout it all, DeSantis has (predictably) still been subjected to one failed media hit piece after another, with the Palm Beach Post embarrassingly stealth-editing one anti-DeSantis column in early April and NBC News hearing about it over a "migration" hit piece that fell flat. The mainstream media are, of course, still at it, with the latest example coming from Florida-based news outlets who are hyping a new Morning Consult poll that they say shows Gov. DeSantis with "one of the highest disapproval ratings for governors." It's not until you click the link and read beyond the headline that you find out that the poll was a national poll, not a state poll: And it wasn't until the last line in the piece that they pointed out his approval ratings among Republicans nationally are rock solid: https://redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2024/04/23/ya-dont-hate-em-enough-media-hypes-poll-showing-high-disapproval-for-desantis-but-theres-a-problem-n2173186 .
  9. Did Letitia James Accidentally Reveal the Real Reason for Her Trump Witch Hunt? MATT MARGOLIS FTA: James's legal team argued that the court should nullify Trump's reduced judgment of $175 million in his non-jury civil fraud trial. Her team raised concerns about the ability of Knight Specialty Insurance, the company behind the substantial bond, to actually pay the bond if necessary. That's a rather curious position since she had asked for a much larger $370 million in damages — it's as if the entire point was to achieve a judgment that would be impossible for Donald Trump to pay. It's as if the entire point of her case was to seize his assets under bogus pretenses and be a hero to the radical left. As you know, in February, leftist Judge Arthur Engoron fined Trump $454 million (including interest) for allegedly fraudulently inflating the value of his assets while seeking a loan to build a project. Trump paid the loan back in full, and the bank he supposedly defrauded testified in his defense. Simply put, there was no crime or victim. https://pjmedia.com/matt-margolis/2024/04/22/letitia-james-challenge-to-trumps-175-million-bond-rejected-by-judge-n4928407
  10. Psst…Merrick Garland — I Found Your Domestic Terrorists. “A good rule of thumb in 2024 America is to find out where any leftist protests are happening and steer clear of them, because that’s where the real potential for violence is. I’m not saying that they’re all violent, I’m just saying that large groups of entitled, permanently aggrieved leftists who have grown up in a world without consequences can be a bit powder keg-ish.” The Brownshirt resurrection on American college campuses is a far greater threat than any of the Dems' embellishment of what happened on Jan. 6, 2021. .https://pjmedia.com/stephen-kruiser/2024/04/23/the-morning-briefing-psstmerrick-garland-i-found-your-domestic-terrorists-n4928421 .
  11. Hopelessly Woke NPR Places Trigger Warning on Declaration of Independence The hopeless wokeness of tax-funded National Public Radio has been confirmed by NPR senior business editor Uri Berliner, who started shockwaves with his Free Press essay “I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust” providing chapter and verse of how NPR had been take over fully by the left, and as a result blowing several major stories like Russiagate, the Hunter Biden laptop, and dismissing the coronavirus lab leak theory. For his whistleblowing efforts, the veteran journalist Berliner was suspended from NPR for five days before resigning… One example of anti-American wokeness is the “editor’s note” NPR staff felt obliged to place on archived stories about its on-air reading every Independence Day of the Declaration of Independence in full, an honorable tradition apparently now consigned to the ash-heap of history. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/more-woke-madness-npr-has-trigger-warning-declaration/ If NPR has a problem with America’s founding documents, they should not be benefiting from American tax dollars. It’s really that simple. .
  12. Judge Smacks Down Letitia James, Rules in Favor of Trump in Fight Over $175 Million Bond A judge on Monday smacked down Marxist tyrant Letitia James and ruled in favor of Trump in a fight over a $175 million bond. On Friday, Letitia James asked a judge to void Trump’s $175 million bond that he posted to appeal the civil fraud case Letitia James argued that California-based Knight Specialty Insurance Company (KSIC) is not approved to do business in New York. James also questioned whether KSIC has the funds to back up the $175 million bond Trump previously posted. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/breaking-judge-smacks-down-letitia-james-rules-favor/ ,
  13. Alvin Bragg’s Prosecutors Lie About 2016 Election in Opening Statement to Jurors by Christina Laila Opening statements were underway in President Trump’s ‘hush payment’ trial in New York City on Monday morning. Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s top prosecutor lied during his opening statement and claimed Trump “orchestrated a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 presidential election” when he paid porn star Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their alleged affair. Trump has denied the affair. Bragg’s top prosecutor who gave the opening statement on Monday – Matthew Colangelo – previously worked in the Justice Department (Biden appointee) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/just-alvin-braggs-prosecutors-lie-about-2016-election/ .
  14. Cover-Up Exposed: Judge Cannon Unmasks Redacted Documents Revealing Biden White House Direct Ties to Mar-a-Lago Raid, Jack Smith Investigation by Christina Laila Judge Aileen Cannon on Monday ordered key evidence in Jack Smith’s classified documents case to be unredacted. The newly unredacted documents revealed Biden’s White House had direct ties to the Mar-a-Lago raid. The Biden Regime was also directly tied to Jack Smith’s investigation despite claims to the contrary from US Attorney General Merrick Garland. Before with redactions: Jack Smith wanted to hide the fact that the National Archives had several conversations with the Biden White House. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/cover-up-exposed-judge-cannon-unmasks-redacted-documents/ The unredacted documents show the Department of Energy discovered Trump had an active security clearance after he was indicted so they retroactively terminated it. Revoking a security clearance of an ex-president retroactively to criminalize a non-criminal action? That's wrong right there. Should be grounds for dismissal .
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