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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Defense - DeJean or Offense Route runner McConkey .
  2. Worthy is 170 lbs. No thanks. .
  3. Jax now at #23 wants a WR, we should jump them.
  4. WOW 12 picks in 6 - QB's 3 -- WR's 3 -- OT's .
  5. Its easier (and waaaaaay more cost efficient) to pick up veteran D-Line players via the wire and atop rated Wide Reciever via the draft. .
  6. Spineless Cowards DAVID STROM Let's face it: academic institutions (and many Blue cities) are run by spineless cowards. They are willing to see conservatives shouted down, harassed, driven off campuses, and persecuted. But when it comes to students who are engaged in planned takeovers and assaults on individuals and police officers, they cower in fear. They mumble nostrums about "free speech," ignoring that there are time place and manner restrictions. They will hold tribunals and silence anybody who knows what a woman is, but students "dearresting" their vile compatriots who have committed actual crimes is A-OK. More at the link: https://hotair.com/david-strom/2024/04/25/spineless-cowards-n3787212 .
  7. Bidenomics, Baby! Economic Growth Slowed Significantly in First Quarter It's fine. Totally fine. The economy is great, thanks for asking. The U.S. economy has 'slowed significantly' in the first quarter of 2024. Which we didn't need an economist to tell us. https://twitchy.com/amy-curtis/2024/04/25/usatoday-economists-say-inflation-will-slow-down-after-surge-n2395459 .
  8. LOL. Imagine comparing a White House release and an off the cuff response to a reporter's question with Mike Johnson's actions. Not surprising though. Meanwhile: LEADERSHIP FROM THE SPEAKER In an act of leadership that contrasts with the malicious indifference of President Biden and his team, House Speaker Mike Johnson went up to Columbia University to call for the restoration of order on campus. He spoke from the steps of Low Library to denounce the treatment of Jewish students on campus https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/04/leadership-from-the-speaker.php .
  9. Devastating Poll for Joe Biden Shows Shocking Shift in Views on Illegal Immigration, Even Among Democrats Axios has released a new poll showing American attitudes toward illegal immigration and the question of mass deportations. The results are a disaster for Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. There's simply no good news for the White House in this poll. It goes on to show that Biden is personally blamed for the border crisis at a higher rate than any other politician or factor. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/04/25/devestating-poll-for-joe-biden-shows-big-shifts-in-views-on-illegal-immigration-even-among-democrats-n2173279 https://www.axios.com/2024/04/25/trump-biden-americans-illegal-immigration-poll .
  10. Washington Post puzzled that people who agree with Trump's policies are supporting him. PAUL MIRENGOFF https://ringsideatthereckoning.substack.com/p/washington-post-puzzled-that-people https://www.washingtonpost.com/style/power/2024/04/18/they-didnt-want-trump-theyll-live-with-republican-nominee/ .
  11. 1960S PROTESTERS: “THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING.” Now: What don’t they want people to see? .
  12. It's Going to Take Some Serious Fraud to Help Biden Win DAVID STROM FTA: Biden has been outspending Trump 5-1 in these states, and one has to wonder if any of that money has done any good. Well, wonder no more; in public opinion the answer is not at all, but a lot of that is going to building an infrastructure that can target voters and harvest votes in ways that don't reflect the polling. It doesn't just matter what everybody thinks; it matters who votes and who counts the votes. That is the only place that Biden's money can do any good. He is going to get HIS voters out and hope not too many people who hate him will go to the polls. But here's the rub: Biden barely won in the states that matter, and he has only become less popular since then. All the low-hanging fruit was harvested in 2020, and many of those voters who showed up for him won't this time. Trump's numbers have improved, and Biden's have gone down. That makes ballot harvesting at the 2020 scale not nearly enough. This is why Democrats have exerted so much effort in blocking ballot security measures. They need wiggle room to juice the numbers. But there is only so much juicing you can do, and I am unsure whether this time it will be enough. https://hotair.com/david-strom/2024/04/25/its-going-to-take-some-serious-fraud-to-help-biden-win-n3787146 .
  13. Tell me again how everyone else is biased.
  14. He is senile. He cannot serve as President any more,
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