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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Give this officer a raise. Make sure the sound is on
  2. Trump and Desantis meet "secretly" in Florida by Josh Dawsy https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/28/trump-desantis-meeting/
  3. No they're not. * I am having a difficult time believing that Tibs would start this thread if Biden was ahead
  4. I certainly appreciate your first hand account @sherpa. Too bad some posters are too childish to let go of their comforting account. President Trump specifically condemned the White supremacist protesters, but cowards that they are they won't admit it.
  5. Trump's vice-presidential search may have taken a new turn Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/04/23/donald-trump-vice-president-selection/
  6. Elon Musk Called Out NPR And PBS As 'State-Affiliated': They Freaked Jeffrey Lord https://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/jeffrey-lord/2024/04/27/elon-musk-called-out-npr-and-pbs-state-affiliated-they-freaked .
  7. Welcome to protest season, where the cause changes but the tactics stay the same Opinion: Protesters focus on a moral panic each summer, to the exclusion of everything else. This year, it just happens to be Israel-Hamas. by Jon Gabriel It’s protest season. Again. This time, the Israel-Hamas conflict is the pretext for activists to block freeways, vandalize buildings and occupy universities. Protesters took over Columbia University’s Morningside Heights campus, renaming it the Gaza Solidarity Encampment. An estimated 800 students set up tents before replacing the American flag with a Hamas banner. They chanted Islamist slogans, told Jewish students to “go back to Europe” and menaced anyone who disagreed. Being a prestigious Ivy League school (annual cost of nearly $90,000), Columbia administrators quickly shut down the unrest. Just kidding, they canceled in-person classes, as during the pandemic. Seems $90K doesn’t buy what it used to. https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/2024/04/27/college-protests-israel-hamas/73454043007/
  8. Poll: Biden Less Popular Than Carter or Nixon JAZZ SHAW We have long since run out of novel ways to say that Joe Biden's poll numbers have been an ongoing dumpster fire. I don't think we've seen a single poll since last autumn that Biden's people wanted to point to with pride. But the latest polling from Gallup this weekend comes with a bit of a novel twist. Not only have the efforts of Biden's staff and the legacy media to resurrect his standing with the public failed, but they have arguably made things worse. Biden registered an all-time low of 38.7%, which is bad enough at first glance. But this also places his approval at this point in his presidency lower than any other president in the modern era, including both Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon. He's even three points lower than George H.W. Bush was at the same point and Bush went on to lose his reelection bid. Biden's ship isn't just taking on water at this point. The rats are jumping over the side. https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2024/04/28/poll-biden-less-popular-than-carter-or-nixon-n3787363 https://nypost.com/2024/04/27/us-news/biden-least-popular-president-in-70-years-below-nixon-carter-gallup-poll/ https://news.gallup.com/poll/644252/biden-13th-quarter-approval-average-lowest-historically.aspx ,
  9. Is the Worst Yet to Come? By Steve Huntley | April 28, 2024 This and that. Random thoughts and observations about current events. Trigger alert! What follows might “harm” the psyche of the woke. Perhaps those sensitive souls should retreat to a safe space, which I suspect will be Judenfrei. Peaceful protest is a hallowed right and tradition in America. These days, however, that right, which achieved so much good in the civil rights era, is being hijacked to disrupt everyday life in big cities and on university campuses. The protests are said to be about the suffering of Palestinians in Israel’s war against Hamas. But they’re not. They’re the ravings of antisemitic bigots and far left wing fanatics celebrating the terrorist savagery of the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre and rapes, which set off the righteous war by Israel against genocidal terrorists in the Gaza Strip. You never hear in these anti-Israel demonstrations a hope for a two-state solution. No, only chants calling for Oct. 7 again and again. The demonstrators’ stated target might be Israel but make no mistake, their hatred is also aimed at America and Western civilization. The U.S. flag has been burned. Chants of “Death to America” punctuate protests. These poisonous demonstrations are deliberate attacks aimed at disrupting life and commerce in cities, interrupting public accommodations like highways and airports, shutting down education at campuses — and intimidating Jews in all walks of life. Jews are told by authorities they’re unsafe on college campuses, and some flee. Think about that. We are witnessing organized mass bigotry on a scale not seen in this country since the days of Jim Crow. These demonstrations are coordinated by radical organizations like Students for Justice in Palestine and funded by far-left groups such as the Open Society Foundations, according to an examination of financial records by the New York Post. Open Society was founded by George Soros, the billionaire whose pocketbook has helped elect anti-police and coddle-the-criminal prosecutors in major cities. How would you describe the anarchy, hate and organized assault on society, fomented and financed for years by radicals? Someone could be forgiven for mentioning the i-word — insurrection. https://johnkassnews.com/is-the-worst-yet-to-come/
  10. Field notes that “during the COVID-delayed voter registration deadline in May 2020, the Democratic advantage was D+803,427” for the state, but the number is now D+397,241, meaning they have lost more than 300,000 registered voters from their edge since the last election. “That’s one of the many reasons that President Trump’s going to win in November, and I’m going to win,” McCormick, who is looking to unseat Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), said. “We are becoming a red state for a whole bunch of reasons, but mostly because the left and the Democratic Party moving so far to the left that they’re out of step with Pennsylvanians.” “There was about a one million registered voter advantage among Democrats over Republicans in Pennsylvania, the year that Trump won in 2016. Today, it’s less than 400,000 more registered Democrats than Republicans, and I think by Election Day, it’ll be closer to 300,000,” McCormick added. https://www.breitbart.com/2024-election/2024/04/27/pennsylvania-republican-senate-nominee-dave-mccormick-we-becoming-red-state/ .
  11. Justice Thomas raised crucial question about legitimacy of special counsel's prosecution of Trump by Thomas Phippen Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas raised a question Thursday that goes to the heart of Special Counsel Jack Smith's charges against former President Donald Trump. The high court was considering Trump's argument that he is immune from prosecution for actions he took while president, but another issue is whether Smith and the Office of Special Counsel have the authority to bring charges at all. "Did you, in this litigation, challenge the appointment of special counsel?" Thomas asked Trump attorney John Sauer on Thursday during a nearly three-hour session at the Supreme Court. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/justice-thomas-raised-crucial-question-about-legitimacy-special-counsels-prosecution-trump .
  12. Associated Press Admits New Indictments Are ‘Campaign’ To ‘Deter’ GOP From Questioning Elections by Brianna Lyman The Associated Press (AP) admitted Friday that this week’s indictment of 18 Arizona Republicans is “part of a campaign” to “deter” Republicans from raising challenges and concerns about the integrity of the 2024 election. Democratic Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes indicted 18 individuals, 11 of whom she claims acted illegally when they convened as alternate electors to certify the Arizona election in favor of Donald Trump while challenges to the tight election’s initial results were ongoing. Under the headline “Charges against Trump’s 2020 ‘fake electors’ are expected to deter a repeat this year,” AP’s Nicholas Riccardi wrote the indictment of 18 people “could help shape the landscape of challenges https://thefederalist.com/2024/04/26/associated-press-admits-new-indictments-are-campaign-to-deter-gop-from-questioning-elections/
  13. Back to the thread topic: Gov. Doug Burgum moves up Trump's VP ladder https://www.axios.com/2024/04/28/trump-burgum-vice-president-contender-election . .
  14. What a ridiculous post. There are nice people on both sides does NOT mean everyone on both sides is nice. Logic is your friend.
  15. I wouldn't mind a big back. Braelon Allen Wisconsin RB Height: 6'2" Weight: 235
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