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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Exactly. And it doesn't mean that he agrees with everything they say. That is the narrative of those who are afraid of people being allowed to listen to varying opinions and make up their own mind. Oh, the horror ! .
  2. Chilling warning to America: Anti-Taliban resistance leader warns terror attack on US soil is a 'matter of when, not if' by Wills Robinson The leader of the anti-Taliban resistance in Afghanistan has issued a chilling warning that a new terrorist attack on America is a matter of 'when not if'. Ahmad Massoud said terrorism is 'breeding' in the vacuum left by the U.S. pulling out in August 2021 and it is 'very possible ' extremists will now try to strike America or Europe. Massoud is the son of Ahmad Shah Massoud, the legendary resistance leader known as the 'Lion of Panjshir,' who was assassinated by Al Qaeda two days before 9/11. As he continues his father's cause the Biden administration's withdrawal from his country was the final nail in the coffin. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13347195/Anti-Taliban-resistance-leader-says-terrorist-attack-U-S-soil-matter-not-chilling-warning-Biden-administration-surge-extremism-Afghanistan-withdrawal.html .
  3. Who's the Trump VP Pick? Odds for Every Shortlist Candidate https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trump-vp-pick-2024-candidates-odds.html ,
  4. One side hides their faces behind terrorist scarves. One side shows their faces, proud of who they are, reflecting they were made in the image of God. https://twitter.com/LarryOConnor/status/1785066931663307080
  5. LET'S GO: Independent Women's Forum Files Lawsuit Against Biden's Title IX Rewrite We knew this was coming, and we're glad it did. The Independent Women's Forum has filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration, following the rewrite of Title IX rules that gut women's sports, makes women vulnerable in their locker rooms, opens up their scholarships and sports to men, and makes them targets for punishment if they 'harass' a trans woman. https://twitchy.com/amy-curtis/2024/04/29/title-ix-lawsuit-n2395689
  6. Joe Biden: The Lights Are on, but Nobody's Home Holy crap, he's getting worse. Who is keeping this poor old man up there in the public eye? It's getting harder, day by day, to think he's capable of making any substantive decisions; why are the Democrats continuing to place their presidential hopes on this guy? It has to be embarrassing — but then, the Democrats have plenty to be embarrassed about, assuming they are still capable of feeling embarrassment. https://redstate.com/wardclark/2024/04/29/joe-biden-the-lights-are-on-but-nobodys-home-n2173509 .
  7. I doubt this will surprise anyone, but it's well worth cataloguing. NPR Cheers Pro-Hamas Campus Agitators National Public Radio’s coverage of the anti-Israel agitators who’ve taken over progressive college campuses while spouting violent rhetoric at Jewish students has been no better than its tax-funded partner PBS (both outlets reside under the taxpayer-supported auspices of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.) NPR’s Friday coverage flattered the protesters, suggesting they were laser-focused on concrete demands that their respective colleges cease financing Israel, while ignoring their vocal support for Hamas terrorists, demonstrated by praising the October 7 massacre of Israelis and reciting eliminationist chants like “From the river to the sea.” Friday’s Morning Edition program aired “Protests against the war in Gaza intensify at Columbia and other universities” without a single mention of the despicable rhetoric from the protests, nothing about the ongoing anti-Semitic ranting and toddler-like tactics when confronted by police, only enthusiasm for the alleged success of the protests. Here’s your tax dollars at work, producing bias by omission[.] https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/clay-waters/2024/04/29/npr-cheers-pro-hamas-campus-agitators-getting-closer-their-demands
  8. Ron DeSantis VP Speculation Erupts After Donald Trump Meeting A meeting between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis has fueled speculation online that the former president may choose the Florida governor as... https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-vice-president-ron-desantis-running-mate-1895024 .
  9. Can one of the 'liberals here answer this question.
  10. Criminal trespass is still a criminal act in some places
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