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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Lots of truths here. Victor Davis Hanson: Trump's Counter-Revolution And The Return To Normalcy They call it the "MAGA Revolution." It is not a revolution, it is a counter-revolution. There's a big difference. This is a restoration, let's use the word restoration. We don't know or appreciate what we've been through with eight years of the Obama administration and then the third more radical term of Obama using or employing the waxen effigy of Joe Biden. The revolution that we've experienced was cultural, economic, political, and social. It was very similar to the French Revolution under Robespierre. Remember what they tried to do, they changed the days of the week, they renamed things, they tore down statues, they went after the church. Does this sound familiar? In this revolution we've experienced, everything was up for sale and everything was negotiable. We invented a third gender and rammed it down people's throats. We tore down statues. We said 1776 was no longer the foundational date, it was 1619. We changed the very mechanism by which we vote -- we went from 70% of the electorate voting on election day to 70% of the electorate, not doing that either through mail-in or early voting. That was a radical change that had no discussion. It was done by fiat. It was incredible. We looked at girls' sports and destroyed it. We said that transgender biological males who were now transgender females could compete. They won over 600 medals they took away from hardworking female athletes. We had drag shows among young children. It was an effort to change the entire constitution, we forget that. They were trying to bring in Puerto Rico as a state and Washington DC to get 4 instant senators. They were proud. They said that they were going to pack the Supreme Court, hadn't been done, hadn't been tried since 1937 and it was an object of disgrace ever since, but they were proud to try it again. They talked about making states -- the Senate looked like the House. They wanted, and a lot of them were advocating it was not fair that one senator in Wyoming, to take one example is worth 250,000 votes, but a senator in California represented 20 million. They wanted to change the makeup of the Senate. They wanted to get rid of the Senate filibuster. Remember that? {snip} But that wasn't all. He said the government is broke, we're going to go through all of these agencies and finally for the first time in the history of this country, when somebody says they're going to cut federal spending and "drain the swamp" or cut the administrative state, we're going to do it. And there's going to be no changing names except to go back to traditional names. We're not going to topple statues. And if you break the law and you're on campus and you're on a student visa, you're gonna go back home. So we're in the midst of a counter-revolution. It's not revolutionary. Do you know what it is? It's a return to normality. It's a return to common sense. It only looks revolutionary to revolutionaries. But to the rest of the people, it is a counterrevolution to restore normality and bring the country from the far-left fringes back home again. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2025/02/21/victor_davis_hanson_trumps_counter-revolution_and_the_return_to_normalcy.html
  2. WHAT ? Zelensky lied ? But its so much easier to blame President Trump for everything. The cut off text: RUBIO: "We discussed mineral rights with Zelenskyy and said we want to be in a joint venture with you because we think we need a security guarantee. We need to be paid back some of the $200B in taxpayer money we've given you. He said 'Sure, I need to run it through my legislative process.' I read two days later he's saying he rejected the deal. That's not what happened in that meeting. We're trying to help these guys. Ukraine doesn't directly impact the daily lives of Americans, there should be some gratitude here. When you see him accusing the President of disinformation, that's highly counterproductive. President Trump isn't going to take that. He's not going to get gamed. He hopes Zelenskyy isn't trying to hustle the United States, that's not going to be productive here."
  3. Lets see. . . . . . . every nominee that was voted on has passed. Scalps, LOL
  4. Shots Fired at Tesla Dealership in Oregon (and That’s Not All). By Nick Arama I've been writing about the protests against Elon Musk as the Democrats have been whipping up hate against him and President Donald Trump over the Department of Government Efficiency and the work to cut fraud, waste, and abuse. The Democrats have been lying about DOGE, claiming Musk wants to steal people's social security, that it's a "coup" (despite Trump being the president and Musk working for him) and all kinds of other inciting lies. They've also called for action in the streets, even calling it "war." Over the weekend they had protests at Tesla dealerships trying to make an impact on the EV company, likely hoping the board will try to rein Musk in and/or they hurt the value of Teslas, so they think they hurt him. But the protests were in the main pitifully small because what he's doing is popular. At the protest in NYC, there was a sticker affixed to the window that said "Kill Elon." Now, there's been a shooting at a Teslas dealership in Oregon. Somebody shot up the front of the store in Salem at about 5:00 a.m. local time. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2025/02/20/yikes-shots-fired-at-tesla-dealership-in-oregon-n2185795
  5. get thrown in jail in Germany for posting a mean tweet?”
  6. Sometimes, Moral Clarity Isn't Difficult By Ben Shapiro This week, the world was reminded of the deep and abiding evil that has wormed its way to the center of Palestinian nationalistic culture by the news that the Bibas family — a mother, Shiri; a 4-year-old boy, Ariel; and his 9-month-old brother, Kfir — who had been kidnapped back to Gaza on Oct. 7 had in fact been murdered. Their bodies are to be returned to Israel this week; Hamas held the corpses hostage, and in return received the release of imprisoned Palestinian terrorists. It is instructive to recall the circumstances of the Bibas family's kidnapping. They were not, in fact, kidnapped by identified members of Hamas. They were kidnapped by Palestinians in civilian dress, who joined Hamas for their murderous spree. For over a year, zero Palestinians apparently revealed the whereabouts of the Bibas family to the Israelis; zero worked to keep them safe or to restore them to liberty. This fits with a pattern of civilian involvement in Palestinian terror activity: the reality is that the Palestinian terror apparatus is incestuously intertwined with the Palestinian civilian population. That is why released hostages tell of being held by civilian families in Gaza; why terrorists merge so easily into the surrounding civilian population; why the popularity of Palestinian terrorist groups remains sky-high among Palestinians generally. The hard division between terrorist and civilian so cherished by the West simply doesn't exist in practice in places like the Gaza Strip. None of this is meant to alleviate the moral responsibility to attempt to distinguish between terror and civilian targets — a task Israel has accepted with more success than any country in the history of warfare, achieving a nearly 1:1 terrorist to civilian death ratio in the heavily urban Gaza Strip. But it is vital to recognize that the Palestinian nationalist cause is itself honeycombed with cancer: that it is rooted not in a desire for an independent state to exist side-by-side by Israel, as the mythical two-state solution has now suggested for decades, but in a desire for the complete extirpation of Jewish life in the Middle East. Again, Palestinian civilians kidnapped and held babies. They then held their corpses hostage to achieve the release of murderous Palestinian terrorists. Oct. 7 was not a "jailbreak," an attempt to achieve freedom or political sovereignty; it was, simply put, a massacre, designed to kill as many Jews as possible and incite a multifront war that would destroy the State of Israel in toto — or, in the absence of such an achievement, to mobilize world support to isolate Israel for defending itself. {snip} This is evil. If you side with those who deliberately kidnap babies and hold them for ransom, you are siding with evil. If you demand concessions to those who perform such atrocities, you are siding with evil. From college campuses to the streets of London, from the United Nations to the International Criminal Court, we can see just who sides with evil. And as Israel lays to rest the corpses of the Bibas family, we should be reminded that those who side with evil share its moral consequences. http://jewishworldreview.com/0225/shapiro022025.php
  7. PLENTY OF DEADWOOD TO BE CLEARED: Hegseth set to remove generals and senior officers – report. Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth is reportedly preparing to fire a whole host of generals and officers, particularly those who were close to his disgrace of a predecessor, Lloyd Austin. The generals and officers up for termination are on a list pieced together by top Pentagon officials and shared this week with congressional Republicans, according to NBC News. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/live-blog/live-updates-trump-lori-chavez-deremer-cpac-rcna192744#rcrd73369 https://thedailybs.com/2025/02/20/hegseth-set-to-remove-generals-and-senior-officers-report/
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