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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. ART OF THE DEAL: Read the whole thing.
  2. I'm concerned that many people do not understand the historical and institutional context in which the DOGE labor reforms are unfolding. They look at this as if these are some random, chaotic, arbitrary, strange, and even cruel measures to impose on a devoted civil service. The reality is very different, and I'm not even sure that Elon entirely understands this. For more than a century, even dating back to 1883, the civil service has grown and grown without check from the elected branch, either the presidency or the legislature . The bureaucracies have ballooned from a few to 450 or so. The bloat and absurdities have grown too. Get this: no one has ever known what to do about it. Not Coolidge, not Hoover, not Nixon, not Reagan, not Clinton, no one. No president has been able to crack this nut. The only reforms ever to have made it through are those that make the administrative state bigger, never smaller. Countless cabinet secretaries have come and gone, always with the intention of making a change but leaving saddened, demoralized, outwitted, outgunned, and ultimately devoured. No president has seriously taken on this problem because they simply did not know how. The unions are powerful, the intimidation from the deep institutional knowledge is overwhelming, the fear of the media as been powerful, and every single president comes to power vaguely feeling threatened by the intelligence agencies. The industries that have captured every single agency were also far too powerful to unseat or control. This combination of institutional inertia has blocked serious reform for a full century. No one has dared. No one has even had a theory or strategy about what to do about this problem. It had become so terrible that most people in politics have simply surrendered, like homeowners who know there are rats in the basement and bats in the attic but long ago gave up trying to fix the issue. All this time, the American people have felt themselves ever more oppressed, weighed upon, taxed and regulated, spied upon, brow beaten, and otherwise overwhelmed. Voting never made any difference because the politicians no longer controlled the system. The bureaucracies ruled all. The Biden years underscored the point. We didn't even need a conscious and present executive. We only needed a figurehead to pretend to be president, just like the Soviet premiers in the old days. The institutions ran everything and the people controlled nothing. MUCH, Much more at the link:
  3. Another day, another load of fecal matter pushed by the left to scare the older generations. No, the GOP Isn't Cutting Your Social Security and Medicare Paula Bolyard Think back to 2012 with me: the Tea Party was roaring across the country. Americans were carrying around pocket Constitutions and demanding spending cuts. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was touting the GOP "Path to Prosperity." And Democrats pounced. A left-wing group, the Agenda Project Action Fund, aired an ad showing a character representing Ryan pushing Grandma off the cliff. The Left wailed and writhed, claiming that Republicans were trying to "end Medicare as we know it" and destroy Social Security. Fast-forward 15 years, and Democrats are at it again, claiming falsely that the House's 2025 budget resolution will end entitlements. A left-wing group called Social Security Works has been at the forefront of the fear-mongering, claiming on X that the GOP budget would cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. The group—created "to elect leaders who will expand Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid"—posted this nonsense over the weekend: Newsflash: Cutting waste, fraud, and abuse isn't taking money out of the pockets of senior citizens or anyone else. Nor is it slashing Medicare or Medicaid benefits. Here's what the budget reconciliation does do, according to the House Budget Committee: Provide tax relief for working families and small businesses; Reverse the Biden-Harris administration’s whole of government assault on domestic energy; Rein-in reckless spending that lit the fuse on inflation; Give the Trump-Vance administration the critical resources they need to secure our border and strengthen our national security. https://pjmedia.com/paula-bolyard/2025/02/25/no-the-house-budget-isnt-cutting-your-social-security-and-medicare-n4937286
  4. Well thats fine, because there are NO Medicaid cuts in the budget.
  5. Hey look, Joe misinterpreted a clear tweet again.
  6. Perhaps your earlier 'concern' was misplaced. During the Biden era, 442 reporters lost their “hard pass” to cover the White House. In 2021, the number of reporters with access to the White House dropped by 31%. The Biden White House made new rules revoking passes for journalists who don’t “act in a professional manner.” If you’re wondering what the White House Correspondents’ Association did to assist these reporters, the answer is nada.
  7. "He's destroying the environment !"
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