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Everything posted by Oxrock

  1. At least that one has a smidgen of truth to it.
  2. You are really that stupid. I had my doubts. That's the author of the story that was syndicated. The actual person on the scene, yet you go on believing what your confirmation bias tells you. Must really suck to be stuck in your station in life while morons like Mitt and 57 states Obama go on to make millions.
  3. Morons don't know a joke. You really do believe it though and pass this off as if Romney was serious? Really? You probably do... http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/09/mitt-romney-joke-joking-airplane-windows.html
  4. Brit. (UK Mail)He can be forgiven. Exactly. I rarely carry cash myself, but I can see where he might be concerned over credit/debit card fraud. Not to mention just having that receipt for later on after he's out of office as a memorabilia piece to sell.
  5. Remember this? Well here's some of that stash: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2207301/Is-deficits-hiding-Obama-whips-massive-wad-cash-pay-sausages-deli.html Sent from my iPad
  6. http://washingtonexaminer.com/obama#.UFss02t5mSN Some light end of summer reading.
  7. Dope. Like your "Ha" was adult. Look, I've worn body armor. The entire outline of the back of a vest is visible in those photos. And because W has poor posture the upper back portion is more pronounced.
  8. Yeah, it would really suck to be anything like a successful rich guy with a heart...http://www.theblaze.com/stories/the-real-mitt-romney-beck-interviews-people-whose-lives-have-been-touched-by-the-gop-candidate/
  9. !@#$ing moron. Ever wore one? No. I !@#$ing doubt you ever had armor on in your entire life unless you covered yourself in hotdogs. Ass wipe.
  10. Ummm.... No. Dem's do not outnumber Republicans. Prove me wrong.
  11. Yep. This is the place. http://race42012.com/2012/09/16/poll-watch-rasmussen-daily-swing-state-tracking-poll-3/
  12. You know who's fanning the flames?
  13. Free Beacon is a legitimate source. See, they quote actual people, not other blogs. Here's the "nothing to suggest they didn't have ammunition". http://www.defense.g...anscriptID=5111. That's not exactly a debunking now is it. He didn't flat out say "They had ammunition". The other report of "warning shots" that DC Tom linked to said it wasn't clear where the shots came from or who fired them. So there's that to. I'm moving on because it really doesn't matter at this point. If true the left doesn't care one bit and will just use whatever excuse they can to justify why they didn't. If not true, apparently it didn't save them anyway. Sad.
  14. Click on the bigger map. It's growing. I'm not sure what your point was. I just found an opening with the bold part of your post to emphasize it's not a "Few" crazies. After re-reading your post, I think you are wrong. The President holds great influence of the mood of the people here at home in regards to the economy (in regards to policy proposals and regulatory enforcement). And a foreign policy of apology while simultaneously bragging in public about "kill lists" and "Osama Bin Ladin is dead! General Motors is alive!" is like dipping his finger in salt then pushing it into the open wounds of suffering at the hands of the radical islamist clerics.
  15. In the end, it doesn't matter. The article I linked was wrong according to the Pentagon. So, there's that. Now, where is that report stating such? Wait, what?
  16. Just a few A Map of Muslim Protest Oh, you're gonna need a bigger map!
  17. You make this as though the "UPDATE" was there when I read the article. But thanks for the update just the same. Actually, at the time I posted that, I had not read a single instance of Marines firing their weapons. Not one instance.
  18. Marines without ammo.
  19. I'm with you on the SS cap. Also need a method of means testing (or is it meens?).
  20. Haven't read thru, but has anyone pointed out that sales tax is local? So, no. Not everyone pays the same %. No parity in property tax either. Just look at the tax code in the counties near me in Pensacola and you'll see three distinct rates for each county. And then, there are states like Delaware that have ZERO sales tax. Federal income tax is the only way to compare.
  21. "W"
  22. Never in my book. And what is with the "news flash", by the way?
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