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Everything posted by Oxrock

  1. If he worked in a classified or otherwise limited access building, you don't want to give him a chance to access his work environment. In such a case, the place to deliver the termination documents should be a public place in hopes of lessening a chance for the employee to cause a scene.
  2. http://www.cnbc.com/id/49371146 More good news: Ha, just posted the bad stuff... Here's the real point of the story:
  3. Why, yes. Yes it is. USA USA USA
  4. Guam... I lived in that 56th or is it the 57th state for a couple years. Loved it!
  5. Hah! That is funny!
  6. I'm glad you are consistent. I disagree with you, but do see your point a view regardless of myself being a part of a very small corporation with dreams of growing big someday.
  7. I have incorporated my bar for all the legal reasons you so carefully gathered from the web. And every time we get together as required by law in person, on line, or thru the mail (My wife and I only own 66%) it's quite obvious we are individuals acting as a group no different than unions, fraternal, or religious organizations. Corporations formed explicitly with the aim of promoting a political point of view like Citezens United clearly have their politics out in the open for all the shareholders to see and vote as shareholders do in meetings or with their wallets when they disagree with the direction of the corporation management. I ask you, do you have the same view of unions, fraternal, religious, or other NFP organizations (like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting) where persons come together the create one entity? Does this stripping of responsibility apply to these other entities as well?
  8. Your are not unthinking. Just wrong. Unions = persons grouped together as one Corporattions = persons grouped together as one The simple mind views a Corp. as only a legal concoction. It's not. It is people like you and I. Corporate personhood is a liberal lie.
  9. For Frank: From http://ace.mu.nu
  10. What is the breakdown? If its still dem+8, then no. Take Romneys "bump" and double it.
  11. Well, no. See, here's the difference between thinking people and, well, others. See, "underground" in this sense does have a literal meaning of being outside the law. Like an underground economy. So, that works with her literal sentence as written and spoken.
  12. Well, good call because that's what happened you idiot. They didn't track them. Step one complete, Eric. Now what?
  13. Well, no. Not everyone. Just you dumbasses that feel the need to berate, offuscate, and belittle other posters. I mentioned earlier in this thread the fact that she was "Litteral" and supposedly metaphorical not only in the same story, but litteraly in the same sentence. Lukers are laughing at you morons trying to defend her speech that defies history.
  14. Did you read the thread? Nope. I don't think you did. Fukin MoreOn.
  15. So, then... the question becomes why isn't Obama leading by crushing numbers? Look at the last one alone: 2.38 to 1.54. Nearly 37% more Democrats Party affiliation than Republican Party affiliation. Oh, wait. Did you look at that? 2.82 Ind/2.39 Dems/1.55 Rep. That's registration. So, Indies outnumber both the Dems and Reps. Yet all the polls have Dems outnumber both Indies and Reps. And this is supposed to show us that the polls aren't skewed? But, just in case you didn't know, A lot of us registered as democrats so we could vote in your primary in 2008. Maybe some didn't change back. I did, but my wife didn't.
  16. Well, when writing, is ok to mix metaphors with literal meaning? Fist there is this: then in the same sentence: Since John Lewis actually marched across that bridge, it appears that their great grandparents actually were riding that Underground Railroad.
  17. http://www.therightscoop.com/special-report-details-an-up-to-date-extensive-time-line-of-events-from-the-benghazi-attack-to-now/
  18. http://abcnews.go.com/ABC_Univision/News/untold-story-fast-furious-scandal/t/story?id=17342034#.UGcQvZjA_Tq Preview: http://abcnews.go.com/ABC_Univision/video/excerpt-univisions-fast-furious-special-17352864#.UGd7wamMNzA.mailto Sent from my iPad
  19. That is the biggest load of media bias I've readin a... Today. 1. It's there are parts of Obama care that no one ever disputed were good. It's repeal and replace you morons the replacement will keep the good. 2. Two.
  20. Well, The Ditz Chick and Mel Strep are kinda plain. But the rest, you got me.
  21. http://www.examiner.com/article/new-economic-data-shatters-obama-s-over-inflated-lead-polls?fb_action_ids=496467773705540&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%7B%22496467773705540%22%3A419328654781704%7D&action_type_map=%7B%22496467773705540%22%3A%22og.likes%22%7D&action_ref_map=[] New economic data shatters Obama's over-inflated lead in polls
  22. That's what thought and would have to agree!
  23. http://minx.cc/?post=333218 How to not be funny and humiliate half the left wing universe.
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