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Everything posted by Oxrock

  1. Sounds like Obamas excuse. Blaim the delivery of the message and not the message.
  2. The Constitution grants specific powers to the Fed. All other powers not mentioned are left to the people and the states. If you read it, you failed the comprehension test.
  3. I'm contacting Miller and Rubio to get the AG fired. Couldn't fire the whole lot of them, so must go this route.
  4. I quit. Luckily I have the means. Good luck y'all,
  5. A hurricane. I can't believe it. A hurricane a week before an election, in which the president doesn't do anything but place a few phone calls and get his picture taken with a fat baby who's in love with Bruce Springsteen, swings the most important election of our time. Such is life.
  6. !@#$ing idiots elected a woman who used affirmative action while being white. Wow. I give up. The country is screwed.
  7. Yep. Thanks to the one issue vagina voters.
  8. Whatcha got from me?
  9. Fotunately the people installed a GOP majority in the HOR.
  10. Jobs. We have businesses and jobs.
  11. http://freebeacon.com/post/35057729004/victorias-secret-angels-turn-on-power Leadership!
  12. President elect Romney was here last Saturday, but my paying job kept me from attending the standing room only rally.
  13. http://www.timnerenz.com/2012/11/vote-your-conscience.html
  14. On the other board that shall remain nameless, I had a link to a well documented explanation of the surplus myth. Both parties like to maintain the myth because it' benefits the Clinton legacy while it was the result of GOP budgets.Edit: Found it in my signature. Something to think about: Surplus Myth Something else to remember: Political Fables
  15. Check out this video on YouTube: Sent from my iPad I would vote for Johnson if I were in New York. But I'm not. I'm in a "battle ground state" and am realistic.
  16. Lurker here. Occasional poster. Many more don't post at all. They are out here. You are right.
  17. My 2:http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204840504578089413659452702.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEADTop
  18. I'm gonna give you a chance here. Re-read this and fix it.
  19. Look up Silver on the Mass special election for Ted Kennedy's replacement polling. He's a hack that falls in line at the last minute to get his predictions right. He's got one election that my 7 year old grandson could have predicted all 57 states correctly and he missed one.
  20. Again... Fiat said they were moving Jeep output to China. So, are you saying that the majority see the lie that Fiat wasn't thinking about doing just that? You are a lemming. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-10-21/fiat-says-china-may-build-all-jeep-models-as-suv-demand-climbs.html
  21. He did. Again. You actually suck at this. If this is your schtick.
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