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Everything posted by Oxrock

  1. It's not 3rd ining.... it's 3rd-n-LoNG3rdnlng. LoL.... For the longest time I saw 3rd inning too.
  2. Frank's favorite tax! I'm sure he'll chime in soon.
  3. Green veggies. Avoid starchy ones.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1vYj0E2Hr0
  5. I live a pretty inactive lifestyle and recently lost 25lbs while eating very well. So, it's possible. Watch the carb intake. Lower carbs burn fat (notice I did not say zero or no carbs).
  6. Bourbon and water. Bills up! Having a good night!
  7. This whole thread is a waste. Is there anyone here that was FOR McCain in 2008? Don't think so. Waisted baiting post.
  8. Whiners can take their moderation here: http://boards.buffalobills.com
  9. Have to admit... Had to read that twice. Good point.
  10. Off topic, but if the Johnson voters and the Ron Paul sit outs had gone ahead and voted for Romney, we'd be discussing who would be in his cabinet. Instead, we're going to relive the Swiftboating of the most vile person to use the wearing of a Navy uniform for political gain. http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/obama-considers-john-kerry-for-job-of-defense-secretary/2012/11/12/8a0e973a-2d02-11e2-a99d-5c4203af7b7a_story.html John "he served in Vietnam" Kerry for SecDef!
  11. Hah! It's true! They really can! No, wait... Tom is right. !@#$. Tom is right. This.
  12. Wait.... Obama and his super PAC's out raised (became the first billion dollar candidate in history), outspent, and out advertised with negative ad buys in swing states (you didn't seem them in NY, but we sure did in Florida). Were do you get this Money doesn't always win?
  13. http://minx.cc/?post=334794
  14. Seems like a nice place to drop a link some might find interest in. Me? I have to go back to the paying job tomorrow and pay up to my lefttard co-coworker who claims to be a disgruntled republican.. Enjoy. http://minx.cc/?post=334794
  15. Not just the news. It's in the programming as well.
  16. I've been preaching this for years. Especially about abortion. Educate. Not legislate.
  17. There you go. You've got your wish. I'm not happy about it, but understand it. I'm a libertarian conservative myself.
  18. Quoting TYTT and calling him a hardliner is like calling Obama a moderate.
  19. Can't wait! Maybe you'll see the light then.
  20. You receive more in federal tax returns than you pay in federal taxes. And I'm sure you took full advantage of federal grants for that economics degree.
  21. You're one of them Frank.
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