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Everything posted by Oxrock

  1. No. Not really. I live in his old district. Here's my "note" from 2010:
  2. I thought this was a thread about "Coach" My bad.
  3. That's the funniest **** ever posted!
  4. Happy New Year! The Winter Solstice has always been the beginning of a new year to me. Tomorrow will have more sunshine (daylight) hours than today. What more reason do we need to celebrate!?!? My days of SAD are about to wane. Winter blues are not just "feeling the blues", but part of Seasonal Adjustment Disorder. Living in Florida helps. But just the arrival of December 21st helps even more. Again.... HAPPY NEW SEASON! New year to me! http://youtu.be/_eyFiClAzq8
  5. Unless you're up against someone who has one. 9 shots may not be enough. Should be, but what if he's running and dodging and weaving? What if there's two intruders? Do you want to be the nut left behind? Dropping your clip in the heat of the moment and trying to jam the next one in? Trying to find the next one? Home defense man! Really, don't even get a handgun or semi-automatic rifle. Get a shotgun for home defense.
  6. I like your non-paranoia. Gotta tell ya though. I was a little paranoid myself when I lived in North Chicago (off Green Bay Rd, right down the street from Green Bay Elementary). Crime and home invasions seemed to be on the rise back then (93 - 97).
  7. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away!
  8. You are afraid of something to do with lawful gun ownership though. Irrational fear at that.
  9. Well, either you lied or are just gullible. You seem pretty smart, so I'm going with "you lied".
  10. More like (if true) the guy was just trying to get an extra $20 from you. http://licgweb.doacs.state.fl.us/weapons/index.html
  11. TakeYouToTasker caught on tape: http://youtu.be/A2sAFHBptJE via: Ace
  12. So far I haven't seen anything I already hadn't been told. Just a good re-telling of history.
  13. Nothing has changed. Facts: Today, the GOP controls the house be a large margin. The Dems control the senate without a filibuster proof majority. The President is a democrat. Come January, none of those facts change.
  14. Nope. You are wrong. The gain in the senate came fom self destructing GOP candidates and the return of a Dem seat to the Dems in a solidly blue state. The house is still overwhelmingly GOP, and the executive won with fewer votes and. Slimmer margin than 2008, a first for a winning incumbent.
  15. Actually, you are wrong. The voters agree with the status quo. They voted to keep things as they were on 5 November. GOP HOR, Democrat controlled Senate & Executive. No change. No mandate except stalemate. I'm all for it. It seems the do nothing government is working out just fine and the economy might just be heading in the right direction (although it might just be the holiday hiring and spending... We will have to wait until January or Ebruary to know for sure).
  16. WTF are you rambling about? I had to read the piece twice to make sure, and then went through this thread again and found no such trotting. Did I miss something?
  17. Ain't just a river... Yeah, I was driving home last night, and it hit me how I spelled it. I then realized I am already in the state of denial.
  18. Might be "Linda" from the other board by the constant use of "wingnuts". That was her favorite thing.
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