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Everything posted by Oxrock

  1. Don't worry. The next report will be a sharp increase. Remember, tax filing commenced a little late this year.
  2. Or read this http://hotair.com/archives/2013/02/14/video-senate-dems-to-announce-sequester-replacement-plan-today/
  3. I visualized David Schwimmer and heard his voice in my head whenever I read your post lately. They all lived in there own little bubble.
  4. F. u. c. k. it. You believe what you want. I'm just surprised.
  5. Keep talkin' like you are in a !@#$in' sit-com.You're not Frank. This is real life. You and you lib friends here like to pretend you are on "Friends" or something. Come on. GTFU.
  6. !@#$. You're a 9/11 truther? Idiot.
  7. This is what I got when I clicked your link: Danger: Malware Ahead! Google Chrome has blocked access to this page on realclearpolitics.com. Content from www.realclearpolitics.com, a known malware distributor, has been inserted into this web page. Visiting this page now is very likely to infect your computer with malware. Malware is malicious software that causes things like identity theft, financial loss, and permanent file deletion. Learn more
  8. Not true about 2009. The Democrat congress held off their budget until Obama was inaugurated.
  9. I have, in the past, beat my head against the wall calling for it's repeal. You'd think the libs would too since they also control State legislatures and Governor mansions.
  10. so it's a comprehension problem then.
  11. Nut? Meet blind squirrel!
  12. I'm liking this climate change. I haven't had the AC or Heat on since August. Just doing my part.
  13. No. Chrysler took more money from the Fed and paid back the loan with those dollars.
  14. Now that should be the lie of the year right there!
  15. Defense Contractor Tom was posting from work mostly. Maybe someone in IT kindly reminded him of the agreement he signed to not be on a whole litany of places during the work hours. Maybe....
  16. You know what IS 100% settled science? One day that life giving gaseous orb in the sky is going to expand and swallow the earth and there is nothing we can do about it.
  17. As I recall, I defended this crap on the other board, and actually argued my support against your non-support. Meh, we right wingers are all the same.
  18. http://www.ksl.com/?...48&sid=23259483 The changes in a nutshell Several related disorders, ranging from severe autism, to childhood disintegrative disorder and Asperger's will all be made part of a single diagnosis: Autism spectrum disorder. The diagnosis is a spectrum, incorporating many symptoms, but placing people in an area of the spectrum based on the severity of their symptoms. Experts say the new criteria, to be released more specifically in 2013, are both more strict and more flexible, allowing for accuracy and consistency in treatment.
  19. It's an extension of same law. Get a clue.
  20. That's what Bush said.
  21. Yep. He was going to college and playing in a band back then.
  22. Frank, WTF? This is amateursh for you. Almost FlaFitzish.
  23. Whistle while you work!
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