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Everything posted by Oxrock

  1. I am on an iPad also. So, here's a link to WattsUpWithThat and a search term of "97": http://wattsupwiththat.com/?s=97 On the sites front page is a story about 2013 being the 4th hottest year since satellites began measuring global temps. It's not a question of the earth was warming, but a question of why. Overwhelming evidence is that it's not Co2.
  2. its DELAYED COMPENSATION. I doubt you understand the concept.
  3. Hey! I'm just a lurker here! Leave me out of it!
  4. Not knowing all the facts, my first instinct is a reasonable person would not have been in fear of great bodily harm or death from someone outside 30' away. Just me, I'll keep an opened mind though. Hope the youngster doesn't die from his trespass.
  5. AOSHQ: Oh My: Leftwing Protester Displays Sign Sarcastically Saying "We're Racist & Proud," Intending That as an Insult Against Pro-Zimmerman Protesters; Media Immediately Begins Reporting Sign as Bona-Fide Expression by Rightwingers Only one problem with their plan: Brandon Darby was on-site and, get this, actually bothered to interview this specific protester, who wasn't even a Moby or Agent Provocateur. She had no real intent to deceive -- the moment Darby asked her about it, she said she was there to insult the Zimmerman supporters, not actually disguise herself as one of them. All you had to do was ask her. http://minx.cc/?post=341880
  6. *de-lurking* You've got to be a plant from the right side of this board, right? Come on, nobody who can use a computer and a keyboard can be this special .
  7. The people,of his district must know that he doesn't call the shots in his office... Right? The have to know someone pulls his strings to keep sending him back every two years. It's not like he's a Senator with a 6 year appointment who could possibly have his his condition for 4 of the 6 years... Right? Wait, I forgot the voters who re-electect JJ Jr while he was institutionalized.
  8. Good lord. So far I've heard repeated and have read repeatedly that Zimmerman was ordered or told by the police or 911 to stay in his truck. That this is about "Stand Your Ground" That Zimmerman stalked Martin. Stalked, not followed. "If only Zimmerman would have obeyed the police order to stand down" As the kids say on FB "SMHID"
  9. Like it! Not far from what he'd retort.
  10. Did anyone see the photo of the rapper Game in a claim that it was TM? I've followed this case closely and never saw that photo before today.
  11. But where's Frank in all this (the original poster)?
  12. Where's the OP?
  13. As a Floridian, I'm sorely disappointed. Marco's hopes for higher office are in jeopardy as well as remaining a counterweight to the ancient Nelson.
  14. you do know that this isn't a "stand your ground" case right? It's a simple self defense case. In other words, he had a reasonable fear that his life was about to be snuffed out. The same self defense right you'd have in any state. The stand your ground controversy is a figment of the msm. That's what the defense is using forget "stand your ground".
  15. http://www.documentcloud.org/documents/326700-full-transcript-zimmerman.html page 2
  16. no, the 911 call says he said "ok" when told "you don't need to do that". He stopped following. That's what the 911 call says.
  17. you !@#$ing sand crab... Brooks is nothing like Colmes. Colmes never waivers in his left wing convictions. Brooks is left wing who pretends to be conservative.
  18. Drudge is links to stories. A brief visit this morning has story links to CBS, FOX, ABC, NBC, CNBC, several British papers, USA Today, Bloomberg, WSJ, So, I guess what your saying is that people who visit Drudge get their news from too many different sources?
  19. All things skeptical... http://wattsupwiththat.com/
  20. Where is Frank? And it never has really been about "stand your ground", but rather simple self defense.
  21. Double edged sword. DOW goes up. 401k looks good. Price at pump goes up. Checking account looks bad. Every time I here about the markets rising, I cringe a little because I know that gas prices have risen as well.
  22. exactly. When told that he needn't follow, he said ok and didn't. He was heading back to his vehicle. The evidence will show this soon enough. How? GPS.
  23. So, some who may have went to one or two other countries are feeling smug. FDA.
  24. you could have been describing my little southwest corner of Pensacola, Fl.
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