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Everything posted by Oxrock

  1. Legal Insurrection Obama and Warren cribbed "build it" narrative....
  2. Auto correct did that? Well that's kitty way of handling it.
  3. What the hell is that? Krap man. Did you miss Frances last election? You'd love the savior they just elected! You kinda of guy.
  4. Right. And Hillary had nothing but sweet things to say about Obama 4 years ago? Oh, I forgot. He should be running around a sure win state throwing campaign events and tons of cash at add buys. My side's really not in the race this year by the way. I'm a lesser of two evils kind of guy. I did take that online test that says I agree pretty much with Romney, so maybe he's on my side. Kind of weird. I consider my side to be liberal in the classical meaning of the word. And, Romney was my guy in 2007 - 2008 (something about business for me I think they know something the political class doesn't... I voted for Ross Perot and I voted for Forbes over Bush in the spring of 2000 but Bush in November 2000). I think Romney's term as a governor with a hostile legislature is a plus.
  5. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm...... Bacon! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tvx_CKB7uI
  6. That would go a long way to ending this argument. Ask someone what they paid last year and most people would say "I got $$$ back! I didn't pay anything!".
  7. I just received notice that my healthcare is going up 25% October 1st.
  8. I've got a say that I don't know where this "Romney has to define himself" or "What is Romney doing?" crap comes from. You must be in a NY or New England. Because Romney has been running for President for what seems like 6 or 7 years now. States that don't know about Romney are states that are going to have all their electoral votes go for whatever democrat party member the left throws up ever 4 years no matter what. Why bother to run adds or hold campaign events in those states. You'll learn more during and after the convention when the campaign truly goes national. Really? "Only 3 months?" No, it's "A lot can happen in 3 months". It's the middle of summer. School starts at the end of next month and people will turn off their vacation brain and begin to seriously think about the next 4 years. I only hope they not only consider who will be the President, but who is currently the Attorney General and other political appointees. My hope is they seriously consider who will appoint the next 2 or 3 justices to the Supreme Court. I hope they consider those executive orders that go against the process of checks and balances. Romney is speaking for himself. Those who wouldn't find fault if Obama was found in bed with 2 teenage boys aren't listening. The rest are. And he's moving up in the poles despite the poles favoring democrat voters (disregarding the 2010 midterms as some sort of fluke). So, most people are receiving his message even if some of the left leaning posters here are not.
  9. Priceless! Probably will be all over the leftosphere today! I (shudder) can already see Rachell Olbermaddow in my minds eye right now going absolutely giddy with glee during her lead into this video tonight!
  10. I've been working with security clearances for 27 years. From the initial application through the granting of access. Look on the SF86. Read the adjudication guide. It's pretty clear. But like anything, there are exceptions when high ranking officials get involved (like the Presidents wife). You may have a clearance, but I've been involved with thousands. The issue is NOT "PERSON HOLDING IT BEING A MUSLIM" (I'm sure I missed that quote in everything I've read on this), it's the Muslim Brotherhood. While all Muslims are not out to convert or kill all non-believers, all members of the Muslim Brotherhood are Muslim. But in either case, Muslim is not a race. The letters are a request to look into how, with all the guideline and manuals saying that having immediate family involved in foreign governments or foreign movements is grounds for adverse adjudication, did Huma get cleared? Possible that the there are mitigating factors in her favor such as non-contact for x number of years. End of investigation, answers given. You didn't read the letter Congressman Ellison. Congresswoman Bachmann definitely did not go after her because she's a Musim. Remember the rumors that Huma and Hillary had a thing? Probably what lead to her marriage to Weiner and why she didn't care much about his attempts at infidelity.
  11. M Ok. Let's stipulate that you do know quite a few that have even TS with SCI. People with Immediate family members who wish harm to the United States. Keep in mind, I said "damn near" impossible, not wholly impossible. And she's not baseless. You just can't seem to argue points. Go read the letter and give me help on understanding your view point by shooting down the allegations in the letter without resorting to using the race card. You probably can't do.
  12. Lazy as well. Anyone say "guilty'? or was there a call for an investigation? Lord knows I presume a lot and assume a lot, but not once did anyone say she's guilty. I don't know about you, but immediate family ties (mother, father, brother, sister) are strong in my worldview and belief system. That's why it's damn near impossible to get a security clearance if you have immediate family who are tied to foreign countries who's interest are in conflict with the interest of the U.S. Legal Insurrection
  13. Weiner's as much a Jew as Obama is a christian. Which is to say: Not much at all. Neither men are any more religious toward any faith than to their left wing ideology. While I understand that much has been made by the anti-semites and others to make being Jewish a race, not a religion, I can see where you'd be confused. Is he a practicing Jew? Maybe he covertly converted to Islam. Or, submitted. Must have been one or the other or she's converted to Judaism. I wonder which it is. Either way, you act as though such acts of espionage are un-heard of. That "moles" never existed in the world of spy vs spy. National security is all just a big game. Nobody would surely go that far, yet would be willing to get on a bus full of tourist and blow it up along with them self. "Hmmm.... let me ponder this: Go to Israel and blow myself up in a crowd, or go to the U.S. and live my life with a Jew and bear his evil spawn... oh, what should I do?" No, I'm not saying any of this is true. But calling for an investigation into whether or not she has been relaying insider information to her family and whether or not her family (immediate family, not cousins or distant cousins) have ties to a group who stated goals are to inflict harm on the west is not "crazy" or "anti-muslim" or "anti-anything". These are serious allegations. And to play the race/bigot card is lazy.
  14. Did the state make you great? Why Obama’s “you didn’t build that,” IN CONTEXT, is gaffe of the year: Obama revealed. WAPO <br class="Apple-interchange-newline">
  15. THAT's the point. Absolutely !@#$ing true that family ties to groups or countries that advocate harm to the United States or it's interest is a dis-qualifier for national security positions... unless, of course, you are a member or support of the Democrat party. Has ZERO to do with race, and EVERYTHING to do with National Security. Requesting an investigation seems reasonable due to the allegations of close family members being tied to the muslim brotherhood and the apparent favoritism afforded them by this administration. Link to a news story since I don't see where one was provided before in this post. Oh, and McCain is a MORON!
  16. 91% Mitt Romney on social, domestic policy, immigration, healthcare, foreign policy, and science issues. 83%Ron Paul on immigration, healthcare, economic, domestic policy, foreign policy, and science issues. 74%Gary Johnson on healthcare, domestic policy, foreign policy, economic, and science issues. 57%Virgil Goode on healthcare and foreign policy issues. 37%Jimmy McMillan on domestic policy and immigration issues. 18%Barack Obama on economic issues. (Not sure how this happened... must have been a trick question) 5%Stewart Alexander on foreign policy issues. 4%Jill Stein no major issues. 66%Florida Voters on healthcare, domestic policy, and immigration issues. 53%American Voters on domestic policy and immigration issues. Who you side with by party... 91%Republican 79%Libertarian 18%Democratic 4%Green
  17. How !@#$ing stupid is this. This false premise that Republicans believe in ZERO government or believe that we haven't received help from investors or family or friends investing in OUR success is such a pile of crap. Come, visit me at http://rockysbar.net and I'll tell you what makes our little neighborhood bar a success and it's not government. I pay for the roads through taxation. I pay for the police through taxation. I pay for fire protection through taxation. I'll show you my assessment. The crap you leftist keep falling for is laughable. Where did Mitt's dad get his wealth you !@#$ing moron? What did Mitt do with his inheritance? Okay, so connections are something else... But where did they come from? Government? NO. His family set him up. You jealous takers could only hope your family had connections. Jealous dumb asses. Lot's of cussing here by me. I don't normally do that, but this subject really pisses me off. A candidate whose family had connections and passed them down to him and allowed him to be successful is being compared to living of the government? Projection. Obama had everything handed to him. From his UPPER middle class grandparents (Hell! His grandma was a bank officer for christ's sake!) and his child molesting benefactor Frank Marshall Davis. Obama is the poster child for a helping hand that he so cavilerly denigrates. What a !@#$ing idiot. *Channeling my inner Lewis Black**Spit and all**
  18. Let's try this again.. Don't know why your links don't work for me...
  19. Too easy Park: He got us out of Iraq over the loud and angry protests of the guy he ran against. Thank God! Following the path laid out by GWB down to the exact month. Congrats! He honored GW's withdrawal plan. His policies eased the recession and kept it from getting much worse, again, over the protests of the GOP His policies stymied growth and kept business in a state of uncertainty. Business now hoard money waiting for the EPA hammer to fall and the ACA hammer to fall. He bailed out the auto industry that Mitt Romney said should go bankrupt and that would fail, but when it didn't Mitt changed his story to make it seem like Obama listed to him all along. In the end, he allowed for a structured bankruptcy EXACTLY as Mitt Romney proposed, except he violated over 200 years of contract law by not paying the investors first and handing over the control to the UAW. Then, GM has to gall to pay us back with "stimulus" money. To keep their stock propped up, the GAO goes on a car buying spree from GM He put two liberals on the supreme court That's a wash. He REPLACED two lib's with two lib's. Not much of an accomplishment. He has passed major health care reform which has and will help millions get, um, well, health care. Health care has not been reformed. Only the way in which I pay for YOUR healthcare. He's cut payroll taxes As someone mentioned: So. I spent that $8 a pay day for lunch. He's such a good President!
  20. The whole campaign was run on some sort of belief that the independents wouldn't like negative campaigning and telling the truth about Obamas relationships forming his character and telling people why Wright, Ayers, Rezco, Dorn, Jones, Davis, et al mattered. Why did Michelle get that 6 figure promotion? What did BO say at that Palestinian's LA Party and why did th LA Times put it under Lock and Key? We knew McCain's exact standing at Annapolis and no clue about how a self described academic underachiever got into and paid for the best education money can buy. Now, I fully understand that Romney can't go there now. It's too late. But Romney doesn't have to go back any further than the past three years. And he and his surrogates have plenty of material using Obamas own words. Along with his actual appointees and administration members own ideological backgrounds. No, no need for Atwater on crack when you can use the incumbents own words and actions to hit back hard.
  21. I've got nothing. What is your question? I'll get back to you because I'm not sure what you mean by Lee Atwater on crack, and weather you think Romney will do to Obama what he did to Santorum and Gingrich. And why are you sad?
  22. Let's it be known that Romney is no McCain. Surrogates are all over the place hitting back hard and you can bet that Romney will not be calling off the counter attacks like that moron nominee from last go around.
  23. Link didn't work for me. Here's a new one
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