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Everything posted by Oxrock

  1. What? Bull. Show me. And try to do it without citing an Obama lackey study.Check out this video on YouTube: Sent from my iPad
  2. It also should follow then that the fiscally conservative against should quit voting for the leftist because of ther stance on abortion. Roe v Wade is "settled law" and will never be overturned.
  3. Yeah, that!
  4. It amazes me that the same scientific worshipers of global climate change and the silence of life and dear on this planet are so easily swayed.
  5. I wish the left would exercise ther choice more often. I hope the classical liberals and conservatives pro-create like horn dogs on coke.
  6. You like that Politifact don't you. It took them three times to go from Half True to Mostly False and ending up with Pants On FIre? Well here's one for ya: http://www.politifac...s-voted-end-me/ And that is on the original plan. The newest even allows for continuation of medicare in it's current form along side a voucher program. But it doesn't matter. He's running for VP. The top of the ticket has his own plan. http://www.mittromne...-middle-class01
  7. Woodford Reserve when I feel like I have a Fifty burning a hole in my wallet, Jim Beam Devils Cut the rest of the month. Oh, and water.
  8. By the way, if you've seen the polls after this came out by PPP you should know the following: http://minx.cc/?post=332101
  9. Ugh went to the bourbon one too many times that night. Tonight is cafe zin.
  10. If this were a Republican, that headline would have been: Rep. Kerry Gauthier (R District 17) faces charges for sex encounter
  11. You know who didn't look Presidential? That hillbilly from Arkansas that brought casual Friday to the White House every day of the week.
  12. Crap. It's not that hard. Register people in the name of dead and/or indigent and/or unable to go to the polls. Provide those names to a few. They go and vote in those names. No ID required. How the !@#$ do you know that they voted fraudulently? You don't. The common theme with Liberals and the democrat party: Have the right prove/dis-prove a negative.
  13. http://hotair.com/archives/2012/08/17/new-american-crossroads-ad-urges-run-joe-run/
  14. Weak minds love the weak issues. You googled that to see if I was right about the crate, didn't you? You really find that funny? I thought you ere a college grad.
  15. Dog was in a dog crate on top of the car. The crate was literally strapped to the top of the car, not the dog. The dog probably had the time of his life. Dogs ride in convertsbes and the back of pickups all the time. What a stupid subject ever to enter a campaign.
  16. So, you agree. Ryan's plan doesn't go far enough and isn't radical at all. That's nice. His plan apparently doesn't matter. Mitt has his own and his isn't radical either.
  17. I'd like to invite Bugcot... I mean Bigcat http://rockysbar.net actually 3703 Gulf Beach Hwy, 32507. I'll even buy him / her a drink.
  18. I'll have to ask my brother what sort of Ohio slam knuckle drager is.
  19. They want to be successful in business and life like Mitt Romney.
  20. Not even remotely true. http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2011/12/15/143782004/wyden-ryan-medicare-plan-shakes-up-politics-more-than-policy
  21. Yes. That's exactly what it means. Except this is 2012... Plastic clothes hangers are readily available for comfort. Makes killing your unborn child smooth and effortless. !@#$ing morons have to have an all or nothing view.
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