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Everything posted by Oxrock

  1. Satisfactory now equals successful. Good to know the bar is set so low.
  2. This echos what I was thinking as I read that "letter"
  3. Sure. Look! Squirrel! http://hotair.com/ar...y-unironically/
  4. To be fair, I guess, Truman was elected to a second term even though he inherited his first term. Unlike Ford who lost his election to a second term after inheriting his first.
  5. Fraud is Castros middle namehttp://www.chron.com/news/bizarre/article/San-Antonio-candidate-s-twin-a-parade-stand-in-1953987.php Sent from my iPad
  6. How many times does it have to pointed out to morons like you that the plant closed in April 2009 while Obama was in charge of the Car Czar. Sent from my iPad
  7. Help... Despite the fact I was born in Pontiac, I couldn't possibly care less...I need to put this on some sort of ignore list or something. I just dont give a crap,
  8. Whhhuuuttttt? (emphasis on the "t")Whhhhhustttttt?
  9. I just say bull shlt. Yeah, that was long. I'm not going to read it right now. A bit of advice is for the poster to weed out the good stuff. Cut and paste it to a Word doc or such. Then trim that down some more. Put it in quote tags. Then post it. You know... With .... between where you cut. Give a disclaimer... Edited for us lazy folk.
  10. Unfortunate
  11. Had to check my profile to see if it's still there. Yep, right in it I state that I live in Pensacola, Fl.... Known as LA for Lower Alabama in the southern (more Democrat) part of the state. I also mention that I own some property with a bar on it that my wife runs.
  12. Nope. Not one single lie.
  13. Repeat the lie. I'll say again.. They are lying about everything right of the bat. The plant closed in April 2009. That makes the whole 26 minutes of that video a complete propaganda horseshit of a video. The disgraceful Obama campaign spokesperson sends out a false claim on twitter, and nobody bothers to look up the history of the plant. Not only that, but the "factcheck" claims he never made.
  14. Dumbass. Most bars in the south are owned, operated, or owner operated by woman or in partnership with their spouses/significant others. As far as the church thing goes, I wouldn't know. I don't go?
  15. http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/assault-paul-ryan-ii_651387.html?nopager=1
  16. I know, right? 4MY 4MY 4MY
  17. I wonder why we didn't see her on mainstream networks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL7wZuHVx9A&feature=youtube_gdata_player Wonder if she was called names and is receiving hate mail as well.
  18. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/08/31/13597578-feds-end-probe-of-americas-toughest-sheriff-joe-arpaio-no-charges?lite
  19. If by outing you mean he repeated everything that the people in the Washington D.C. political social circle already knew, then yep, he "outed" a non-covert CIA administrator.
  20. I agree with part of what you are saying here. I'll add, however, that some Pro-Life constituents do not what it overturned as the alternative is more barbaric.
  21. That is not part of my argument and all the silly emoticons in the world won't change the fact that abortion is snuffing out a life. Now, I am in agreement that abortion is LEGAL and has been since 1973 (not quibbling about 39 vs 40, just pointing out the year). If you read what I post, then you'd take notice that I agree that it should be LEGAL, safe, and rare. I disagree with abortion on demand. But I understand the other alternatives and that disgust me more. Education is the key and I support right to life efforts on that front only. Not the banning of all abortion. So, why does the left bring this up every friggin election? The GOP had full control of the House, the Senate, the White House, and the SCOTUS yet, abortion is still legal. Go figure.
  22. Education is the key. Abortions should be safe, legal, and extremely rare.
  23. I didn't say you were name calling. I'm name calling. I'm calling anyone who doesn't see snuffing out a life purely because it will inconvenience you as hateful, an idiot. I don't recall accusing you of being pro abortion either. I see that. I consider myself agnostic at best. Only because most atheist I know or have witnessed are !@#$s (Penn Gillette being the exception).
  24. Snuffing out a life to preserve your way of life is hateful. If you don't see that, then you too are an idiot.
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