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    Pensacola, FL

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  1. Most entertainment on TBD in a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. See you on Twitter Tom!
  2. I have a co-worker at the paying job who says "I'm a Reuplican! I voted for Reagan!" then voted for Obama twice and Hillary. He still swears he's a Republican. I have to remind him a hell of a lot of Democrats voted for Reagan too. He's a leftist. Me? Well I still lurk here (ever since BBMB killed the political conversations - heh... now they've killed the entire BBMB). I even stalked DC Tom on twitter once. Don't remember when or why I knew it was him commenting a tweet from someone we had been following in common... but I knew it was him. Found FIL2 the other day. He's become a disillusioned democrat like some of the other posters here. At the moment I can't remember his blog name. As for myself, I didn't vote for President for the first time in my adult life. I consistently score "right leaning libertarian" on most political quizzes. Frank (FIL2) would be surprised on some of my moderated views - Fiscally Conservative/Socially libertarian. Looking back, I should have voted for that RINO Donald Trump. I am more aligned with his views than I thought.
  3. I actually stumbled upon the real DC Tom on twitter... he wasn't quite sure how I figured out it was him.
  4. I'm a a Constitutional Originalist. So, no. As such, you have to go by the meaning of words and the speachifying of the 14th amendments proponents which leads to children of citizens (naturalized or born here) are also citizens. At the time of passing the proponents of the amendment wrote as such to mean children whose parents were not subject to any foreign power. Therefore, the parents could not be citizens of another country. 1898 United States vs Wong Kim Ark pretty much assumed that if you were a LEGAL immigrant you were not subject to a foreign power any longer. The case less than 100yrs later... 1982 Plyer vs Doe pretty much said Legal/Illegal...Toe-mato/Toe-Mahto... what's the dif? Eh? And here we are. Just as the court was wrong in Plessy vs Ferguson, so they were also wrong with Plyer vs Doe (and Roe vs Wade, go look, there is no "right to privacy" in the Constitution).
  5. I have a 2000 Tundra built in Indiana and and a 2010 Tundra built in Texas. When the 2010 is paid off next month, I'll have a 2016 Tundra (to replace the 2000) built in ??? Texas, I assume... not sure.
  6. My nearly empty glass of wine. Why?
  7. What a bunch of BS. The country is (as of the latest poles) split evenly. How the heck are most of these occupations (nearly all actually) over 50% lib? Toss this in the crapper.
  8. Ok, but for the purpose of the question, play along for a moment. 1. Border security. 2. Tax cuts for corporations tied together with repatriating money from overseas by tax forgiveness. 3. Comprehensive immigration reform.
  9. Heh... good ole days. Bills had a chance at backing into the playoff's and 2014 was going to be a record breaking hot year.
  10. Now, since Hillary is running and had stated that Iraq had WMD's, it can now be told that YES! WMD's were found in Iraq and some of our soldiers were injured by them. Only coming out now to justify Hillary's vote to take military action in Iraq and to back up HER claims that WMD's were in Iraq when she voted for military action. A good analysis here: AOSHQ Click through for the "casus beli"
  11. Ok. You are usually on top of things. I'll help you out: 1. Pistols - hand gun 2. Revolvers - hand gun 3. Rifles - well, rifle 4. Shotguns - meh, shotgun 5. Derringer - hand gun So, to recap: 1. Handguns 2. Handguns 3. Rifles 4. Shotguns 5. Handguns or for mockery go: http://twitchy.com/2014/07/15/rolling-stone-inspires-mockery-with-list-of-most-dangerous-guns/
  12. Yes. There has to be a help desk involved somewhere. Great clarification. Thank.
  13. Whenever someone that high up gets a new Desktop or Hardrive, Outlook populates the new hardrive with old emails from the server. Period. Just like if she remotes in from home to a new server and she clicks on Outlook, the first thing it does is based on her login name and password sets up outlook for her and then retrieves everything from the server in her profile. Edit: Not just anyone that high up. Everyone.
  14. "A new study by researchers at the University of Texas, Austin found that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is collapsing due to geothermal heat, not man-made global warming. Researchers from the UTA’s Institute for Geophysics found that the Thwaites Glacier in western Antarctica is being eroded by the ocean as well as geothermal heat from magma and subaerial volcanoes. Thwaites is considered a key glacier for understanding future sea level rise." There is a link to a pdf of the study. It wouldn't load for me, but I'm on a very old windows XP machine. Read more: http://dailycaller.c.../#ixzz34XC3BSJk
  15. Which, by the way, the "Mission" was accomplished. The "Campaign" was just as was described by the administration "a long, slow, slog". Another leftest meme that the LIV like to trot out now and then is that "mission accomplished" banner never knowing the difference between a "mission" and a "campaign" let alone the over all objectives of "war".
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