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Everything posted by Buff_bills4ever

  1. Oh yeah, REAL easy to misconstrue their calls for violence.
  2. Play the game in June when we are all going through football withdrawal.
  3. Windmills kill more people a year than nuclear power plants. My link
  4. Damn that's cold. Couldn't do it earlier in the week?
  5. I love the quote in the comments about Byron trying to play both sides of the fence and ending up pleasing absolutely no one.
  6. One hit wonder upset Romney used his song Says he will happily allow Pres Obama to use it. Can't help but feel K'Naan's a LIL racist.
  7. Personally I'm glad to hear that Buffalo doesn't kiss that !@#$'s rings when he is in town.
  8. The United States government. Capable of secretly running and cloaking a massive conspiracy of the existence of intelligent alien life, but with less power than Viacom to remove videos from youtube.
  9. Can't tell if trolling or just stupid.
  10. Seems like the kind of thing that would be funny if it were only for 6 episodes like the British Office. If it gets a full 20+ episode season, it'll be dead by episode 8. I actually wouldn't mind seeing a 6 episode mini series for almost all the characters actually. Creed, Dwight, Toby, and Andy could have just enough left in the tank to give us something good.
  11. Before we acknowledge this as truth, can anyone find a reputable article about this? Google's turning up nothing but propaganda.
  12. Might have to call BS on this bud. I can't find any info on this outside of right wing catholic websites. Sounds like propaganda to me. Show me some proof from a reputable source please
  13. That's what happens when you have a leaderless movement without a focused goal or clear enemy. They were taken over by the anarchist "Anonymous" types.
  14. We're whalers on the moon, we carry a harpoon. But their ain't no whales so we tell tall tales and sing our whaling tune!
  15. Build a Disneyland.
  16. Occupy DC Barred from Camping How long before there will be a string of arrests when the protesters refuse to cooperate?
  17. Who are you kidding? He stared at himself in the mirror and DARED his katra to disobey!
  18. Occupy San Francisco Photo Gallery Hahaha! "Give us our dignity back!" as they sit chained to a door with their hands in yellow cardboard tubes.
  19. Just so this is out of the way, I'm gonna post it.
  20. Not upset by this at all. I'd buy these guys a beer actually.
  21. Charges dropped against Occupy Rochester I love how these people act like having misdemeanor charges dropped is akin to freeing Nelson Mandela. When are they going to go home?
  22. Now that is a very well written article with a superior formatting that proves that Adam Estes is a serious and hard hitting reporter.
  23. You are a mod. This thread is for REAL posters only!
  24. ajzepp posts viruses posing as internet videos.
  25. The first App that I would actually find a use for. Bust out the I-Phone in the huddle of my flag football games.
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