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Everything posted by Buff_bills4ever

  1. I Santorum gets the GOP nod, I'm voting for President Obama.
  2. Space Mutiny The Final Sacrifice Laser Mission Mr. Atlas
  3. Birdemic. That is all.
  4. Looks like The Good Wife is trying to suck up for ratings. It will be cancelled in a month.
  5. first 15 minutes were great, last 45 was a soap opera with zombies.
  6. Man I bet they are getting a shitload of spam. When are people going to stop posting their entire lives all over facebook?
  7. I used to love walking ome from school every day. Best part of the school day honestly. You could enjoy the sights and sounds during the Spring and Fall, and I got into snowball wars with the other kids. She shouldn't have been arrested. I could understand if it was down a busy road, but it sounds like the kid had to walk through the suburbs.
  8. Maybe they should just stop making pennies?
  9. Guy had one great year, then gave it up. He's done in the NFL.
  10. Could someone post the article here? I'd rather not sign up for MORE useless newsletter emails
  11. Ryan Stiles as Nancy Pelosi.
  12. New Spiderman sounds absolutely terrible.
  13. Story telling is fine and great when the characters are complex and well rounded. When each character continues to fall into a typical archtype, they become stale and dull, and that is fine too, as long as you have good zombie action. But no zombies and boring characters = bad show. The bar scene last night is what this show is capable of. Unlikeable people whining about how much it sucks to be alive is what we continue to get.
  14. New Episode tonight. Is every character in the show going to get seriously injured at some point or what? Now Shrill Brunette Chick flips a car. Three characters have been shot. The black guy must play for the Bills, because he's always on injured reserve. It's like the writers don't know how to actually create "drama" and are just going for the near death shock value every time.
  15. She should've kicked him in the nads.
  16. My link This video is from the Houston "Free Thinkers" group. Not necessarily from an "Occupy" event, but I just love these "!@#$ the police" videos. Always glad to see these tough guy pukes get spanked by a cop.
  17. anyone ever tell you that you're kind of a douche? As long as our series contained the greatest weapon of all time, the Chaochat, I will be pleased.
  18. RIP Disappointing that these guys and gals died without even half the fanfare their WWII counterparts received. I would really like to see a Band of Brothers type movie for the Doughboys.
  19. Peyton without a doubt. If championships were all that mattered, Trent Dilfer is a better QB than Dan Marino.
  20. Heard it was very good. Might check it out this weekend.
  21. Yes please You seem to be taking this MUCH more seriously that I am, so I'll get serious. Government funded wind farms are a complete waste of time and energy. When the gov't decides to get serious about alternative energy, they can try nuclear or maybe geothermal as stopgap measures, but the true future in energy is wireless transportation of energy from solar wind farms.
  22. people have died from the blades flying off. They've fallen off the towers. Doesn't take a genius to figure that stuff out. You keep plugging your deadly deadly power plants, meanwhile nuclear power's gonna be over here, being awesome as usual.
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