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Everything posted by Buff_bills4ever

  1. Does she really think anyone will buy this? :rolleyes:
  2. No politician would ever support an amendment that did not favor him or hurt challengers. Minus a populist revolution and a complete redraw of the Constitution, no, Citizen's United should stand.
  3. Hey now! They were sort of a power player in the Great War kinda!
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loiH-e9Xm04 grew up listening to Randy Travis with my grandparents. I absolutely love this song, even if it is a cover.
  5. I can see privatizing certain things like the Parks Dept, but this seems like a bad idea. Those contracts better expire on a year to year basis, or this town is going to get screwed.
  6. Unfortunately, it's not in my career field. It's with an insurance company, but the pay is just under $16 an hour so I can at least make a living. I've hear that's pretty common though. Most college grads have a hard time getting into their chosen fields.
  7. Yep. Not enough experience for the good jobs and overqualified for the crap jobs that get you the experience for the good jobs. Hell, the good job I just got could've been had with a HS diploma, so basically, college meant nothing for me.
  8. Well considering that I graduated last year with a BA in Political Science and just recently was able to quit my job pushing carts at Walmart for something better, you might want to site some examples of your own.
  9. I get it to. We've been telling our kids for the last 20 years that they have to get good grades and go to college, or they'll flip burgers for the rest of their lives. Now that they are done with college, we call them lazy because they refuse to flip burgers. It's not right, and it isn't fair. Sometimes though, you just gotta get over it and put in hours at a miserable job because it's the right thing to do.
  10. Sounds like a crappy job, but everyone works those at some point in their lives. Nut up and deal with it.
  11. Funny how a small group of jackasses can ruin everyone's good time.
  12. I live down the road from it. Come early to get a good parking space (Stay OFF of Cottage St. We have enough parking problems without you tourists blocking our street ) . Don't bring a lawn chair or blanket, because they aren't allowed. Bring money, because the beer is expensive. Leave early to avoid the crowd. And NEVER go see Charlie Daniels unless you enjoy a thousand bikers and rednecks getting drunk. Other than that, it's a pretty decent time.
  13. I grew up on country, listening with my grandparents as we drove down to their house for camp-outs and sleepovers. It will always have a soft spot in my heart. Red Solo Cup is one of those songs I can enjoy, but give me some 90's Country over any of the newer stuff.
  14. Brah, you might feel a lil silly when you realize the unintentional racism. I lol'd.
  15. If you want to be paid like the man, like the face of the franchise, then you suck it up and show up until the deal gets done. You can't be the leader of a franchise and then pull this holdout bull. Fred Jackson played well beyond his contract for two years, and never once held out. He acted like the face of the franchise. While the Saints burned, Brees played his fiddle.
  16. Going to buy it tomorrow. PAYDAY!!! I heard that someone beat the game in 5 hours. Awfully short game for $60 isn't it?
  17. "In 1958, Dwight D. Eisenhower created NASA, the United States' first agency dedicated to space exploration. Ten years later, man walked on the moon. However, the Republican's promise of high quality moon cheese for needy families went unfulfilled. In 2010, President Obama struck a blow for equality and punished NASA, eliminating it's ability to travel into space, thus saving billions of dollars for the American people."
  18. YAR! She blows!
  19. The NBA needs about 12 more Shaqs and one less Lebron James.
  20. Not defending what he did, but do you think the guy who took the elbow kind of milked it a bit? Or was he actually seriously hurt?
  21. It's not that we are teaching "religious" concepts in school that is holding us back, it's that we are still teaching to a ridiculously outdated standard of bringing every child to a "acceptable median". That worked for the days when an entire school of classmates often wound up working in the same factory, and the rich and smart kids went to college to get special training, but Post Industrial Age, kids need something better. They need to be given a rich education in specific fields that they excel at, and enough practical knowledge with the rest.
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