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Everything posted by Buff_bills4ever

  1. Any man who wears guyliner better also look as if he could punch Satan square in the testicles, then not call him the next day.
  2. The reporter sounds like a douche, tbh.
  3. Where the rich gather, the mooches flock in mass. Makes sense...
  4. Cause this **** is serious!!!
  5. Do I win?
  6. Fitzpathetic? That name gave me cancer...
  7. I wonder if the GOP will have the stones to make "Uncle Toms Vote" pins now?
  8. Actually Walmart offers a very competitive healthcare plan.
  9. 1. Why exactly is Mitt Romney a "terrible person" again? Is it because of his Mormon heritage? Maybe this kind of attitude is the reason why fewer and fewer people are going to church. 2. It is a childish pipe dream to think that America can support a third party. The Constitution doesn't allow it, and honestly, multi-party systems are an even bigger cluster!@#$ than a two party system. 3. The power of money is seriously overstated in politics.
  10. Help settle an argument between a friend and I. He blames Scott Norwood for the Superbowl loss, and says he is the most hated player in Buffalo history. I disagree, and think that most Bills fans don't blame him for the loss. What say you Bills faithful?
  11. Try proper spelling so we know what the hell this thread was supposed to mean.
  12. Holy crap... Someone at the Davie PD should be fired for this... Now if you'll excuse me, I have a few credit cards to open...
  13. Why do I get he feeling that you are a troll?
  14. Under $50,000 a year shouldn't pay anything. They aren't paying anything now anyway, why pay the administrative costs to take their money then give it back to them?
  15. Clint Eastwood for President!
  16. I loved the movie. I knew they completely butchered the Bane character, and they turned him into a Ras Al Ghoul clone, but he was still entertaining. Not as good as the first two, but a respectable end to the franchise, and I LOVED that they left it open for the Justice League. PLEASE OH PLEASE OH PLEASE!!!
  17. Minecraft is one of those games that's ruined by people who take it WAY too seriously. A buddy of mine spent literally 3 days worth of time building a life size pyramid on a server that only had like 10 people on it. What was the point?
  18. Hell, at this point, I'm going to cast 10 votes for Mitt Romney. Most of my friends don't vote, so Ill just use them. I mean, if Occupy Wall Street taught me anything, it's that breaking the law is okay as long as it's for a cause.
  19. Damn it Joss! I actually respect you as an artist. Why you gotta go and open your mouth about politics?
  20. 1. Where do you put your garbage? A. In the baby's crib B. On the porch C. in my mouth D. In a garbage can
  21. I'd like to know how exactly Scranton got into such a budget mess in the first place. 400 public employees doesn't seem like a budget breaking number for a town of nearly 80,000. Kinda sounds like years of piss poor management by the mayor and city council coming to a head.
  22. I love it when atheists reveal their own bigotry while preaching of the bigotry of religious folk. EDIT: This is probably better off in the PPP
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