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Everything posted by Buff_bills4ever

  1. Seems like she was disrespecting the sign calling for dignity and respect more than she was disrespecting veterans or the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Destroying the girl's life for an off-color joke doesn't seem to fit the profile of America that these veterans fought to protect...
  2. The book is a bunch of short stories about different people's experiences with the Zombie Apocalypse. That trailer looks like they took the name of the book, and turned it into a CGI POS.
  3. Disappointing that they are turning one of the best novels on the Zombie Apocalypse, and turning it into that. Seriously, what does that have to do with the book at all? But I will definitely be seeing JP in 3D. That just sounds awesome...
  5. Barrack Obama enjoys food that is grilled in foil...
  6. They had one job, they didn't do it. Italy's got their **** down...
  7. The president was never meant to be voted in by popular vote.
  8. Breaking down the kid's door and screaming would've sufficed. Punching him is where he went from hero to punk...
  9. Looks like someone leaked the plot of the next "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"...
  10. This thread should've started and stopped with the Black Keys.
  11. 1. Posting pics of sexually charged underage girls means I officially have lost all sympathy for this guy. 2. How does a 40 year old family man only have three weeks worth of savings? I am in my mid 20s and have at least a few months of emergency funds put away. This guy just sounds like a whiny child
  12. At what point does Atheism become its own religion? They've got books on the subject. They have conventions. They've got dogmatic scholars thumping their beliefs to all who will hear them... Seriously, I can't spot the difference...
  13. In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming...
  14. Awful lot of honkeys in that video...
  15. The center of the earth is hollow and kept at a comfortable room temperature. If we can bore down deep enough, we could jump down and just float in mid air. !@#$ing badass...
  16. I blame the rap music and the brightly colored fruit snacks myself....
  17. This is what we took out of the debates? I seriously hate my generation...
  18. I heard that wild pig meat isn't very tasty. Very greasy and gamey.
  19. Does it really make people feel good to make fun of a kid who's primary audience is kids? Seriously, this kid gets so much hate from people who are not SUPPOSED to like his music. Do you people attack Sesame Street for being too unrealistic and not gritty enough? What the hell are you expecting from a teenie bopper?
  20. No different than using a helicopter imo, but I do find it kind of funny that my anti-virus blocked several "trackers" when I clicked on the webpage...
  21. youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GT0n-TQ8QRo just put www at the start
  22. A hole that water pours into? I thought that was called The Big Dig?
  23. I like it! Kinda rolls off the tongue if you say it three times fast...
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