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Everything posted by Buff_bills4ever

  1. Woo... We signed Kevin Kolb.... Party.... Yeah.... Zzz.....
  2. We'll have THE weakest roster next year, but at least we'll have the top pick and ANOTHER new head coach...
  3. When is the government going to stop rope companies from making such long ropes? We need rope control, Obama!
  4. She's young and her bones are malleable, she'll be fine...
  5. Playoffs... So prolly gonna be miserable for the next three years until we get a new head coach...
  6. Community should be higher on the list as well, but it's nice to see them get any recognition at all for once.
  7. After Community is over, I'll probably never watch NBC outside of sports. No reason to at all.
  8. Needs more blue tarp...
  9. That would have to be the most lonely existence I can think of.
  10. And strict gun control!
  11. Not supposed to reply but I will anyway. That whole "skinning Indians" thing is an urban legend with no historical evidence. It's much more likely that the term came from Natives themselves as a way of distinguishing themselves from whites, or at the very least as slang based around skin color. And the Redskins took their name in honor of their head coach from the 1930's, who was part Indian.
  12. If you live in NY, your insurance should come with a glass waiver on your comprehensive coverage. It will not cost you a thing to get it fixed. Just call your insurance and let them handle it...
  13. Were you stilling your moonshine too close to it?
  14. Go !@#$ yourself eagle! I'm glad we killed off the dodo!
  15. Okay be honest, who else expected this to be about the NRA?
  16. I don't think it was he was lining up in the wrong spot. I think he was lining up in the hot read spot so he would be targeted more. What a fool...
  17. Wow way to take this seriously CNN. Would be nice if you did your job and either reported their findings or disproved their hoax instead of treating what could be one of the greatest scientific discoveries ever like a joke.
  18. Because they took such a great idea with so much potential and turned it into a bunch of cliches and a stupid looking monster...
  19. So they remade Cloverfield? Hopefully this time it doesn't suck...
  20. Unless I missed something and his kids are drug addicts or stuck on welfare or deadbeat parents or something, then yea. Dude sounds like a judgmental whiner.
  21. Honestly, the man sounds like a twat who's trying to live vicariously through the accomplishments of his children.
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