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Everything posted by Buff_bills4ever

  1. I believe the key word was Hippy. Kinda answers your question dumbass.
  2. It was an act. No one is that big of an ass without trying. Those boards are dying, I'd be surprised if we don't see a lot more make the jump soon. Our friends are going to keep making life rough for the mods and their fan club now that the politics board is gone
  3. A man with taste. I like it
  4. I will regret asking, but does anyone know if Dennisdread will be following us? He disappeared after he collaborated with the Mods to get our board shut down
  5. We tried that. Still got our boards taken. No mercy anymore
  6. Idk what they are going to do around draft time. I've seen conversations about Cam Newton that were a hell of a lot more heated and "snide" than what we had on the Politics side
  7. As I said over there before WYO infracted me. We must raise an army of TBDers and invade!
  8. I love this topic. There are very few topics in which I feel completely confident that I am right and the other side is dead wrong. I don't know if you remember on the old boards about the time I was working for Walmart on Black Friday, and a couple came up to my register with a $500 flat screen, a $200 Blu-ray player, and a cart load of Blu-rays and paid with her EBT Cash Assistance. Oh did I wanna tell her off. I'm working my way through college and she's going home with a larger TV than I'll probably ever own. I've sold Easter candy on Food Stamps. I've sold piles of junk food to a woman on EBT who then pulled a wad of $20s out of her bra to pay for her cigarettes. REAL classy. :wallbash:
  9. Here's an idea! Stop letting food stamps cover junk food, soda, and candy, and they'll all have plenty more money for actual food This woman's an ass
  10. Hey everyone! Just joined from the "official" boards and wanted to my first post to be a good one What are the most disturbing things you've ever seen on the Internet? Post them here! I'll get us started Please, no Two Girls, One Cup. We've seen it. I don't wanna see it again Whatcha got?
  11. Now I remember why you were on my ignore list Don't worry though. Refugees gotta stick together!
  12. Better nuke this mutha before it comes back in 100 years.
  13. TEA Party never called for strikes and turned neighborhoods into militarized zones. Plus, the TEA had an actual agenda
  14. Quite the eyesore for $137 mil
  15. Finally was approved! Looking forward to getting into some great pissing matches with you guys and gals!
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