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Everything posted by Buff_bills4ever

  1. Yeah you're right. I forgot he had his kids in there.
  2. I would love to see those girls get hit, because I have a feeling that he tapped them and they fell over screaming. I can't imagine that this guy was going so fast that it would require them to have their heads stabilized. (Note: This is just speculation) If I had been that guy in the black truck I would've just kept going. Let those group think pussies act a damn fool.
  3. Wow. "We were demonstrating in the street and blocking traffic and this guy hit us! Arrest him!" You can tell after he said it, he realized that they were wrong so he spun it to sound like the guy in the car was at fault. These guys are jerks.
  4. If Dennis was here, there would already be at least three threads about the "repiglicans" and police brutality. Besides the old boards are gone, he got what he wanted.
  5. Had those protestors not been blocking the door, she probably wouldn't have tripped. They had no business being that close to the entrances. If they had been across the street and she tripped because she wasn't paying attention, it wouldn't be her fault.
  6. 5 Energy Solutions designed by Supervillians Interesting article I read the other day. It is a comedy site, so it's trying to be funny rather than comprehensive, but that solar wind collector sounds amazing. As does tapping into geothermal energy.
  7. Would she have tripped has those idiots not blocked the entrance to the bank? Probably not, so guess who's fault it is? These protestors.
  8. I can't wait for the cops to break this nonsense up. Protest all you want, but when you start turning a park into a war-zone and blocking the entrances to businesses, you've lost all support I might have given you
  9. Anyone know if Smokeshowin came over? I was PMing him before I got my timeout but I don't know if he decided to come or not
  10. Bush. He is a very intelligent man. Just not a very good president
  11. This is completely out of hand. That board is going to be dead within a few months
  12. I think we all got the ten day timeout. I cant wait for the 16th so I can spam that board with boring as hell threads. Sucks they don't allow new users because I'd be doing that right now.
  13. Ahh maybe. I'll have to try on another computer, or put a proxy on.
  14. Wow, are they actually shutting the bills.com boards down? I tried to re-register with a new name and it says registration is disabled.
  15. I got banned haha. I wonder what my final spanking was about?
  16. Both add much need skill and numbers to the resistance. Can anyone contact him?
  17. Fitz must join the resistance. He would be a valued asset.
  18. Hey! Now I will take a well thought out counter to my point, but when you go messing with B-Large, you are poking the bull! We are "Official Board Freedom" soldiers and I will layith the smacketh down if you go messing with my homeboy!
  19. It's a fair question if you are an uneducated redneck
  20. ANNNNDDDD they went and closed the "Sad Day" thread over at Bills.com. Those mods are nothing but !@#$s.
  21. Check the "Sad Day about Deleted Forum" thread. I got him twice for foul language and harassment. Btw, I started a few threads over there. Obvious when you see them. Let the games begin :devil: Edit: Nevermind Wallsy deleted them haha. I'm not gonna quit
  22. It's on the second page, locked. I don't know what you saw, but I saw nothing more than a riveting discussion of paint and paint based accessories. And I just reported walls for using bad language
  23. Good luck but they locked it. Those mods have seriously lost it. :censored:
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