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Everything posted by Buff_bills4ever

  1. Can someone explain to me why every conspiracy theorist loves this guy? Seriously? I don't know much about him but it's like every hack wannabe revolutionary with an internet connection is absolutely enamored with him. What's the catch? Explain to me what I'm missing please.
  2. That was the store actually.
  3. There is a small grocery store in my town that uses quarter operated locks on the shopping carts. To unlock them from the row, you put in a quarter, when you lock it back up, the quarter spits back out. Someone apparently thought that this magic box must hold hundreds of quarters because they took a cart about a mile down the road to my store, broke the box open, and then left it. They went through all that trouble just to get their own damn quarter back!
  4. What the Dixie Chicks did was alienate their own fan base and got what comes with that. What Williams did was taken completely out of context. I personally don't care if he lost his job or not, but I don't see it as the same. But to each him own
  5. It's because of market driven forces that our economy is so diversified. China's social policies make it very competitive in the manufacturing market NOW with a younger population, but the One Child policy that's been in place since the 70 mean that roughly half of the population will hit retirement age within the next two decades.
  6. Link Article from cracked.com. Had me laughing my ass off.
  7. That whole board is going to be dead soon. It's pathetic.
  8. Hey what's been happening lately with the old boards? I'm about on day 6 of a 10 day timeout. Any new info from the mods? Have the thinly veiled politics threads dried up?
  9. "Invasion of privacy Brah!" "You drop bombs on me!" This movement is quickly turning into a nightmare.
  10. Outsourced Chinese shrubbery. Duh...
  11. I'm not to any movement that turns neighborhoods into war-zones, break windows and pick fights with cops.
  12. Deregulation of mortgages happened under Clinton's watch.
  13. Just because we disagree with their policy, doesn't mean we doubt their intelligence. Only liberals think their opponents are dumb.
  14. I would definitely say Bush, but I think they all are pretty smart cookies.
  15. I still believe that individual teachers need protection to prevent politicians from dictating what they teach. I agree however that their benefits are completely out of line, and the power that union heads have in state capitols must stop.
  16. Oh great you did join us Dennis. Wonderful. Good thing you can;t get this board shut down.
  17. No but this is disgusting behavior by people operating under the "Occupy" label. Not every person at these protests is a bad person bent on causing hell and destruction. But the good people who are trying to enact serious change are NOT putting forth a tangible agenda for us to debate. The result is the morons like these people being the center of attention and are going to destroy the movement.
  18. I don't think he was attacking the teachers, police etc. More that he was attacking the union heads that bribe politicians with votes and campaign contributions for contracts that most small districts cannot afford. But don't let that distract you from your talking points.
  19. These women should never see those kids again. That is just disgusting behavior.
  20. Protestors use children as human shields Wow... Just wow...
  21. I think public workers unions need to exist, especially for teachers. They're bosses are politicians and they work with children. People seem to think more with their hearts than with their brains when it comes to kids. But there is a limit. When the unions are negotiating directly with the top, small districts suffer immensely. Let local unions work with each district to get the benefits that work for everyone, not just the union heads in the State Capitol.
  22. Ugh! The college know it all hippies are spreading! I live in a small town north of Buffalo and I just walked to the 7-11. Hipster in a wool cap talking about gay marriage and the right wing inside. UGH!!!
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