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Everything posted by Buff_bills4ever

  1. The occupation will be over within a few days. No way this injunction stands.
  2. I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens
  3. Yep, better to waste millions of dollars than to get the voters upset.
  4. Seriously? I thought they were all dead?
  5. When a person starts a thread, it's just common courtesy to provide with a reasonable amount of info about the topic at hand. I bet your the type who nails a guy in the ass and doesn't even give him the courtesy of a reach around!
  7. Nice try!
  8. No, but I live in Lockport NY, and one of our staples is a place called Reids Drive Thru (Which isn't an actual drive thru, but don't question it). If you've ever been, they have dozens of bottles of vinegar for your fries. I grew up with it, and it is amazing. Try it sometime, but make sure the vinegar is room temperature, otherwise you just get cold soggy fries.
  9. vinegar on my fries is a godly combination. But I particularly enjoy Heinz jalapeno ketchup myself. Put that stuff on anything and it adds some real flavor. Does anyone else prefer room temperature ketchup over cold ketchup? It just has a completely different flavor.
  10. Occupy Occupy Wallstreet I have a deeling that these guys are not in the 1%, but I demand we all buy some of their t-shirts to put them there.
  11. Live Blog of Oakland Raid Glad to see no one was injured. But I guess we can add squatters rights to the long list of demands the "Occupy" Movement has.
  12. Sounds like Portland is getting rough. Yep, sure is one peaceful protest alright.
  13. Well now you're just speaking heresy
  14. Haha! But you forget about leap years. They weren't a thing until around the turn of the 19th century. So every 4 years you add one day. Extrapolate that back 1800 years and it will add to 450 days. so December 25th adding 450 days would put Jesus's birth somewhere around the end of March. Suck on that! :thumbsup:
  15. Ever since that guy was trampled to death a few years ago, most stores stay open all night. Mine does. I gotta work 9PM to 6AM Funny thing is, the fights are never over the big ticket stuff. Last year, two ladies got into a fist fight over towels. The one was being a B word hoarder though. She picked up the entire crate and dumped it into her shopping cart. Apparently she worked for a motel or something. She got what she deserved. The way Walmart's do it now, come out about 3AM. The stores are completely dead and there is usually a few good deals left, especially on video games and DVDs.
  16. And it only took a half dozen deaths, hundreds of injuries, thousands of arrests, millions of taxpayer dollars, thousands of wasted police man-hours, several sexual assaults, and dozens of businesses shut down to get that! That's a win in my book!
  17. B-Large, you are the only person I know who can take a wonderful season like Christmas and turn it into a problem. Maybe Dennisdread was right. Of all the B-Large's in the world, you are the B-Largest.
  18. I hope that it is enjoyable good sir
  19. okay then... Carry on...
  20. Ahh... Glad we cleared that up then. Got anything more you'd like to add about Ron Paul?
  21. Honestly bro I'm about 6 beers deep so that first half I will have to read tomorrow, but if you gotta problem with what I said, maybe you can just deal with it
  22. I don't know how people have the guts to back up on the freeway. I would be scared **** less myself.
  23. Because he's better than you Thank you. I kind of figured this was it. I just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something. Anyone else have something they'd like me to know?
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