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Everything posted by Buff_bills4ever

  1. I don't believe that is true, both places just need real leaders and state governments that don't mandate ridiculously unsustainable programs. Buffalo could grow in the heartbeat with a real plan.
  2. A man with an ax and a plan are a hell of a force in today's society where so few wear armor.
  3. Because if there is one thing that screams "I AM NOT A SEX OFFENDER!!", it's dressing up in public as a super hero.
  4. Just bought the entire series of movies for $30 at Walmart. Special offer for the release of DH Part 2. Each movie's $4 a piece. I have yet to see DH Part 2. I'm waiting until Black Friday when I can pick it up at a discount.
  5. The better question is, how long until we can start mining the **** out of Europa? EARTH FIRST!!
  6. The rest of the country that hasn't missed every economic upturn in the last 30 years and has seen a net increase in population because of lower taxes and business growth, yes. Those places have higher unemployment because of industry that ALREADY LEFT WNY YEARS AGO. Better unemployment numbers for 6 months does not supersede 30 years of economic decay.
  7. High property taxes, high business taxes, Albany shipping power from OUR Power Project downstate at a premium while charging us market price, a perpetually failing government that can't contain it's spending or pass a budget on time. I think that is what he's talking about.
  8. I think he's pretty spot on. Pretty much the only reason our democracy has survived for 200 years is because it is very resistant to dramatic change. No one gets everything, and the extremes on both sides are never satisfied, but everyone is usually happy enough.
  9. I think it probably has less to do with anything RIGHT we are doing and more to do with the exodus of people and jobs the area's experienced in the last 10 years. Fewer people and fewer jobs = less to lose.
  10. Yeah. I don't know why anyone would choose to live in Cali. LABillzfan excluded. I guess we can add "tuition increases" to the list of demands they are "protesting" against.
  11. Protests at Occupy Berkeley About 10,000 students "voted" to erect tents at UC Berkeley in defiance of the University's rule against tents. California is screwed. Sorry LABillzfan
  12. I like how they even had to make a special section about using illegal drugs. Uhh... You aren't supposed to use or sell drugs to begin with.
  13. I've heard about this kind of crap out there. It's disgusting.
  14. Never turn you back on bears, men you have wronged, or the dominant turkey during mating season.
  15. I still have no idea what "ideas" he's talking about. I really wish these people would just start rioting already. It's what they all want to do, they are just to cowardly to start it themselves.
  16. Naw. He gave me a warning for something I did, then decided to point me for the same thing instead so he could ban me.
  17. My timeout is over! Turns out Jayhawk warned me about something, then saw that I was only one point away from suspension, so he infracted me! What a bunch of !@#$s.
  18. Haha I like that sign "Illegal 'Cop'cupation". That rolls right off the tongue.
  19. Harry Potter films got progressively MUCH better as they went along. Twilight has and always will be terrible.
  20. It's completely unreasonable that 60 years out the worst war in human history to expect Europe to embrace each other in a united economy. The Euro is going to fail.
  21. The number one sexual fantasy of women is to be dominated by a man. That's why they like Twilight. Handsome, super powered men who desperately want them and could take them as their own in a second but who genuinely care for their feelings or some stuff. I don't know, I've never seen them.
  22. I actually find it refreshing when a politician says what they ACTUALLY think, rather than beating around the bush with offhand comments and snide remarks.
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