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Everything posted by Buff_bills4ever

  1. Corporate greed and the wealthy having stuff.
  2. Yea that's true. White people do some stupid things. At least black people don't lose their minds over bottled water.
  3. I hate to be this guy, but it seems to me that black people have an odd obsession with over-priced sneakers.
  4. Okay, he may get a suspended license from the man, but that man is gonna get one hell of a haul from Saint Nick this year.
  5. I have a feeling that I'd do much better if I actually lived in West Virginia.
  6. LINK I get that the guy who did it is a real POS, but it seems to me like they only gave him bragging rights in the pen.
  7. Dude needs to go to the gym and quit bitching...
  8. No one forced him to join the military. Dude deserves life in prison.
  9. Wtf? Wtf? What the hell is wrong with hippies?
  10. On a Buffalo Bills message board, how does "Wide Right" not get any play at all?
  11. Invention of the microchip. There, end discussion :nana:
  12. Biggie's death. :cry:
  13. Let's hope it was all worth it. Welcome home boys.
  14. Man don't I know it. MY Saturn burning oil like no one's business.
  15. The Dutch are scum. Note: Before I get hate mail about my anti-Dutchness, this post is meant to be funny and nonsensical. I have met Dutch people, I have friends who are Dutch. They are perfectly lovely people.
  16. I thought that you couldn't sue a person in federal court for anything less than $20? It might actually be more now, adjusted for inflation from 1776.
  17. Kind of makes me wish I had joined these protestors in the very beginning, so I could've helped steer them toward ACTUAL change and fixing ACTUAL problems. The Anti-Capitalist children are all that's left now. I hope no one loses their jobs over the loss that these ports are going to endure.
  18. Correction. Global Warming is backed by scientific evidence. It's the "solutions" to it that are ridiculous.
  19. This is the least shocking thing that I have ever read ever...
  20. Wow. This actually looks pretty good.
  21. Just another reason to dislike Will Farrell. Old Milwaukee gives me the scoots.
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