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Everything posted by Buff_bills4ever

  1. Do you promise a back rub if I agree with you?
  2. As I am of British decent, I find it offensive that some uppity Yankees took the Oregon territory away from her Majesty's rule...
  3. Again, two pages and a lifetime of butt-hurts later, I will ask, is this still a thing?
  4. Just fill the stadium with sand, put the players barefoot, and play a flag football game. Seriously, I think it would be pretty fun to watch Tom Brady play linebacker, and Brian Moorman be a safety. Also, why not a hot dog eating contest? Or Kanjam tournament... Dodgeball tournament... Ping Pong tournament... Home run contest? Let the players go out and just have fun with it....
  5. Best way to prevent crime in a park is to get people down there after hours. Maybe you could try to get a few local businesses or entrepreneurs together to see if they'd be interested in putting up a small shop or two (Ice cream stand, burger shack, hobby shop, whatever) that would get people down there after dark?
  6. And I keep answering you... No...
  7. No, I've known plenty of people who gre up in crappy neighborhoods who don't go out picking fights because some guy looked at them funny.
  8. You can tell your colleague thatif he thinks that growing up in the "city" gives you Carte blanche to ignore basic social structures and mores of society, that he genuinely is a dumbass...
  9. WB annouces a Batman/Superman flick, and I'm just sitting here, wondering when Aquaman is finally going to get his film...
  10. Doncha think?
  11. Silent Bob Harry from Dumb and Dumber
  12. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/man-police-wanted-talk-aaron-hernandez-dies-car-012034083.html Person or interest in Hernandez case turns up dead in one car accident in Hernandez Uncle's car. Just can't get any weirder, can it?
  13. I used to be a cashier at Walmart. Had Lindy Ruff come through my line buying paint balls once. Didn't say anything to him, he didn't say anything to me. That's the Gentleman's code of the cash register...
  14. Rabbits. Those !@#$ers can wail... Called the local PD, not 911, a few times when the crack heads next door got a lil too... Heated... Had one of them break into our house after an all night binge. I would've felt weird calling 911 on her after we chased her out, but the locals came and got her to the hospital...
  15. He wasn't wood chipped he was cremated... Let's not make this a thing son...
  16. A gangster cameo ut and said he was killed and taken to a crematorium. There is no body.
  17. If Morgan Freeman wants to sleep, the rest of the world better wait on bated breath for when he decides to wake up...
  18. As long as they do the first and second round on the first day, I don't really care when it is. I hate only having the first round to talk about after the first day.
  19. GEICO is also the largest single employer in WNY... Just saying...
  20. Mt cat doesn't drink like normal cats do. He dips his paws in the bowl, and then licks the water off his paw. He will do this for any empty glass you leave out. He especially loves milk.
  21. Buffalo Bills 2013: The Season of "Meh"...
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