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Everything posted by DieHardFan

  1. Technically it's the NFL Ticket Exchange which they contracted out to ticketmaster to run. Seller fees are lower than SH (10% vs 15%), last year the buyer premium was the same as SH; 10%. AFAIK it's still the same. The NFL Ticket Exchange is now and probably will remain the only ticket exchange service to do TicketFast (which is a feature that voids the hard copy ticket and emails the valid ticket to the buyer). SH can do for baseball, and some other sports but the greedy NFL will only allow it's official agent to do this. SH lets you list them as Etickets but won't allow you to use the email option so they can keep the seller from having direct contact with the buyer, Downsize of the NFL Ticket Exchange is that they will not allow tickets to be sold for less than the ticket value (believe it is face value but may be the purchase price which differs for ST holders). ergo not the best place to look for tickets for this Saturday's game.
  2. That reminds me, when is that rating thingy supposed to be activated.
  3. Seems to be missing on your posts [<= Needed to edit to change devil from text to icon] Also links no longer open in a new tab [FF 3.6.8]
  4. It's listed as being on. Hopefully they will switch over after Jeopardy.
  5. I wouldn't endow Ryan with those attributes but add talented and he already tried with Schottenheimer this year. He didn't even pretend to be interested. Even experienced powerhouses like Cowher and Gruden (and to a lesser degree Shanahan) want nothing to do with Buffalo until there is proof that the team has a true commitment to winning. Best we could get and probably the perfect stepping stone to a base respectability so one of the young energetic TALENTED guys will at least consider Buffalo. [similar logic for players]. That's assuming the commitment is real and sustained.
  6. TWC Guide has it listed on WTVH (Channel 5) from 7:30 - 10:30.
  7. The tribe is broken. Link to wmf promo
  8. I submit March 14th Link [With a beer chaser ]
  9. If it makes my full priced preseason tickets worth more than $10 I'm all for it. GREED IS GOOD!
  10. NFL Ticket Exchange is run by Ticketmaster; same thing. Link
  11. Hmmm, Listed tickets yesterday on both SH and NFLTE (one listing on the NFLTE even sold within a few hours). Accessed NFLTE via the season ticket interface. Saw the warning on both sites but was not precluded from listing them on either. BBs put a hold on forwarding the extras (why??) and have a block block on my season's period as I have one more payment on them but other than that had no restrictions. Just checked (7/18 ~ 2:45p) and still was able to grab an extra from the BB site and start to set up a sale request through the NFLTE (aborted it before completion as I wasn't ready to list yet, but had no problems). Suggest you try listing again and if you get the same result play Bills Front Office roulette again and hopefully get another answer.
  12. The Bills Ticket Exchange and Stubhub are both options but note that BTE charges the seller 10% and the buyer an additional 10% and SH's kickup is 15% & 10% (+ $12 for Fed EX). Also note that SH stops sales ~ a week before the game unless the seller provides them with the tickets (either physically or electronically) and BTE will not allow the seller to list tickets below the official ticket price (hence the high price on tickets for the PS game). If you buy from a ST holder they have the ability to electronically deliver tickets (their seasons and any extras they bought) which insures you are not getting ripped off. [This may be true for all tickets, I'm not sure.] Be careful at the game since once a ticket is used electronically it is possible to sell the hard copy which will be rejected at the gate. Rare occurrence but not unheard of. If it's too good to be true it probably is. This is especially true for the pro scalpers who have no idea if the ticket they are buying (to sell to you) is legit or not. As I'm sure someone will point out the Trading Post section is the preferred section for ticket sales posts (and this one may be redirected there). Not sure what you are looking for but if you PM me I'll let you know what I have available. Good luck and Have fun!
  13. Guess it's not your year Stussy Jets to star in 'Hard Knocks' Associated Press FLORHAM PARK, N.J. -- Get ready for Rex: Unplugged. The chatty New York Jets and their brash coach, Rex Ryan, will be featured on HBO's "Hard Knocks" training camp series this summer. The team announced Thursday that it was chosen by the cable channel and NFL Films for the five-episode documentary. More drivel HBO show causing quite a ruckus over New York Jets cornerback Darrelle Revis and it's only June Link
  14. Look for an app called Printliminator. Designed to do exactly the opposite of what you are asking (ie can eliminate ads and extra frames to get just the content you need) but if you choose to keep all I think it will do what you want. Easy to use and powerful. Also could go with a screen capture app.
  15. Being John Malkovich is one of my favorites. Also John Carpenters - Vampires once his world of vampire dos and don't is understood. The only problem with films of this genre is the catch-22 that most times the description of the film gives the premise away. Most of the fun is in watching the wierdness unfold. Best weird factor I ever had was watching an old movie on the dorm TV on the down side of a "journey" . Came into the middle of some old English film where the character had been brainwashed and every time a chime sounded he transformed into an alter personality. Proof positive that the strangest things always happen on a trip.
  16. When plastic bags are outlawed only outlaws will have plastic bags.
  17. For those of us without those big 'guvmint' pensions it just reset at the 1st episode on A&E about a week ago.
  18. Since time is not a factor try the rideshare section of Craigslist. It's not unusual to see listings wanting items delivered or someone who has room in a van/trailer that is trying to get some gas money. Post in the nearest major city near your parents and near yourself and check out other cities that you would be willing to travel to to pick up the dryer. Offer 50% of the best price you see for shipping.
  19. Considering that his mother is probably Mrs Bates the house would technically be his, no?
  20. And the corollary; The further away someone(s) walking down the street is from the sidewalk the faster and closer you drive by them (over 3 feet and a horn blast is optional).
  21. Last year they clearly defined when each seniority year could buy tickets via one consistent mailing. This year it wasn't mentioned that a staggered date system would be used, but I wouldn't read too much into that because there has NEVER been consistency in the process. Regarding the lack of ability to buy individual games it COULD be a seniority issue but starting this year they also will not allow you to buy extras if you are not paid up in full or "officially" (per a notation in your account and based on a hard copy acceptance vs emailed or phone verified) on their 6 month payment plan. I was paid up to date with no notation, called them yesterday to explain and after a 5 minute wait for a ruling was told that I would be allowed to buy tickets. When I finally got to the site today the payment was credited (ie 4 of the 6 payments were paid) but it said I still owed the 5/27 payment and there was no option to buy tickets. When I called to try to get it corrected they took my order with no questions before I even had a chance to plead my case. BTW I've got 20 years seniority and a pretty certificate to prove it. Good Luck!
  22. It's working; it's just that the smartazz that created it linked it to itself.
  23. That argument may have some academia merit and I agree in principle but in the real world it died when beta was supplanted by vhs. In a successful test at the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga over the past two years, engineers ran a Bloom box on natural gas for 6,000 hours and found it to be twice as efficient as a boiler burning natural gas, with 60 percent lower carbon emissions. 10/08 Article Personally, until utopia shows up I'll take an interim solution that is both economically and enviromentally superior to what is currently in use. Reminds me of the old joke about an engineer and physicist who were told that they could have their way with a young beauty but could only approach her from half the current distance each 10 seconds. How did you jump from 'infusing .... with solar energy' to insinuating that bloom is claiming the box is a solar convertor? If you want the basics on infusing in regards to fuel cells look here or take "Science for Liberal Arts Majors 101". As far as running photovoltaic generated electricity through a bloom box you are right; it makes as much sense as the economics and efficiency of using solar energy to make electricity directly but again I didn't see that proposed in the article. Please elaborate Mr Peabody.
  24. Considering that the scores from the ATL and IND games were just posted about a week ago I wouldn't hold my breath waiting.
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