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Everything posted by DieHardFan

  1. Those airline type 3 or 6 oz bottles work great. Just don't use for carbonated stuff or they leak. 50 cents at Walmart.
  2. Ralph is 92 and has a broken hip Davis is 82 and has acted like he has dementia for years. Ralph wins geriatric competition. Raiders fought for the win last week to give Davis a winning season before he kicks. They should lose this week to give the decade older Ralph the same.
  3. Cmon, Slammer you've been around long enough to know that there are multiple classes of members. Apply for membership in the "In Crowd" and if accepted you can post them. Don't look at it as unfair, moderator arrogance is one of the last bastions of non-political correctness.
  4. Take a look at the Trading Post forum
  5. Sad day for the Bills when parking is more expensive than a ticket to the game.
  6. 1) Straight Up (with NO exact pick bonus) 2) When / Where is signup?
  7. Thanks for the post. Didn't realize they were on sale, no emails, no postcards, nothing. Luckily sales for me started today (Thur). Call went right through, no wait at all. Went for the 6 together and best available were in 119 R20 or R24 for aisles. Same availability for OAK, NE and PHI. Didn't look into others since demand for other games is always lower due to the date and even worse if the season has tanked by then. From short wait and fact that computer showed only row 30 for almost any section I suspect they are holding back quite a few. NOTE: I am on the 6 pay plan and stopped paying after the 3rd (as they offered). Was still able to buy extras.
  8. The Steelers have a good approach but as much as I hate them I'd take NE's (specifically Belichick) approach. Inside the NFL had a great roundtable several weeks ago with Jason Whitlock (Fox Commentator) who claims that NE looks into the family make-up and character of the player and uses it as a major decision factor. [it's a video clip on their site but I couldn't get a direct link to it; excellent discussion. ] Sure, talent is important but the "me" guys or the one's that get "lotto rich syndrome" can really hurt team chemistry. The notable exception of course is Moss, but he got him at the right time and dumped him as he started to rot again. The Lynch's and Peter's are great talents but were they worth the baggage? The Steelers have also been hurt (although not as significantly) in this area. Rothlisberger's (apparent) change in attitude after his suspension has stepped up his game and the Steelers as a whole IMO.
  9. Pre-CBA = Old Math; Will need New Math for lockout or new agreement. Think of it as either a no interest loan for Ralph or a down payment on next season's tix.
  10. Invoices are out. Neither rain, nor snow nor CBA will stop the collection of s. The net increase in my lowers from last year was 12.5%. As PTR stated it's based on the 9 game home schedule. If the 18 game season goes into play I'm sure that all bets are off. Payment plan is down from 4 to 6 with the first two due by 4/5 then a hold until a new CBA has been signed. Invoice page has a link to a pdf that explains the refund policy (no refund for the premium shakedown fee, they just extend the agreement by a year). Link to PDF EDIT: If you go to the online invoice page it's still set up for 6 payments "6 Month Plan, 16.67% will be charged now; 16.67% March 31 through June 30 and then 16.65% July 29, 2011." Just talked to ticket office and you can do EITHER but 4 payment plan is 4 invoices paid manually and like last year the 6 payment plan is automatically taken out on the last business day of the month starting 2/28. Per the online text the first payment is grabbed when you sign up but per the ticket office it's not taken until 2/28.
  11. T.O. blames owners, coaches for lackluster season CBSSports.com wire reports
  12. Not sure about 11am (the call described above was ~11:45a) but it is up now. Must be the NFL trumps ticketmaster. Thanks for the heads up McHammer. [if a mod can change the post title to say it is up again please do so, else I'll close it in a bit.]
  13. Newer Update: (I know no one gives a sh*t, but it's my mission now) Found out you can sell as INDIVIDUAL vs ST Holder directly on NFL Ticket Xch site. Difference is that they take 15% cut vs 10%. This site is one thing that NFL does right. Both time got very helpful CS gals. This one did a 3-way call to Bills TO and got the same dummy George. Got a better dumb answer (Site went down either Fri or Sat; we told ticketmaster and they have no idea when it will be fixed. Literally had a couple of duhs in his excuse ). She walked me through how to list as individual and said that they would honor the 10% commission if I called in after the sale. She also reported the situation to her manager who had been told the problem had been fixed (who runs the office anyways? Biff from BTTF?). Ain't nepotism grand. Direct link to NFL Ticket Exchange is : http://www.ticketexc...master.com/NFL/
  14. Oh ye of little brain. One man's suck team is another man's pushover team. Sales to visitors have never been better. If you are going to travel to watch your team play better to have them play a patsy team and get a win then risk going all that way and get disappointed. Most assume a 1-8 team is a not much of an opponent. Reason I needed access to the site was to cancel a dup listing for some mediocre extras in S123 R19 that just sold on StubHub for $99 per seat. Please point out the 'plenty' to me, I'll take all they've got. In fact I'll give 10% of the profit to the ones that are Bills fans. ==============Sorry TS; Damned multiquote is combining these two replys ========================== Sadly neither Ticketmaster nor the NFL Exchange appeared to have any knowledge that a problem existed. The front office knew about it but didn't make it seem like it was a priority.
  15. Update: (In case anyone gives a sh*t) After being directed to 3 wrong numbers via BB Tix office => Ticketmaster => NFL Tix Xch got through to someone who tried to help. Had to read her the barcode numbers off all the tickets but she checked and found that they were not listed. [No surprise, I saw that myself when looking at their inventory]. More importantly she noted it in her phone log so I have at least a chance of disputing any sale of the tickets. Good Number is 888-635-5944
  16. Tried to access the season ticket management page and it's rosened ™ Talked to "George" at One Bills Drive and got the expected lackadaisical and misinformed response. According to him it has been down since Friday but 'no worries' because no one can buy or sell tickets until it's fixed. However if you go to ticketmaster there are tickets for sale just not the ones that were listed via the account management access link. And so far I've found no way to unlist them (as I need to because I just sold them on StubHub). Good to know the support team is just as inept as their on field counterparts. Go Bills!
  17. It's hard to imagine it not hap-penn-ing in the can. (And I always thought that dibs guy was gay)
  18. To answer the inferred question here read up on torrents (if you have a 1960's 8th grade education or a modern day HS degree you should have no problem understanding the technical aspects) and make sure you do your 'research" gathering to a virus and trojan protected PC. If you have the resources to a dedicated hard drive or computer. Just remember that what you are doing is illegal so don't be blatant or showy or anything else that would make someone want to make an example of you.
  19. Hell, I'd rather do Penn in the can. (and no I'm not gay like the guy who will ask me if I am).
  20. Conversely buying a ticket to an event doesn't give you the RIGHT to dictate your version of correct behavior on 70K people. You and 90% of the people that would buy a ticket to an NFL game know the environment, if you don't like or condone it then don't buy a ticket. If enough others feel that way things will change. If you want to spread your gospel go to a hip-hop concert and try to convert that crowd. You think NFL fans are abusive, profane and vile? I can almost guarantee that you wouldn't leave untouched. On the other extreme sneak in a few beers, jump up when you are excited and start the wave at an opera and you likely won't make it to the 2nd act before getting tossed. And can the phony sorry. Sorry == Passive aggressive cliche that my opinion is more important than yours.
  21. Have Gun Will Travel [currently reruns on Encore Westerns) May take a few shows to develop a taste for it as Richard Boone became the stereotypical bad guy later in his career and his Paladin character in the show comes off rather pompous at first. But if you like westerns with good plots and character development you will enjoy it..
  22. If I was being pedantic (when in Rome or should I say when at TSW or maybe just when corresponding with a TBD mod ...) I would ask you to define what is the "home page" ; the classic IT definition of Two Bills Drive or is it The Stadium Wall, or as the banner link suggests is it the Buffalo Bills Forums page ... but due to my high regard for you I'll stick to the inferred question. The banner always did resolve to TBD and IMneverHO if for no other reason than I'm used to it going there, yes. However, being the congenial guy that I am, if it is deemed preferable to link it to the forum page I would suggest the banner be modified to Buffalo Bills Forums. As the kids say; just saying.
  23. The "Two Bills Drive" banner link resolves to the forums page, not the twobillsdrive page.
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