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Everything posted by DieHardFan

  1. There are two issues here. LOCAL blackouts and the FU'd situation with the Bill's blackout area when someone in the Utica market has their games blacked out. (CBS is served out of Syracuse, yet even Fox games from a local station are blacked out too). The area one should have been addressed years ago.
  2. Also, if you list the tickets from your ST acct the kickback is 10%, if you sign in directly to NFL TixEch it's 15%. And once you sell them your hard tickets become void, presume the same principle applies when a ticket contained on the new "card" is printed or a hard copy is made.
  3. Huh? You need a hard copy or pdf of the ticket to sell on SH. MLB has worked out a deal with them to use barcode numbers. NFL did not. So unless they change their methodology no ST holder can sell their tickets on SH.
  4. Smooth move by the NFL/Bills. Just chatted with StubHub rep and they are still figuring out how to handle this.
  5. If you tone down the attitude and talk to your ST rep they have been know to free up some of the tickets based upon the funds you have already paid.
  6. I was able to purchase individual game tickets during the STH period last year while on a plan. You just need to be current with your payments. You can not sell tickets on the NFL Exchange until you have paid enough to cover them. They are released from earliest date first and you must request it from your rep. However they do mail you your hard tickets on schedule even if you have a balance due.
  7. From invoice: Payment Plans These payment plans are available at this time. Select the payment plan of your choice. Single payment Make one payment for the full value of the order 6 Month Payment Plan - Your credit card will be charged 1/6th of the total balance on or around the first business day of each month, April-September. Please note that the first payment of the plan will be charged upon enrollment. 4 Month Payment Plan - Your credit card will be charged 1/4th of the total balance on or around the first business day of each month, April-July. Please note that the first payment of the plan will be charged upon enrollment. Pay Invoice in Full Season Renewal: Make one payment today for total amount.
  8. Just so it's clear: Season Ticket "renewal in December" meant give us $25 per ticket and we will either take your ticket to the Miami game and give you one of the clubs we can't sell or a $1.50 tshirt. Can't tell you if there will be a ticket price increase (or other changes) and BTW the $25 is non-refundable. But you will get all the koolaid you can drink.
  9. If you want to go find a season ticket holder with an extra seat and have them upgrade it to a club seat (current promo if they slap down $25 per seat to lock them into renewing before they announce the price increase).
  10. The Blind Owl band (bluegrass band out of Albany, NY) had their trailer broken into after a gig at The Sportsman (?) last night. Will post actual location when I find out. Please be on the lookout and share this with others in the area. Thanks. List of things stolen for any who are on the look out. Take a look at our photos to see closer details, 1 Weber Mandolin (Gallatin) Light natural finish, 1 1942 Kay Stand up, Double Bass, 1 Fender p-Bass Fretless, Black, 1 Stelling Banjo, 1 Martin Guitar, 1 Ashdown Bass Head, 50 or so Blind Owl Band T-Shirts, CD's, Hot Sauce, and Jame's Purse. https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Blind-Owl-Band/155149401214962
  11. Great, that's cheaper than Direct(ly up yur azz)TV
  12. Totally agree, now you just have to convince Ralph. My seasons are in the 1st row of Sec 114. If anyone complains to the cops about you standing you will be politely asked to sit down and if you persist will be told that if you don't you will be ejected. This started 2 or 3 years ago, a little after you had to get your signs cop tested before you could bring them into the stadium.
  13. Oh good this argument again....Since you seem to be so noble and altruistic please send me your CC number and I will give you first crack at any tickets I sell. I'll even give you a $10 a ticket discount if you guarantee that a Bill's fan's azz will be in the seat. ST holders listing from their account get nabbed 10% to directly list on the NFLX. If you don't list using the acct it's 15%. It may be possible to list at the premium rate by doing so directly. [This is last year's rates, may be changed this year.]
  14. How's a guy that finishes 82 out of 99 in his own FB pool all of a sudden become a FB expert?
  15. F*cking Cincinnati!
  16. Thought he was too set in his ways (especially in the play calling arena) and way too lenient on a team that certainly needs some discipline, but he appears to be a standup man of honor. I wish him well as an OC (in another division).
  17. Great LAMP post but other than that useless. Must be a 3 yr amnesia virus going around since no one (admittedly didn't wade through all 6 pages) seems to remember that Gailey was somewhere around 4th or 5th choice, That worthless schottenheimer jr even refused an interview. Change the poll to an ordered top 10 choices or to who you think will actually accept the job and it may be more than a dream list.
  18. Bring a blank sign and about 3 different colored markers, Even if you don't use them it drives the Boss Hog EC Sheriff at gate 9 up the wall!
  19. If they want their money they seem to be prompt. Had to work on opening day and emailed a ticket to a friend for the opener and gave the wrong hard ticket to another. They locked him out (as they should) but after a half hour of going up the chain they made a once in a lifetime exception and allowed him to pick up a replacement at willcall for a $5 printing fee (cheezy but still understandable). Told them to get it from him as I was already getting dirty looks for being on the phone so long but they never asked him for it. Got a call Monday at 9:10a asking how I was going to pay for the $5 fee. Wouldn't put it on account but insisted that I pay by CC immediately or they would freeze my remaining tickets. That's what 20 years of 'loyalty' buys.
  20. Guess I'll have to cut a hole on top of the brown bag to let the cap show through.
  21. Don't really get your point here but if you want to hurt the NFL stop buying their overpriced "Official NFL" jerseys, hats, thongs etc. The mark-up is ALL nfl profit and the 'quality' issue that some try to push is not only BS but irrelevant unless you plan on wearing it for the next 20 years. . And if you pay attention you'll notice the guys who need the latest nfl swag are usually the least knowledgeable and most passive fans anyways. Plus, if you live in NYC so you have access to some of the best knock-offs in the country.
  22. http://nflcommunicat..._headline_stack From the NFL.com page. There's more but it's just boilerplate stuff. NFL Network reached multi-year agreements with Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks, the country’s respective second- and sixth-largest cable providers, for carriage of NFL Network and the NFL RedZone channel, it was announced today. NFL Network and NFL RedZone will debut in Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks homes beginning this Sunday September 23, with full launch before Thursday, September 27. ...... For Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks, NFL Network will be available on the Digital Basic and Sports Pass tiers, and NFL RedZone will be available to Sports Pass customers.
  23. Good detailed info but probably (hopefully) not applicable here. The standoff was because TWC wanted the NFLN carried on the basic Digital tier and they either wouldn't let them or they couldn't agree on a price (been a long time). Redzone wasn't around. Hopefully TWC won the battle.
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